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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. The release of v10.9.10 for Windows sees the trapping of the blank note issue which I take to be a good piece of progress. Now, when the blank note issue arises I see a pop up which says that the window is not responding and the offer to Relaunch or Wait. Relaunch is the quick option to get everything running again. Not perfect by any means but it is a step in the right direction.
  2. Not noticed here BUT I don't paste that many videos into notes and when I do I am often content to see the video player rather than a link
  3. This happens automatically and that cannot be changed. You can then change the options by clicking on the video bar and choosing the display option you require.
  4. There is no answer. Not even all users with Android 10/11 have the new version yet.
  5. Yes, this option doesn't exist in version 10 for Android. We don't know if there is a plan for it to be restored as an option Update: v10.6 which is just released is said to have: Simple note widget and 'Add to home screen' widget
  6. My experience is that it takes around a week for new versions to reach my phone. Of course there are many others still stuck on version 8.
  7. I've been using Evernote since the very beginning. I've never been able to encrypt a note. There has always been the option to encrypt a block of text (but with limitations if the block has bullets). That same option exists in version 10 but with the limitation that to edit the encrypted text you have to de-crypt and then re-encrypt. Encryption in version 10 isn't as fluid as in the legacy but you can still encrypt plain text as previously.
  8. Printing in Evernote v10 is entirely ineffective. There is no page formatting so text is just dumped to the printer queue and is cut at the end of the printer page border. At the moment the only pront option is to print from inside the legacy program. There is no indication of when the printing stuff is going to be addressed. So legacy or nothing.
  9. I'm not sure I can help other to suggest somethings to try... I just created a code block in the legacy version. I can copy and paste into Putty from legacy and version 10 without any problem. I use right click in Putty to paste the clipboard. For some reason my laptop doesn't have an Insert key so I can't Shift+Insert to paste into Putty. You could try an alternative paste keystroke. You could also try recreating the code in a new code block in version 10. It is possible that the transition from legacy to version is changing spaces and replacing them with a different ascii code character. Sorry I can't offer more...
  10. @NezhaFan I don't think there is anything you can do other than switch to the legacy version as @gazumped suggests. Evernote is a cloud service and synchronisation is automatic in the new version of the application. Your only option is to switch to legacy or pay the fee to use the service as you desire. At least, for the time being, the legacy is available.
  11. A number of users recommend the AutoHotKey application which can create a shortcut to do what you require if the new options arren't what you need. Search in the forums for Auto Hot Key or AutoHotKey and you should find what you need.
  12. I don't use ScanSnap Home but I did try v2.0.30 a week or so back with no success. Could I be really cheeky and ask to know your specific configuration for the ScanSnap software? Happy to do this conversation in private. We can always share the final result once we know it works for both of us...
  13. @Ed986532I think you're in a small minority on this. In fact I don't think I've seen this reported ever before. I'd log out and then log back in or even completely uninstall and reinstall (including deleting all the program and data directories). Otherwise, a support ticket would be your way forward since these forums are primarily peer support.
  14. Really pleased to hear its working for you. Can you share your process? Nothing has changed for me, and neither would I expect it without an update released. So if it is working for you something is set up differently for you than me and those who have the experience. If you could share how you get stuff scanned into Evernote - including scanner software configuration that might be a real help. Thanks in advance.
  15. You're ranting at fellow users here. If you want to take this up with Evernote and be sure you are heard then a support ticket or contact the CEO would probably be more effective.
  16. After a number of exchanges on my support ticket this issue was escalated and I have this response from Evernote:
  17. Yes, frustrating. I rather suspect that the issue hasn't just returned but rather you haven't had the misofrtune to experience it. Or perhaps the fortune to have missed it. It has been fairly consistent for those that suffer, they continue to suffer.
  18. I am aware that the EN tech folk are working on this. There is a beta under test at the moment for other features but has trapped the bug so that I can click a reload option and continue. So work is underway. I couldn't say how close this is to being fixed yet.
  19. No. But the current beta has trapped the issue so that gives hope for a solution. Meantime, stick with the legacy.
  20. Notknowing exactly which applications you have in this process, it is a little difficult to test. Perhaps @gazumped has offered a solution... What happens if you store your commands in a code block? Does that simplify the code for you? FWIW, I attempted to replicate this in an SSH window running PUTTY. The text from a note is copied, pasted and the command executed regardless of the text being regular font or from a code block. Perhaps it is a combination of Evernote 10 and the terminal you are using. Another option to try... Copy the note and paste it into a text editor. Then copy back into a new note in Evernote 10. That might strip the hard spaces.
  21. This blank note issue has proved very challenging to identify the cause. I know that the tech folk are working on this and have attempted several unsuccessful fixes. If the issue gets in the way of work then revert to the legacy version. It works as it always did. This blank note issue will, eventually, be resolved once the cause is found. For now I have seen some progress so I am hopeful that it will be solved but in the meantime I can save my frustration by sticking with the offered option of the legacy software.
  22. A quick observation and potential hope... I'm currently running a beta for Evernote and aside from the particular test I've noticed that, instead of the blank note issue, I now get a message which says 'Window is not responding'. There is then an option to relaunch which almost instantly fixes the problem. A small improvement on the daily Quit/Restart but more importantly might mean that the bug can be trapped and fixed. Hoping.
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