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Ralph77 last won the day on January 27 2019

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  1. Until now I didn't even know what the official name for these was - but I saw it referenced this way in the change log for Android version 10.98.0, so now at last I know! So, by way of a screenshot, this is what is meant by a "link in the header area of clipped notes": I have some queries about these, and am hoping for some pointers as to how to deal with them. My main query is really whether these can be disabled - preferably altogether, but especially in Android? One of the issues in Android is that, as far as I'm aware, the links cannot be edited or removed. If you wish to edit or remove one of these links, it needs to be done on the PC. The other issue is that I simply don't want them at all - I'd much prefer a plain text link in the body of the note. Any ideas please?
  2. I did get a response today on Twitter following @mackid1993's suggestion a while back in a different thread that he'd had success contacting EN support in that way. It did take quite some time for the response (I had all but given up on it) but it was encouraging - they are working on this issue. Thanks EN Support, and thanks @mackid1993!
  3. Support this 100%. Looking after oneself and one's health is more important than what is after all nothing more than a collection of ones and zeros and people's reactions to those ones and zeros. Thank you for the assistance you have provided in this and other threads 🧤
  4. Ha, I have the opposite gripe: I hate 'webclips' on the mobile app and have to manually delete each one every time I use the EN app to bookmark a website. The old v8 Android app used to just place a link into the note (as Joplin does) rather than clip the entire page. I can't find any way to turn this off?
  5. Thanks @Jon/t! Just received 10.96.3 this morning down here in the antipodes, so will keep an 👁️ out for it.
  6. User @mackid1993 has suggested that it might be an idea to reach out 😉 to them on X (formerly known as Twitter) by sending a DM to @evernote there. I've not yet tried this myself. Hope it helps!
  7. 100% support that. Ok, mea culpa! I'm sorry for causing such a huge sh1#storm over my use of one word, "lies". I'm sorry, @Jon/t And ... can I at least attempt to lighten the rather sombre mood of this hitherto otherwise joyous discussion by admitting that I can't restrain myself from making the somewhat ironoc observation that this is, after all, a thread called "Evernote THE WORST EXPERIENCE" 😉
  8. Of course it may be an Android issue, but Opera is continuously updated, so...? Whether it's an Android issue or not, Evernote is the only app I've noticed that is having this issue, so if there is some incompatibility it's their job to fix it, and to work with other stakeholders (eg. Google and Opera) to find the solution. Surely our observations and reports in this thread so far should be sufficient for them to be getting on with resolving the issue?
  9. Thanks for the recommendation - I've installed it and will use it for a few days and see what I think. First impressions: EN works with it ✅✅ Text reflow on pinch-to-zoom works, but only in Reader mode ✅ The reason Opera has always been my preferred browser is because it's the only browser I know of that supports the above function. With every other browser, sure you can pinch to resize text, but the text doesn't reflow when you zoom in, so the article becomes unreadable. But at least having it available in Reader mode is not a bad compromise. Nevertheless even if Vivaldi becomes my preferred browser, it doesn't fix the issue for me because my default browser is Better Open With https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.aboutmycode.betteropenwith
  10. Sorry I thought he worked for EN, otherwise how would he know? And don't assume anything. Not ideal? You are a master of understatement. Opera is very mainstream and this bug has never reared its head before now. Browser, very likely, as you'll read in the other thread. And/or could be a server-side issue or a database issue. It may be a complex interaction between many things - but so far, EN is the only manifestation of this issue!
  11. Just a thought - given that this is presumably only affecting a small number of users (although if it were Chrome that were affected rather than Opera, I'm sure that number would skyrocket!) and given that reverting to an older version of EN from long before the issue presented itself does not help (which I think points to a server issue) - could it perhaps be related to a database issue? And if so, is there any maintenance that users can perform on their database?
  12. No, this is an Android bug, described here, and related to the last few versions being incompatible with certain Android web browsers https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/topic/152371-android-v-10921-cant-open-links/ Most annoyingly, reverting to a previous version that used to work doesn't help. So it also appears to be related to something messed up on the server side.
  13. If only all the longstanding bugs would be "fixed in the next update" instead of just those some spotty dev has introduced in the last version! How about fixing that none of my links work anymore making this $160 program essentially useless to me? And whose freaking idea was it who said "hey, I know how to make this productivity app even more productive - instead of nice crisp black text on a white background, let's make all the text gray instead, because hey, that's so much easier to see than black..."
  14. Hadn't noticed this one but yes, I concur it's unresponsive for me too. They keep making changes no-one asked for to unimportant things (like menu arrangements) when serious bugs languish unresolved. Rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic!
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