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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. Just worked for me... Again. 07h18 GMT 21 June 2021. I'm not interested in an argument. I'm sorry if it didn't work for you.
  2. Read-only flag is usually something that accompanies notes that have been shared with you. If the sharer has not allowed you to edit then it will be marked Read-Only. Your favourite search engine will point you to some documentation.
  3. The options in the web clipper determine what information is transferred to Evernote from the web page and in what format. You can choose the destination notebook and apply tags in that process. There is no method of adding the captured note as a shortcut in Evernote (or anywhere else). You have to access the newly created note and send it to your shortcuts as a separate action inside Evernote itself - not in the web clipper.
  4. I haven't attempted to do this but I suspect that you would have to decrypt the text and then re-encrypt providing all the new information you required. No, Evernote does not provide the option for multiple 'hints'.
  5. Untilo Import Folders returns, you can install the legacy application alongside Evernote version 10. They work happily together and the Import Folders will keep on running for you.
  6. Sounds like a support ticket might be appropriate...
  7. Could this be because you haven't set that note or notebook to be available offline? This was a setting in the previous version of Evernote and remains so in v10? My first check would be that this setting is set for offline access. I think, if my memory serves me right, that you have to do this by notebook - there is no setting for the whole of your account to be available offline. This is a setting to respect your data package and device storage. I think that search is probably the way to go...
  8. Seems like a fair idea - although it is only an issue when starting from having exited by Quit. Opening from the taskbar resumes where you leave off. It seems that the splash of white window is what you get until the program is able to access the configuration and obey the users preferences. It might be possible to use Dark Mode as the default for the window opening which then switches to obey the user preference for Light mode or Sytem mode. As @PinkElephant says...^
  9. Actually the thumbnail is broken in v10. As well as an apparently random choice, once chosen it is always used. So remove all the images and add something new, you will still see the first chosen thumbnail. There is no method to refresh the thumbnail image apart from a complete uninstall with the the local data deleted.
  10. A guess, that you have Passcode security turned on. As you'll see explained further up the thread, Evernote respects the additional security setting and disables Screenshots in that circumstance. Turn off Passcode security and you can screenshot to your heart's content.
  11. It seems that the export to PDF is tentatively set for v 10.16 or 10.17
  12. Hi @Horticu1ture As @PinkElephant says, you can add any notebook to the list of shortcuts already. You can drag and dropy a note from any other notebook onto the shortcut and that moves the note. Is that what you require?
  13. I think it was version 10.14 that it was announced that a partial solution had been found and the issue should be less frequent - but not necessarily completely fixed.
  14. I suggest that you check inside the web browser version an see if it is displayed. Alternatively see if you are able to rename the notebook in the Notebook window.
  15. @John Burroughs The new version of Evernote is not configurable in terms of the location to store your data. The good news is that we know your data is intact since you can view it via the web. My recommendation would be to thoroughly uninstall Evernote then be sure to delete all left over data directories. AppData\Roaming\Evernote is the directory which Evernote v10 uses. Still delete it. I'm not sure where AppData\Local\Packages\Evernote.Evernote_q4d96b2w5wcc2\LocalCache\Roaming\Evernote has come from. Even so, delete it or if you prefer copy it to another location for safekeeping. It isn't serving a useful purpose and may confuse the reinstallation. Once all vestiges of Evernote have been removed reinstall Evernote from the installation program. Once you log in you should find all your data is restored from the cloud and properly organised. The resync process can take a few minutes to process so give it plenty of time to grab everything from the Cloud before attempting to open a document.
  16. Hi Alan, Nobody here is going to offer you the 100% assurance you seek. We're all fellow travellers sharing the insights that we have. Especially when installing an application from an apk you are stepping out from the normal mode of operation. I fer you have to take some risk. The worst that can happen is that you fid that v8 fails to work and you uninstall and then reinstall v10. All I would say is that the advice provide by others is what you can expect. It will almost certainly do what you need. Personally, I'm running Evernote 10 on a OnePlus 8 and it works just fine but clearly YMMV and apparently does.
  17. THis is an issue with the Windows desktop application. Depending upon how you added the PDF to the note, sometimes the filename is stripped of its file suffix. Eg: filename.pdf becomes filename You've discovered that this is the case for you. Right click on the PDF and select Rename and add .pdf to the end of the name. That should fix the default program open issue. I get this when adding PDFs from my scanner and also adding a PDF by sendto or dropping on the desktop shortcut.
  18. I learn something new everyday on these forums Never knew about this function in Gboard so never knew that there was a problem. Gboard and Evernote 10 have not played well together since the EN 10 launch. There was also the issue with jumping over the next word when typing a space instead of adding the space. That issue was fixed in EN 10.14 Easy to replicate. I'd 'upvote' if I could...
  19. I suspect that the new tasks will require a very different method of working. Those with developed GTD approaches are likely to want to stick with what they have. At least until it is clear how to work with the Evernote API to achieve the things you wish with external applications. As we all gain experience with the new tasks I hope we'll share how we are using this option.
  20. Sorry you have a problem. Forum users would be happy to help you if you give us the information that might give us a chance. Whatever your problem, it isn't a forced upgrade to a paid account. Paying a subscription will not fix your problem. Anyway, this isn't an airport, so no need to announce your departure, but we wish you well on your journey.
  21. This is/was my thread. A solution was implemented which appeared to fix the issue and I marked it as solved. You'll see that I subsequently found that it wasn't as simple as at first seemed and I updated the discussion. Sadly, the forum software doesn't allow me to 'unmark' the solution. You're correct that the issue remains. On this occasion, at least, this isn't a conspiracy by Evernote support to mark a resolution when none was available.
  22. I suspect that this is an issue that may well respond to the complete uninstall and reinstall. Quit Evernote 10. Perform an uninstall. Delete any remaining configuration and program directories %AppData%\Evernote %LocalAppData%\Programs\Evernote Then reinstall
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