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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. This is, I think, an issue with the Epson software. It is looking for the old software installation. EN v10 is in a separate location to the old program. I would expect that the legacy program would resolve the issue for the time being. But this will not be a permanent fix. The ScanSnap software was updated by ScanSnap to support the new version of Evernote. I would expect that this is what will be required from Epson to support EN v10 unless you can configure the Epson scanner software to point to the new Evernote program directory.
  2. Evernote 10 for Android has a very different set of widgets (well small set of very different widgets) compared to version 8. We are hoping that these will develop as the application continues to grow but there is no indication of what might or might not be in the pipeline.
  3. In Android you have to go via an APK repository. apkmirror is well regarded although some will advise against it since it isn't an officially supported option. So you can use your favouriate search engine and download the apk if you are comfortable with the potential risk.
  4. I think the issue is that a note printed from Evernote 10 to PDF is not being saved with its text recognisable to the PDF viewer. It isn't a question of being able to OCR an external document but why printing from EN 10 doesn't have its text automatically recognised in the PDF program (as was the case with the legacy).
  5. Definitely not efficient. In Acrobat Pro (I have an elderly version XI) I can go direct to Text Recognition (View|Tools|Text Recognition or via the Tools button with a mouse) and set off the process. Once each page of the document is scanned it becomes machine readable. That's definitely less hassle than the process you seem to have to follow. Perhaps an alternative PDF program might be better for you. Acrobat is too costly for me these days but I'd certainly try FoxIt Phantom as an alternative.
  6. Interesting update... I got v10.12.6 and was just trying to prinbt a further test and Evernote says that printing isn't working quite right yet, was I sure I wanted to proceed... So perhaps something is in hand.
  7. The problem with PDFs is that the 'printer' creates the text inside in multiple editable blocks depending upon how it was laid out in the original document. I could take a block of absolutely plain text and still end up with a line at the bottom of the page which is divided into top of the line on one page and the bottom of the line of text at the top of the next page. If I print to a piece of paper (when did I last do that???) I get the same result. The EN v10 print process is completely dysfunctional for me on Windows 10 20H2 - I suspect that is true for all but YMMV. @Kim Korn I'm not sure that the inability to select text in a PDF is as consistent as you were hoping. I use Adobe Acrobat Pro and am able to open PDFs from inside Evernote 10 and fully select text, copy and paste from the PDF to elsewhere etc. I opened the PDF you provided and I can see that you have the same issue at the bottom/top of pages. I could not, initially select any text BUT that was easily fixed by telling Acrobat to perform a text recognition. So my guess is that somehow EN v10 is dumping the text to the PDF printer without doing a text recognition when we print to it. It seems similar for me with Acrobat. But given that I don't use Nuance I can't do more than guess Is there a setting in Nuance to force text recognition when you print to it? I believe that EN legacy uses the FoxIt PDF viewer so if you use the save to PDF option it is using FoxIt to create the PDF and that does the text recognition when the PDF is created. Legacy is an entirely superior place to create PDFs/print documents.
  8. I believe v10.9 promises a fix for this issue. ANyone any experience?
  9. In Windows, the Print function seems to be a simple dump of the data to the printer queue. The result is a document with cutting off at margins - especially at the top/bottom of pages. Most pages end up with a half line of text at the bottom of the page and the bottom half line of the text at the top of the next page. It isn't consistent and depends somewhat upon the note content. I've attached an example couple of pages from a note. My view is that printing of notes in Windows is entirely unstatisfactory. It is one of the functions that I have to revert to legacy for. Notes - Evernote.pdf
  10. Assuming you have tried the good-old reboot of the PC... The normal first step is to ensure that the application installation has become corrupted. Uninstall the application AND delete the data and program directories that remain. In Windows 10 these are located at: %AppData%\Evernote %LocalAppData%\Programs\Evernote Then reboot and reinstall. This usually fixes this type of issue. If not, as a Premium user, you should log a support ticket.
  11. Curious, I don't believe I've ever had Evernote support from someone in India - douche or not. Perhaps not your finest contribution in the heat of frustration I don't have any of the issues you report. All my notes with images open just fine in Android. I just a moment ago opened a note containing a document. Clicked that and it opened and I was able to send the note (icon in top right corner) to whichever application I wanted including saving to spaces like Google Drive, Dropbox or opening in an editor to make changes and save elsewhere. Neither do I have the multiple copies of notes issue that you report along with others. That, I suspect, may be down to the way I work with Android and desktop but I know it seems to be a problem for some. What I do agree is that the workflow that we have been accustomed to is mostly broken. Things can be done but not in the way we have been used to. My use of the Android app is reatively limited and modest. It isn't my primary interface with Evernote.
  12. No. As you know you still have access to the legacy program. It hasn't been withdrawn. BUT, the removal of the Outlook Clipper was announced quite sometime back so you've had notice. I guess you'll look for something else that does what you want although I'm not aware of any Outlook clippers elsewhere. I gave up using Outlook awhile back and the program I now use has a 'clipper' available BUT it isn't anything more than a fancy macro to send the Email to Evernote. You can certainly create a macro in Outlook which, when used, sends the current Email in view to Evernote.
  13. I believe that there is a way to break out of the circle for Basic users but you are correct that it isn't made easy. I suppose, not unreasonably, the focus is on supporting those that pay for the service. Basic users are confined to peer support with all its limitations.
  14. This issue has been very frustrating. I installed an alternative keyboard (I chose SwiftKey) and the jumping over the word issue isn't present. So I can use SwiftKey instead of Gboard and all is well. It seems, therefore, that the issue indicates that Evernote 10 isn't playing well with Gboard rather than a more general issue with keyboard input. Anybody have the problem not using Gboard? I can suggest trying SwiftKey as a positive resolution.
  15. As suggested, have to opened a support ticket? These forum are designed to be users helping other users. It seems that what has been offered for you isn't the answer you need. The support for Premium users by opening a ticket has to be the best approach. You will need to say which device and version Android you are using.
  16. Like @ehrt74, I'm not experiencing any of the issues you raise. If the cahce clearing suggested doesn't work then you could raise a support ticket. They are answered quite speedily at the moment. It might provide a solution. You will need to say which device you are using and which version of Android is installed.
  17. As a Premium customer you should raise a support ticket. I get duplicates of notebooks which are shared with me in the list but not of my own notebooks.
  18. It doesn't take months if that is the only thing you have to focus on. But there are dozens of niggly 'basic' issues that need attention. They all interconnect and each person affected thinks it is the most important issue that should only take a moment to fix. This issue is even more frustrating in that the images can be copied to a directory on the computer eg you can drag and drop the image to the desktop. The problem is the extra step into a third party application. I can describe what needs to be done in a couple of seconds. It would take me forever to work out the fix. For now I either work with the legacy program which does everything it ever did or I workaround this using the desktop as a temporary staging post for images I need to copy to another application.
  19. Thanks for letting me know. Not sure what is happening here. I grabbed 10.12.4 from an alternative repository and it was absoutely fine. Completely confused but that's not unusual for me
  20. Since the release of version 10.11.5 and also with the latest version 10.12.4 the download of the Windows Installer from evernote.com is exceedingly slow. Today I set my browser off to download and Chrome shows 22 hours left to finish. Firefox is similar. My Internet connection is a 100 Mb/s fibre and everything esle seems to running just fine. Anyone else experiencing very slow download of the Evernote installers? I like to keep a copy of the most recent versions stored in case I need to reinstall.
  21. And me too. It isn't my primary place for accessing Evernote content but it does almost everything I' ve ever done in Android. Just misses the widget that allowed a note to appear on the home screen. But I can manage without that. Well, I've had multiple updates to the new app and all have worked just fine. Each one has seen fewer challenges such that I'm happy working with the Android version. I've seen other threads where potential solutions have been suggested for your problem. Have you tried the option to rename the default notebook in, say, the web interface. Check in Android. Then rename the default notebook back to its original name if that's what you require? THis was a solution for blank content in Android since the early release. Otherwise, you could uninstall, grab the apk from a service such as APKMirror and manually roll back being sure to turn off updates.
  22. This already exists in part... If you open the note without the snippet/card column then the note title appears at the top of the screen when you are scrolling. But not if the snippet column is showing. Similarly if you open the note in its own window then you get the same result. Could that be a workaround until the suggestion you make can be implemented?
  23. I'm assuming you have Evernote version 10. You can export each notebook as an ENEX file before making any changes. In version 10 this is a notebook by notebook process. But is really the best way even with the so-called legacy version as it retains the notebook structures. So export all your notebooks then make whatever changes you desire. Then you can import any notebooks that are missing after the changes.
  24. Sadly, 10.11.5 makes no difference for me. The blank note isue is still trapped by the newer 'window is not responding' restart thing. Happens as regular as clockwork once per day for me. Usually after my first change of focus at the start of the day after starting up in the morning.
  25. @Phil2656 I can't go back to old PNG files. I tried what you describe. My cell phone creates screenshots as JPG files rather than PNG but these import just as I would expect. You could, instead of Emailing to your computer, instead Email directly to your Evernote Email address and the image should appear directly inside Evernote. You could add @your_preferred_notebook_name to the subject and then it should appear as a note in the correct notebook. If it is just old PNGs then I'm not sure I can help you. Have you tried looking in the legacy version of Evernote? If legacy works then perhaps you could drag an image to the desktop then recreate the note. Obviously you'd only do this when you needed to go back to an old PNG.
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