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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. Sorry, I can't confirm the error. I opened a new note, chose Audio Recording from the Insert button and the recorder launched and recorded me mumbling away. I could then play back. Let us know what your ticket reveals.
  2. I hope you find something else that does what you need. The big issue with the slow performance is that it isn't an issue for everyone. I have a PC that is less than a year old and which I had received just before Evernote v10 was released to the public. I haven't, yet, suffered any speed issues. I suspect that my experience is every bit as common as the disappointing experience that you and others report. Of course it shouldn't be the case and I am sure that the EN devs don't intend it to be the case, but the vast range of devices and configurations of Windows that we all use means it isn't always an easy issue to diagnose. I'm not sure it is always easy to work through for the EN team which I believe does its development on Macs ready to export for Windows. That's all to say that I feel you frustration but also recognise the challenge of diagnosing andfixing an issue like this.
  3. @Austin GAh, so I find that one of the issues remains but I have, I think, found a way of reproducing the problem. Every now and then I still find that two notes fail to merge - at least that is what it appeared. I have two notes - one has text and in the test a PDF attached to the note. The second has a title an HTML container which is displaying as expected. I select the two notes. Choose merge and the resulting document contains the text and PDF from the first note, a horizontal rule and noting else. The note which consisted f only an HTLM container with content displayed inside is missing. Neither is the title from the note present So I removed the formatting in the HTML container. Re-tried the merge and now it works as anticipated. Next I tried editing the note with the HTML container. I typed some random text immediately above the HTML container. I then repeated the merge and again everything went as expected retaining the HTML container. The second note appears as required in the merged note AND the second note's title is also included in the expected place. Evernote 10.11.5 (2530) It seems that a note with content that is only inside an HTML container doesn't display when merged.
  4. This is an unofficial workaround. I'm not sure, now, who worked it out. I know that in the beta phase this line was in the config.json file but with a null value. I suspect that someone tried changing its value and discovered that it made a difference. I'm not aware of any official document of work arounds like this.
  5. I just checked... I imported a PNG into Evernote 10.11.5 by first of dropping it onto the note snippet column and then into an empty note and in both cases the image displayed exactly as it should inside a new note. I was also able to paste the screen shot directly into a note (although it isn't created as a PNG in that case) but this displayed correctly as well. The normal approach might be to completely uninstall ensuring to completely remove the data and program directories. Then reinstall and try again. If that does not resolve the issue then I'd raise a support ticket. You might also describe the process you follow so that we can try out your method and see if we can reproduce the result.
  6. Thanks for this. A definite issue here. Does the old legacy version support righ-to-left text flow? If so, that's the solution for the time being.
  7. That makes sense. Thanks for the explanation. Being a standard European language speaker I can't say for sure but I guess that this is device default language specific. Perhaps someone might come along who works in Arabic or similar who can say what their experience is.
  8. Yes, this is almost always necessary if fixing an issue by uninstall. To be absolutely sure check that the two directories are removed %AppData%\Evernote %LocalAppData%\Programs\Evernote
  9. @BERLINWOOD638 My guess is no but in truth I have little idea of what RTL might be. I looked it up online and found https://acronyms.thefreedictionary.com/RTL Around 30 possibilities. I most liked 'Ride the Lobster' but was certain that wasn't what you had in mind.
  10. That's not my experience. Can you describe the process we might follow to recreate what is happening for you?
  11. No. You have to create the shortcut manually. You are correct, that there isn't a method to open Evernote v10 closed but in the notification area - at least there may be some clever third-party software that will do it but nothing built in.
  12. A stack requires an existing notebook. So to create a new stack Open the notebook window by clicking the notebook item in the sidebar Select the first notebook you intend to include in your new stack from within the notebook window Hover over the three dot menu item at the right end of the notebook ... Select Add to a stack Select the option to create a new stack
  13. Be sure to uninstall AND delete all directories relating to the program. For Evernote 10 they are: %AppData%\Evernote %LocalAppData%\Programs\Evernote If the issue persists then Premium and Plus users should raise a support ticket.
  14. Tools | Preferences | Check Spelling While You Type
  15. The simple piece is for a Windows 10 installation is: Edit the config.json file is a text editor such as notepad Add the multiselectionlimit line to one of the sections in the file I added it to the qa section as follows "qa": { "multiSelectionLimit": 500 } NOTE: If you add it as the last line in the section then add a ' ,' at the end of the line before if there are any. For example "multiSelectEnabled": true, But I just have the single line so no commas needed. There is a limit of about 1,000 notes that can be selected so there is no point in trying to add 5000. I find 500 is a workable number for me.
  16. @sassoon12 You have to add the missing line to the file manually.
  17. This was reported back before Christmas. It is actually more weird than this... If you can locate the issue from earlier you'll see the examples.
  18. It seems I spoke too soon. It is a feature that is still in beta but now visible in the general release. I interpreted its existence in the general release as being available to all. So I spoke out of turn. Sorry.
  19. THis was a thread regarding a feature that it turns out remains in beta. Shouldn't have opened the conversation here - jumped the gun. So it is now cryptic and we'll have to wait for more news - possibly soon Sorry raise expectations.
  20. And who can say where the issue lies? This is just as likely to be an issue with Postach.io as with Evernote. I heard some reports of issues with an application using the Evernote API yesterday. Postach.io will certainly be using the API to do its thing. So it could be at the Evernote side of things if the API is broken. If that's the case then I'd anticipate a fix. THere isn't a phone number to call Evernote but I had a successful webchat exchange with support two days back. evernote.com/contact and follow the the link to access additional support options. You'll have to be logged in to do that.
  21. No idea I'm afraid. These are the Windows forums but folk over in the iOS area might have more experience.
  22. @tymbee We'll have to disagree. What used to work in the legacy version still works in the legacy version. Many users have chosen to stick with that version to retain particular functions that haven't, yet, arrived with version 10. I'm not sure why the legacy isn't installing for you but I have it working just fine as, I am aware, do many others. However, the fact is that even the legacy version was an inadequate approach to note encryption. version 10 is poorer I would agree. For that reason I use an external encryption mechanism. I tested and got two applications working. AxCrypt is my favoured approach. I create the content I wish to encrypt in a note editor or, even inside another program. Encrypt it with AxCrypt then drop the encrypted document into a note insie Evernote (any flavour will do). From then onI open the encrypted document in the normal method, it opens I do whatever work I need to do. Save then close the document and it sits back inside Evernote. The content is never accessible to Evernote not sync-ed in an unencrypted state. I can amend it, format it, search in it etc. I can include bullet lists (not possible in either legacy or version 10) and so forth. As for expressing your frustration or annoyance, well I hope that has helped. We've got broad shoulders and have all been frustrated at times. The Evernote staff don't normally engage in the forums which are described as user to user support.
  23. Create a short to Evernote 10 in %AppData%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
  24. I don't know Drawboard but I do use Adobe Acrobat Pro and PDFs open in that well enough. I did, once, have to reconnect Acrobat inside Windows. This was after Microsoft Edge broke the default PDF viewer application. Also, an issue has been identified with newer notes where the PDF can be attached without the .pdf file suffix. Check the full file name is stored and try, within Windows, to ensure PDFs automatically open in Drawboard.
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