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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. The last I saw, v10.6 is the scheduled release for the spell check stuff to get attention.
  2. To add my two-pence worth... The EN devs have worked very hard to resolve the scanning issues with the ScanSnap scanners and software. It required changes by both ScanSnap and Evernote. So I do get the document name as the note name with ScanSnap. As @gazumped says, given that there may not be so many Doxie users in the system your request may not be so high on the fix agenda. Using the legacy version may be your best option for the time being.
  3. I'm sorry to hear this and it will be no comfort for you to know that this isn't a widespread issue. First of all you should be able to use the legacy version of Evernote or, indeed, the web interface. I'd suggest a complete uninstall including deleting the data directory. Then, if you still want to use v10, reinstall from scratch.
  4. I'm pretty certain that this is the path for the old version of Evernote. Take a look at the path I posted above... See if that exists on your PC as well.
  5. Yes, it is entirely possible to have both v10 and v6 on the same PC. They should not interfere with one another. But, for this particular issue, be careful not to access the notebook you use with Postach.io in Evernote 10. It is likely to update any notes that are on screen without you doing anything. The first you might know about that would be when blog posts are reformatted. I'd still put money on this being a PI issue - but not much money
  6. A further update... I loaded my Postach.io blog page and for a brief moment (a slow connection moment) I could see the post in all its glory with line spaces. Then the screen refreshed and the line spaces had gone. I suspect an issue at Postach.io.
  7. As well as seeing v6 and v10 content it might need to be created in indepdent Ev ernote accounts. Create something in version6 and then open v10 and who knows what is going on in the background
  8. @jenholl An interesting conundrum. Let me say that there is absolutely no reason to use Evernote 10 for the time being. If your use requires the features/functions of EN 6 then you should feel relaxed using the legacy version. In time v6 will be withdrawn but I doubt that will be anytime soon. Too many things are promised to bring v10 up to speed. This particular issue may not be entirely an Evernote thing. For sure v10 has changed something that affects how Postach.io is recognising carriage returns+line feeds but Evernote might say that the issue is with Postach.io. As a product that uses the API to create the blog pages it may be that Postach.io needs to amend their side to work with the new formats etc. Of course they might be waiting to see when the bulk of their users are with v10. All that said, I can confirm the same result if I update a test Postach.io blog that I have. BUT I get this whether or not I use v6 or v10 of Evernote. So there is an issue but I'm not sure which side of the journey to speak to. I think I'd give Postach.io support a go... It is possible that they have updated their side of the document exchange. Have you changed theme recently or do you pay for Postach.io and have made some custom changes?
  9. The staff response is version 10.6 New releases seem to be every couple of weeks soJanuary might be a reasonable estimate... (Not a promise
  10. Spell Check is now reported as scheduled for version 10.6 Can't say what that will provide - could be everything you want or just a basic option to change/add dictionaries.
  11. Here's a thing... If I paste the code into the note, highlight and select code block then the LFs stick. If I take an existing code block and paste into that the LFs get removed when the note is viewed in the manner described... @Mike P's suggestion to use Ctrl+Shift+V did not, sadly, make a difference.
  12. @Uwe_K You can use the legacy version and version 10 at the same time. They keep their data in entirely different places. So you can have either or both. Provided you didn't choose to unistall the old version but it was removed by the new Evernote then reinstalling version 6.25 should restore everything as previously. Otherwise you may need to spend a short time reorganising the taskbar to reflect your requirements. I think I had to reset the Import Folders so be sure to check that they are working as you require. The communication processes launching Evernote 10 have not been great then, on top of that, we have all missed one or more of the changes even when they were announced. For example, Import Folders were originally announced as being discontinued but since announced that they will return in response to user demand. There were similar challenges with ScanSnap scanning. That has now been restored - albeit with a different workflow. The new version is gradually developing and missing functions returning. Until it does what you need you have the option to stick with the legacy version or, as some of us are doing, work with both discovering how the new version is developing.
  13. OK... here's my suggestion... Please note that I cannpt promise success. But this will leave you in a position to reinstall from scratch. Ensure you have uninstalled Evernote version 10.x with the standard uninstall process/Revo uninstaller. Open Windows File explorer and navigate to %localappdata%\Apps\ If you can see a folder called Evernote then delete it. Now navigate to %LocalAppData%\Programs\ Again if you can see a folder called Evernote then delete that. Finally navigate to %AppData%\ Again, if you can see a folder called Evernote then delete that You have now removed all versions of Evernote 10 8. Download the latest version of Evernote 10 from the website and install 9. Log in to your Evernote account with your username and password 10. Once you are logged in the data files will be recreated and after a short wait you should be running the latest version This really should be a last resort if nothing else works.
  14. It isn't the web clipper that has gone. That is still available. Web clippers are add-ons to the various browsers. The option to clip a screenshot that previously existed with version 6.25 from the system tray (and also Ctrl+Alt+S ) has disappeared from the system tray icon in EN v10. There has been a suggestion that something similar will return but nothing at the moment.
  15. If memory is key to your workflow then clearly, in the case described by the OP, Notion would be the winner. But actually memory only really becomes an issue if the programs provide the same function. As it happens I just checked an EN10.4.4 is currently consuming 440Mb on my PC. So much like Notion in the OP's example.
  16. Yes, this is noted in a number of places. The only means of printing tidyly is to use the legacy version or copy and paste into a word processor...
  17. Here's a guess at what MIGHT be happening. Up to version 10.3.x the location of the EN10 executables was in one location (I've alread forgotten where it was something like %localappdata%\Apps\Evernote\Evernote) and with 10.4 it has moved to %LocalAppData%\Programs\Evernote\Evernote.exe Could it be that the earlier version didn't completely uninstall and the shortcut to start the program is still picking up the uninstalled version 10.3? A thorough clean out - perhaps deleting the data folder (%appdata%\Evernote) as well and allowing everything to rebuild from scratch.
  18. I use ESET anti-virus. No problems here either. This is an issue with the AVG virus database. As others have noted AVAST went away and fixed the issue in their virus records which is what AVG needs to do. If anyone wishes to use free anti-virus then my son who works in the industry tells me that the Windows Defender package is quite well regarded and built in to Windows.
  19. This is one of those things that Evernote could make happen without hassle to the end user but it is possible to do for onesself. Open a Windows RUN box Win+R and type shell:sendto OR go to the sendto folder in Windows Explorer (%AppData%\Microsoft\Windows\SendTo) Create shortcut (I named this Evernote 10) to %localappdata%\Programs\Evernote\Evernote.exe - This is where EN10 is located on my PC YMMV I can now right-click and choose send to Evernote 10
  20. Although I agree that simplicity in a note taking app is a good thing I do feel that being able to align an image or centre it isn't an entirely unreasonable thing and all devices have a left, right and centre to the screen space so that amount of alignment might be a reasonably expected to work. I just ran into this yesterday for the first time. and it was somewhat annoying although not deal breaking.
  21. @pansovic I don't think I've frustrated anyone. I'm just a user like you. I simply reported what had happened and that Import Folders are scheduled to return and then offered a workaround for anyone who wished to use version 10. However, for those who want to keep their old workflows the legacy version continues to offer all it ever offered.
  22. Can you provide a description of the steps necessary to reproduce the issue? I'm afraid that the screen shots don't tell me too much. Typically issues like this can be resolved by completely removing the program including the data directory then installing from scratch. Otherwise, try the legacy version as a more stable alternative.
  23. This is the Windows forum. You might find other Mac users who can give more insight in the parallel Mac issues forum. I don't think I have ever been able to do what you describe in Windows.
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