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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. Help, About The direct download includes the letters ddl and the the store version store or winstore (not absolutely sure for the store but anything other than ddl) If you have the Store version uninstall through the Store. Then download the direct version from evernote.com and install that. Login and wait while your data is restored. Then change the data location.
  2. @dave23 Can you check whether you have the direct download from evernote.com or from the Microsoft Store? The Store version doesn't support the option to change the data location. This is one of a number of limitations working through the Store.
  3. Do you have your laptop at to Sleep or Hibernate? If that's the case Evernote is still stored in its last state on the hard disk but of course not running. If you shut down then Evernote will restart on login next day. You can change the setting in Evernote so that it does not start when you login to your computer. I don't know what the answer might be for the web browser. Have you tried a different browser? If you use Chrome then try Firefox or vice versa.
  4. Best off to use Revo Uninstaller to get rid of the old version, if that is what you want. Then reinstall from the latest download from evernote.com 10.63.2 is the latest release.
  5. I make no comment on the appropriateness of the number of clicks. I just pointed to the process. To be fair, you have to do the first one to get a full list of notes. The last click is only necessary if you want to change the order from the default. So it is possible with just one click from the Notes list.
  6. Open All Notes (the Notes icon in the sidebar Click the Reminders icon - the bell symbol at the top of the list of notes Sort by clicking the sort/filter icon and choose sort by date.
  7. 10.63.1 was stopped and 10.62.5 reinstated. Howe3ver I do now have 10.63.2
  8. That was suggested three years ago but, instead, the feature was retained for Windows and added to Mac desktop. Do you know something that would indicate something else?
  9. Probably not. I suspect it would be easier to add an amendable last modified field which doesn't have a system function. Until then others suggest adding a date in the note title or as a tag on the form yyyymmdd Of course, you can use the Created Date which is amendable.
  10. 10.63.1 is about to start becoming available for direct download. Amongst other things I'm told: - Fixes an issue where the 'Add filters' and 'Go to' sections were not appearing within search suggestions. - Improvements and fixes to AI-powered search.
  11. I've lost count of how many times users assert this only to discover that they had managed to create a new, empty account by accident. It is VERY easy to open an account in error when attempting to login. Otherwise you should open a support ticket.
  12. You obviously know more than others but your rudeness and personal attack is uncalled for.
  13. If you don't want your data shared then don't opt in to the AI Powered Search. The UI changes are under review after the response to this beta release. I understand the Standard Search is to be reviewed with the next release.
  14. There's area a number of discussions on this issue. For now I understand that the launch of the AI Powered Search introduced done changes to the UI and some of these changes are due to be further adjusted in response to some of this feedback. It will await a new release to see what returns.
  15. We have very occasionally seen this issue in the past. The resolution has always been to fully uninstall the Evernote app using Revo Uninstaller. Reboot the PC and then reinstall the current version downloading the latest installer from evernote.com
  16. This is well documented in other threads and earlier in this thread.
  17. You are almost certainly still using the out dated web client. Take a look at the many posts looking at this. My recommendation for action is here.
  18. It may be the next release when this is fully restored.
  19. Evernote v10 below 10.60 is now unsupported on the desktop and in the process of being withdrawn. If you decline the upgrade you will, soon, find Evernote unavailable for you. If the latest version really won't work then you should urgently open a support ticket and ask what they can do to assist. If you have a Free account then you'll need to pay for support. Otherwise make an urgent plan to move on.
  20. With Win 11 you simply tap Win+Shift+S and you get the cross hairs. Highlight the area you want to capture (just as you would with the old Evernote screen capture) then open a new note and paste the clipboard into the note. If you want to automatically create a new note after capturing the clip then you can link the Windows screen capture directory too an an Import Folder in Evernote. This will create a new note containing the clipped area just as you were familiar with proper to Win 11. If you don't like this workaround, please complain to Microsoft who broke the integration.
  21. Just uninstall the old version. They are not connected on your PC. If the uninstaller breaks v10 along the way, just reinstall v10 to get things going again.
  22. The third option is to ignore the warning banner while you make your plan. Nothing will stop overnight.
  23. And if the software just stopped working? For months we've been warning that the writing is on the wall for the older apps. In this case, the owners are damned if they tell you and damned if they don't. Instead of being annoyed, make your plan for your way forward. You can get rid of the warning by updating or choosing a different service.
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