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Ralph77 last won the day on January 27 2019

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  1. Well I only wish I'd thought of doing it sooner, as the reinstall has sped things up enormously. I wonder whether the issue arose as a result of updating from Android Legacy to Android v10, instead of first uninstalling Legacy.
  2. I had no trouble getting the credentials from my password manager. The issue was the next step - getting the auth code from Authy (would be the same issue if using Google or Microsoft Authenticatiors). Maybe iOS is different, but in Android you can't just switch back from Authy to EN at this stage. Because as soon as I navigated away from EN it shut itself down. No point coming back to EN with a 6-digit code that expires in 30 seconds when it takes far longer than that to go through the whole login process all over again (most of that time being the multiple 'prove you are a human' puzzles). I would classify this as a bug. If I hadn't had 2FA backup codes noted, I'd've had to log in to EN on a PC and temporarily disable 2FA. Either way, this is far too difficult and frustrating for the average user to manage, and would likely contribute to the average person's opinion that "this bl00dy 2FA business has gone too far these days!".
  3. Sorry have clarified the above now - this was in regard to reinstalling the Android app.
  4. OK well reinstalling the Android app it was a bit of an adventure in itself*, but at first glance it is definitely faster now. I'll refrain from customising my settings too much in the next day or two, see how it fares first. (Just in case it may be a combination of settings preferences that causes the issue.) * I was unable to sign in to the app in the usual way because first it needs username + pwd + humanity detection (no issue) but then of course it needs the 2FA code as well. And there's the issue: because as soon as I leave the login screen to get the 2FA code from my authenticator app, EN closes! And then requires my username + pwd + humanity detection again - and around we go in a merry circle. Not hard to resolve, as I used one of my 2FA backup codes instead. But annoying that it should behave that way.
  5. In contrast I only have about 4000! I will report back once I've done the reinstall, hopefully tomorrow. I'll also try installing it on another device for comparison. Till now I'd just assumed that version 10 was a slug, as it has always been much slower since the update from v8 a few months back. I left it till the last moment to update to v10. So this gives me at least a modicum of hope!
  6. I'm really surprised to hear that the Android app is evidently zippy now, as my experience over the last few months is the opposite. Very sluggish. Can often take around 10 secs to open a note. This is usually most evident on first opening the app. I have zero issues with sluggishness in any other apps. Might try a complete uninstall/reinstall.
  7. @PinkElephant - hmmm, oddly, the only option I get is Share (no Report). Tried both on PC and mobile. Not just for that post either, same for all.
  8. That is indeed just a spam bot, check the html link on the full stop (if you're game... I wouldn't!) and how they posted same to other threads. Is there a way to report fake accounts?
  9. No, in fact the issue is getting worse, with browsers that used to work now not working. Maybe this is a good thing as the increased prevalence may force the developer into action?
  10. Now the bottom navbar (Create, Notes, Notebooks, Tasks, Calendar) just randomly disappears.
  11. Sorry about my slow response - for some reason I didn't receive any email notifications so I was unaware that there had been any responses till I came back here just now. @lawrence5894 thank you for a good giggle 😄 I first noticed these soon after I upgraded from Legacy to version 10, after which they even appeared in old notes that had not been updated in a very long time, long before version 10 was released. Although I could go through each and every note on the PC and remove them manually, this involves a LOT of work, and also has the added disadvantage that it would update the last-modified date of each of those notes, which would be disruptive. @PinkElephant thanks, I appreciate that these are helpful to you, however they are disruptive for my workflow. I don't use web clips and prefer to visit the source website by clicking on its text link which I have already placed within the note body. Anyway, I take it that it's not currently possible to disable the creation of these. I hope that they can be deleted from the Android app one day.
  12. I don't get the cookie dialogue, and no crash, but instead I just get "Log in or sign up to view". Using Android v10.98.0
  13. Until now I didn't even know what the official name for these was - but I saw it referenced this way in the change log for Android version 10.98.0, so now at last I know! So, by way of a screenshot, this is what is meant by a "link in the header area of clipped notes": I have some queries about these, and am hoping for some pointers as to how to deal with them. My main query is really whether these can be disabled - preferably altogether, but especially in Android? One of the issues in Android is that, as far as I'm aware, the links cannot be edited or removed. If you wish to edit or remove one of these links, it needs to be done on the PC. The other issue is that I simply don't want them at all - I'd much prefer a plain text link in the body of the note. Any ideas please?
  14. I did get a response today on Twitter following @mackid1993's suggestion a while back in a different thread that he'd had success contacting EN support in that way. It did take quite some time for the response (I had all but given up on it) but it was encouraging - they are working on this issue. Thanks EN Support, and thanks @mackid1993!
  15. Support this 100%. Looking after oneself and one's health is more important than what is after all nothing more than a collection of ones and zeros and people's reactions to those ones and zeros. Thank you for the assistance you have provided in this and other threads 🧤
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