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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. No there isn't a sort by size available. However, no notes are lost when you downgrade. Notes that exceed the Free account size limit are effectively locked so you cannot edit them but you can view them, print them and, I think, export them. You are restricted by the Free account limits on note size and data transfer but otherwise your existing notes will be unaffected.
  2. Basically the only time that the default setting triggers is when you add a PDF by dragging and dropping INTO the body of a note, or attaching via the blue + button and selecting attachment. It doesn't work when the process requires a note to be created. So drag and drop a PDF onto the sidebar or import into a new note via an Import Folder always adds the note as a Single Page View.
  3. Just to note, the desktop apps are now up to 10.61.10 so be sure to use that version (or newer) when reinstalling. Sometimes it benefits resolving an issue by rebuilding the local data. You can achieve that by signing out of your account and choosing to remove your data from the device. When you sign back in your data is rebuilt. Other times the best option is a clean reinstall. Achieve this by uninstalling with Revo Uninstaller. This not only cleans the local data but rejoices all potentially corrupted configuration files.
  4. If you decide to go down the export to ENEX route then you may find the evernote-backup project on Github or the Backupery software helpful. I use the Github project successfully but it requires some setting up. It is free to use. Download https://github.com/vzhd1701/evernote-backup/releases/latest The setup instructions are under Usage on this page: https://github.com/vzhd1701/evernote-backup/#Usage Backupery is a paid for service that I think is potentially easier to set up. There is a free trial but I don't know if there are limitations on this. https://www.backupery.com/products/backupery-for-evernote/
  5. Thanks for your question. First of all, a reminder that since we are just fellow users we may ask some questions first so that we can offer suggestions. The most needed but off information are to know which version of the Evernote software you are using together with your operating system. It would also help to know the exact steps we can follow to reproduce the issue. Finally I would ask if there were any changes to your software when this issue first started? For example did you change the Evernote software from the older so-called Legacy version to the new v10 product. Also do you have an example of one of the notes that should have been located that you could share with us? You could anonymise the content of you wish.
  6. A Mac specialist will need to comment but my recollection is that Evernote doesn't explicitly support pens. It might be good to also seek an answer in Mac computer support areason the web.
  7. Hi @Frédéric Sagaer, welcome to the forums. The request for outlining function in Evernote long pre-dates Bending Spoons which has declared firmly that its current aim is to tackle the speed and stability problems. So adding outlining isn't on its agenda at the moment. This is obviously one of the more requested features but for whatever reason it hasn't been implemented in over a decade - long before the Bending Spoons purchase of the business. Whether there are millions of users asking for this I doubt Those of us who lurk around the forums offering assistance often find ourselves stuck with confirming that some requested feature isn't available and then offering ways of achieving the desired ends by other means. It isn't, generally, a put down but rather offering a way to achieve what is requested using another tool linked into Evernote because that's all that is available. By all means advocate for this feature. I hope you have voted for this thread, submitted feedback@evernote.com or even opened a support ticket. In the meantime all we can do is say that while it isn't available an external application such as Workflowy is all that is available.
  8. @Brandon Krieger As you have realised by now, the attempts to help you are all from well intended fellow users of Evernote. We really want to assist but we are also beyond our abilities to intervene in the account issues. I appreciate your efforts to explain but there are many things that remain unclear to me because I'm not party to how you work and how these various new accounts were created. I could guess and suggest approaches to resolving things but they really would be slightly-informed guesses. The truth is that there is nobody here in the forums regularly that has the power or influence to assist you. If you search around you will find an Email address for @Federico Simionato. He is the product lead for Evernote. You may be able to contact him directly and then unlock access to someone who can assist. Otherwise, you really need to persist with the support guys.
  9. Apparently I don't understand your requirement. I'd suggest you open a support ticket direct with Evernote support.
  10. Account and Billing options are available to all users Free and paying. I'd recommend Account in you circumstances. Don't try Technical Support. The link provided takes you directly into the area accessible to Free users.
  11. Right click the Title and select either All Pages or SIngle Page. There is also a setting that allows you to select the default view although the default only triggers in certain circumstances.
  12. Try a support ticket for Billing. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?guest=true This looks like Pay Now isn't working.
  13. Off the top of my head, I can only recall the ability to change the location of Evernote data at the moment. I'd have to do some research to come up with other things. Basically, the store versions run inside a sandbox. So interaction with the OS is sometimes restricted. I think @PinkElephant is likely to have better memory than me...
  14. The data isn't stored in the AI engine for longer than needed to do your search. You opt in when you use the AI Search on a case by case basis. I think the Comms will start once the roll out goes beyond the initial 10% of users.
  15. You see them when you come to the point choosing whether to opt in or not. The opt-in is very similar to the AI Cleanup. The information is provided and you can decide to go ahead or not. If you decide not then you continue to use the standard search that you've always known. You can dismiss the opt in dialogue permanently or leave it opt in each time you choose to go ahead.
  16. Just got v10.54 for Android and can confirm that display of recurring tasks on the Home screen and the sidebar tasks popout had the same issue as reported by iOS users. However the tasks can be seen. If I open the note containing the task then I can apparently mark the task as completed. So definitely not right but I can at least work around the issue.
  17. I think, when it rolled out, a blue new feature flash will apear alongside the search box in the sidebar. The AI stuff will be like the AI Cleanup. It will be optional and you opt in if you want it.
  18. What @gazumped days plus, best to log out of the account on the devices you will not use before revoking access.
  19. AI Powered Search is enabled at the account level. The last I saw it was available to about 10% on a gradual roll out. Presumably paused at each stage to ensure problems are captured before too many people are affected.
  20. I am increasingly uncertain about using Evernote on Samsung devices. There seem to be many situations where Samsung kit and Evernote fail to play well together. What I can't tell is whether that simply reflects the fact that Samsung has the corner on the Android market. So just many Samsung devices means it is inevitable that there are more reports of issues with them. That isn't to defend this issue at all or to suggest it is the fault for owning a Samsung phone. If anything it points to a significant area of fault finding needed to rule out the device/manufacturer. I could say that I don't experience this issue on my OnePlus phone but given that it is intermittent the best I can say is that it didn't just happen to me. Since I don't do much editing on my mobile device I might not expect to be affected anyway. 🥴
  21. This hasn't been a feature of recurring tasks. Evernote recurring tasks work by creating the next occurrence when the current one is completed.
  22. The max number of individual notes was increased to 100 sometime back. Best to export via notebook when there is no limit.
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