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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. There is a well documented support function https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new You can also go via X @evernotehelps The feedback feature recently returned feedback@evernote.com - but this doesn't get a reply. Just a way of suggesting improvements.
  2. The screen shot you provided on 17 August is definitely the classic version of the web interface. If you had the latest version you would be able to display the version number with the release notes and you would have the Home icon at the top of the sidebar which would be in black as per this screen shot from my account... So select Go to new version on the screen you shared from settings and see how that works for you. As for your original question... Note duplication is, as has said by others, via the three dot menu...
  3. The Free plan is available to all. Nobody HAS to pay other than to receive specific functions that are available to subscriptions only.
  4. The image you showed earlier is not the new version. Please let us know the version number you are using.
  5. Pen support seems to be limited in Evernote. You can open a support ticket.
  6. You're on an old version of the app. See what happens when you get 10.53.1 which is rolling out.
  7. Actually, feedback is available to do via Email to feedback@evernote.com But remember this isn't a support option. Just a place to submit ideas. So stick with @gazumped's support options.
  8. I think you missed the difference... Evernote is not intended to be a word processor or page layout application. It is a note taking program and there is and never has been pagination provided. If that's what you need then possibly a different program would suit you better.
  9. As noted on your other question... We don't generally see many API developers here in these forums. You may need to reach out to the API community...
  10. We don't generally see many API developers here in these forums. You may need to reach out to the API community...
  11. You are correct that whilst reminders are fully in place they cannot be backdated. That isn't an entirely unreasonable way of working. A reminder in the past is not a reminder since nothing will trigger in arrears. I don't think you could plan for reminders in the past ever returning.
  12. To be honest, backing up the local data directories isn't a great approach. The cloud version is the master data so your local data will be overwritten by the cloud. Better than nothing at all but much better to generate a set of ENEX files which can then be uploaded as needed. The evernote-backup project will create the ENEX files on a schedule. I understand that Backuppery will do something similar.
  13. I'm not particularly techie but I got evernote-backup working without too much effort. I've never used Backuppery but those that have report that it can be a longish process with the first pass.
  14. For sure, the recent price increases are part of the problem. Add to that the almost simultaneous major problems with the desktop apps and many folk felt the need to complain. Without doubt, in general, people will register dissatisfaction rather than contentment.
  15. It depends the view selected in My Tasks. The Notes view shows the notebooks.
  16. @Kasey Chang Thanks for the clarification. I now understand what you have been attempting. My experience is that this function works exactly as expected. I can add the Action Bar to my device desktop and can add the additional widgets as needed. However, I have updated to v10.53.1 and not the version that you had on 4 August. If you have the latest version and still suffer this issue then you will need to take @Dave-in-Decatur's advice and open a support ticket.
  17. Search using your favourite search engine. Some users have recommended FileHippo. Use at your own risk.
  18. I've always used the Due date interchangeably to do on, complete by or start on. It depends on the activity. I don't think about it. It just feels intuitive for me. Thanks @Mike P for the nudge to think of repeating tasks differently. I've always used them for things like 'pay software subscription' when it needs to be done, say, monthly.
  19. Great news that the note counts are sorted. I'm sorry to say I don't understand what you mean by '"toolbar" widget'. I don't have such a thing available to me inside the Evernote Home screen. On the device desktop the only widget that might be similar is the action bar but that doesn't produce anything like the screen you shared. I'm sorry to be dense, could you describe the steps necessary to reproduce the issue?
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