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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. I have a similar work pattern. I find that I need to compltly shutdown my PC when moving between the office (two monitors) and working from home (just the laptop screen). Definitely a Windows thing.
  2. I'm sorry to say that you possibly haven't provided enough detail to provide much insight. I'd recommend a support ticket. SInce this isn't being reported widely I'd anticipate an SSL error originating nearer to your side of the Internet connection. Does it happen when you are connected via WiFi only or do you get the same issue with mobile data? Have your tried restarting you device? An SSL error at the Evernote end would create issues for all users.
  3. If you think something is broken like this then a support ticket is probably the way to go.
  4. There is no ETA but it is under consideration. Tasks, being a new feature, is very embryonic.
  5. The most common cause is that the user logs in with a different account on the two devices. So ensure you are using the same login on the iPad and Mac. Evernote.com/contact is the place to get support.
  6. My daughter and I just discovered this issue. We were sharing a note which contained a table. The table was created in a desktop app but we were then viewing in Android. The content in the table did not wrap to the mobile view so we had to drag the note window to view the content. Dragging back to see the left side of the the now pops open the list of all notes with no means of just viewing the left edge of the original note. It seems to be a strangeness in function. Our work around... Tap in the note above the table first (entering edit mode) then it is possible to drag the table left and right. Evernote 10.15 for Android Android 11
  7. It means, I think, that you are on an old subscription package so your package didn't qualify for the update to Personal. You get to keep that price but without tags and calendar. To get these with the new packages you will have moved to the current pricing structure.
  8. Drag and drop is generally dysfunctional on Evernote 10. This isn't just a Gmail thing. Try dragging an image from Evernote into, say, a Word document. THis issue has been well documented so should be on the development radar. But I would suggest a support ticket if you are a Personal (formerly Premium) subscriber. As @gazumped hints, draging via the desktop is the best workaround.
  9. I don't know whether my assumption is correct or not. It was more a guess than a statement of fact. I agree that intuitively the layout should be unique to each device BUT I noticed that when Home was first launched my layout from my beta experience on desktop appeared on my mobile device which led me to conclude that the intent was present the same layout across devices and this making a change on one would affect the others.
  10. I had noticed this very occasionally. I assumed that it occurred when I tweaked Home on my mobile device which then communicated a change back to my desktop. To be honest, though, I rearranged the desktop and have since left mobile alone and I don't think I have seen an issue since. Now that you have mentioned a similar problem I'll watch for it more closely.
  11. Support was very helpful. The pretty standard File | Sign Out | Remove Evernote Data fixed this with the new 'sendto'. Another issue off my list taking me a step closer to being able to drop Legacy. There is a difference, as I understand, between Windows and MacOS (well many but let's not go there...) MacOS doesn't require a file suffix to identify the program to 'open with' whereas it is essential in Windows. Without the suffix Evernote stil know that the file is, for example, a PDF but when selecting the Open menu in a note the file has no program to Open With and I had to manually select Acrobat whereas if renamed to have the suffix then Windows worked seamlessly. The good news is that v 10.19.2 seems to have fixed the issue for Windows users - thanks. Now I can sendto AND scan into Evernote and the file suffix is retained
  12. v10.19.2 released today introduces the automatic creation of a sendto link - very helpful EXCEPT the file sent to Evernote has its file suffix stripped when the document arrives inside Evernote. That means that, later, should I want to open the document in a native program (eg open a Word document inside Word) the open process fails because Windows requires the file suffix which has been stripped off. Similarly with PDF files. I understand that MacOS doesn't suffer this limitation. So using the new SENDTO option means that I need to rename the document inside the note to add the missing file suffix. I can't help feeling that the development environment is on Macs so none of the devs realise that this is an issue Support ticket on its way
  13. This issue has been around since Evernote 10 was launched. So far, there is no sign of a fix.
  14. And you said that you asked to resolve the issue and support was able to do that. As noted, Teams isn't a collection of Free accounts so closing a Teams subscription necessarily blocks access to the content to prevent misuse. You contacted support and it seems all was resolved. That seems like a good outcome.
  15. Hi @dgodin, I confess that image annotation is not something I've ever needed to do or attempted but I gave it a go. In Evernote v10.18.3 I added some random annotation to an image. I was able to highlight all of the stuff (Ctrl+A) and used Ctrl+C to copy that to the clipboard. I went to a separate image in a different note and was UNABLE to paste those annotations to the second image. I then opened the Legacy program and reopened the annotated image did the Ctrl+A thing. Went to the second image in Legacy and was succesful in pasting the annotation to the second image. I then tried to copy the annotation in v10 and was able to paste into the second image inside Legacy. I also tried to copy from Legacy and paste into v10 which failed which MAY indicate that it is the pasting (Ctrl+V) piece that is not working in the v10 annotation window. I cannot say if this is by design or a bug. As @gazumped said, a support ticket is probably the way to go. It feels like the annotation bit is the same code in v10 and Legacy - at least it looks a feels identical between the two. For the time being, if this is key to your workflow the standard response is to use the Legacy program - either for this task alone or instead of upgrading to v10.
  16. Is this after a Sign Out rather than Quit? I added a batch file to Windows startup and that clears the import folder after a Windows login. That works perfectly for me... I have several import folders so repeat the following replacing 'EN Import' for the folder name(s) you have (and assuming they are on the desktop set folder="C:\Users\my_Windows_user_name\Desktop\EN Import" cd /d %folder% for /F "delims=" %%i in ('dir /b') do (rmdir "%%i" /s/q || del "%%i" /s/q)
  17. Evernote 10 DOES NOT support local notebooks. The process you follow when you 'check for local notebooks' is to find them and move them to an 'online' notebook. The check is to locate and move the local into the cloud so that the data you have locally in Legacy can remain accessible in version 10 which is cloud based only. Your only option to work with local notebooks is to stick with the legacy application. THat is with us for the time being but isn't going to be improved and may be withdrawn at some point in the future. If you require local notebooks then you may, eventually, have to find an alternative product or move into the cloud. BTW - this is the Android sub-forum but the topic relates to desktop apps. THere is an offline option for Android but the original notes are still stored in the cloud.
  18. Deep in the bowels of my mind I recall someone reporting that the Evernote app didn't run on Chrome books and neither can you open the browser version in a mobile formatted browser. Try the browser and open Evernote.com in desktop mode. It MIGHT work.
  19. I have a recollection (but I could be wrong) that in the beta testing phase last year the date picker did default to a week starting on a Monday but there was significant push back and it was changed to Sunday. THat's my, personal, preference so I wouldn't support a change by default. It would certainly be good to see this as part of the options/preferences which I am sure will be quite some time coming.
  20. Use the standard Windows method of starting program at login... Win+R shell:startup create a shortcut pointing to %LocalAppData%\Programs\Evernote\evernote.exe Evernote 10 will start at log in to Windows... Not as simple as a checkbox in preferences but it achieves exactly the same thing.
  21. I don't have this problem either. All the messages arrive with me as MIME encoded HTML and look just as I would expect in my Email program - Thunderbird. I wonder if you have your Email program configured to force everything to display as ASCII data/plain text. These spaces all seem to me to spaces generated when converting a MIME document into plain text. As far as I can tell Evernote sends its Emails as MIME/HTML which renders just fine in Thunderbird as I have it configured.
  22. Works fine here. I suggest you File | Sign Out | Remove my Evernote Data from this device Then sign back in and allow your data to be rebuilt. If that doesn't work then the normal approaches would be reboot your PC. If that doesn't work completely uninstall the program using a program such as Revo Uninstaller to remove all data files. Then reinstall and log back in.
  23. As I recall, you'll need to access your Evernote account settings. Disconnect any Google Calendar connections then start again... https://www.evernote.com/ConnectedServices.action
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