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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. The 'View Only' problem has been acknowledged and, presumably, a resolution will be forthcoming. The mobile apps do have a sync option in the Settings menu. It shouldn't be necessary to sync when online but the menu option does allow you sync if you've been working offline and regain an connection.
  2. Your experience is absolutely what everyone experiences. You cannot encrypt formatted note content. It was similar in the Legacy version. Bold text shouldn't be an issue (It isn't for me) but bullet lists, indents, tables all prevent the encryption. It is the same in the old version of Evernote. So nothing has changed from the past. @gazumped suggests using an external editor which provides some form of password encryption which should do what you need. I prefer an external encryption program such AxCrypt but doing it externally is better since your encrypted content never exists in the cloud in a decrypted form which it does when editing in Evernote.
  3. I have been plugging away using the Tasks Early Access to see if it could be a replacement for my previous approach using ToDoist. I suppose that the answer is yes, sort of. The biggest issues are that I could send tasks to Todoist from an outside program (eg I can tell a smart speaker to add a todo to my list and it appears inside Todoist) but also and more importantly I can just type and the task is set up. No clicking around with a mouse etc. So to set a todo I would type Buy milk from supermarket 9am Wednesday p1 #project_name That would appear as a task labeled 'Buy milk from supermarket' dated for 9am on the next Wednesday with a priority 1 flag set and located in a particular project With Evernote tasks I type the task name but the date, flag and selection of the Notebook all have to be done messing around with a mouse, clicking multiple times - so much more fiddly. I think that this ability could be a real game changer for Tasks in Evernote.
  4. As noted by others, multiple Evernote processes is normal so not necessarily an indicator of the cause of your issue. Indeed, the old so-called Legacy version will also launch multiple processes. As @PinkElephant indicates, a clean uninstall and reinstall may resolve the issue for you. Otherwise you have the option to open a support ticket.
  5. Drag and Drop from Evernote to any other application has been broken since the release of v10. The only route is to go via a directory/folder - the Desktop is good staging point. It is one of several user workflows that still requires attention in v10.
  6. As @gazumped says. This sounds, to me, to be a hardware issue. Possibly your mouse is losing focus in the Evernote window which would mean that Ctrl+Z would not work. Are you using a laptop/notebook with a trackpad? Could you be catching the trackpad with your hand while you work. I think you will need to work out exactly what you can do to reproduce the problem and describe that in a support ticket - assuming that you have proved it isn't something outside Evernote.
  7. We seem to have switched forums... The most recent comments seem to relate to the Android application. I'm not aware of anyone reporting this behaviour in the Windows desktop but I expect them to chip in anytime soon. This issue is being discussed in the Android forum and a staff member has pitched in to say they are aware.
  8. This change has been present since the switch to version 10. There is no setting in v10 to achieve this. I suspect that this will never return but I could be wrong Your only option is to go back to the legacy version if this is key to your workflow.
  9. Install the legacy version of Evernote alongside v10. Open the note in the legacy version which is likely to allow you to make edits as you wish. Once edited in Legacy you may find that it will edit inside v10.
  10. Support ticket response that the issue is confirmed and a resolution is being investigated...
  11. I have a support ticket for this. The issue was fixed but then broke again. Part of the issue is that Evernote and GBoard don't play nicely. Alternative keyboards work fine with Evernote. So it could be an Evernote change that caused the problem or it could be a GBoard change. I can say that the issue is known but not how long it will take to resolve. I changed keyboard and the problem was solved as a temporary workaround.
  12. It is possible to tweak the settings and work with more than 50 notes at a time. I have my settings at 500 notes but I think you can tweak it up to 1,000 However, you could put your notes into a notebook and then export the notebook with its entire content.
  13. @JorgB The release notes for the current version say 'Coming Soon - Need to link to one note from another? Drag it from the note list into the editor and Evernote will automatically create a link for you.' Is this what you desire? If so, it seems that it is on the list of things under review.
  14. THanks for your update. The first recommendation would be to move to the latest version - currently 10.16.7-win-ddl-public (2732)
  15. I'm sorry the issue persists for you too... But I'm sort of relieved that I'm not the only one
  16. The date history updates as time goes forward. So Tuesday at 12:22pm means the most recent Tuesday. Once you get to the following Tuesday the date will appear as 22 June or whatever...
  17. I would close Evernote 10 by signing out from your account and remove your data. When you log basck in this issue should be resolved.
  18. I was moving a note from one notebook to another in Evernote v10.16.7 and discovered a curious screen judder. This appears to happen on all notes. I have quit and restarted with no change. I also logged out and removed all data and logged back in with the same result. Easier to watch than describe UPDATE I get the same effect if I do a notebook lookup when creating Import Folders. Select the notebook to connect with the chosen Import folder and the list judders away... This suggests a new issue since the release of version 10.16.7 since I don't recall seeing this when I first created Import Folders. To attempt to resolve the problem I uninstalled Evernote, rebooted the PC, removed all vestiges of the original installation and then reinstalled from scratch. I still get the judder in the notebook selection process.
  19. I'm not sure that I have an answer but to note that this appears to bea PDF inside a note in v6.25/legacy rather than v10.
  20. I meant what I said. That the EN team aren't, generally, present. They pass by from time to time. I think I pointed to ways of raising the issue.
  21. The startup folder route is the only way to go. As you've realised it isn't possible to start in the minimised mode. As for telling folk to 'Fix it...' The Evernote tech team aren't, generally, present in the forums. These are peer-to-peer areas and none of us can fix anything. You'd be better using the feedback option in the application or creating a support ticket.
  22. @KWR You'll need to catch up with the versions... I'd go to the website and download the installer for v10.16 and install over your current version. That should catch you up
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