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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. I can see the logic of this suggestion but I'm not sure that the AI needed would be able to choose tags that work with my quirky brain. For example: I'm looking for a new house. Say I paste a map of an area into a note. Which tags might it guess at? House, house move, walks, maps, the name of the town in question and dozens more that might be suitable. So the suggested tags would, I fear, be so numerous that they would get in the way if left to the AI to make suggestions. Limited to existing tags might be more successful but I can see from my existing tag list that there are very many that an AI might suggest which would be likely to be entirely irrelevant. So a clever idea but I'm not sure that it is workable. But I wish you success with the suggestion just as long as it is something that could be turned off if desired.
  2. I really don't think that there's a conspiracy here. Nothing hidden other than because nobody considered it a useful piece of data. By all means suggest it as a UI improvement.
  3. I think you may find that the Plus option has gone for you and that iOS will catch up when the time comes. Once you've left Plus there is no way back - unless you have a different account on iOS
  4. I'm sorry Tobias. You asked 'can I do something specific' and my conclusion was 'No'. Then you tell me you can but it isn't what you want. So I think I still conclude that you cannot do what you want to do. I work with my account using Evernote and he is happy to have a Free version and I share with him that way. I understand that the options don't work for you - at least not in the way you wish. You could store the PDFs in Google's Drive. Link to them in Evernote using the Drive integration. You could then share three PDFs with your tax guy from Drive and still access them in Evernote (although they would not display)
  5. Is the program trying to launch our its it attempting to install? From your description it seems that you have both versions installed. In that case, if you don't use Evernote 10, best to uninstall the new version.
  6. I would completely uninstall Evernote being sure that all data and program directories are removed. On Windows use an uninstaller such as Revo Uninstaller. Then reinstall and you will get your interface back in neutral ready to go.
  7. But I do notice that many reports of slowness on Android come from Samsung users. If course that could also be because Samsung had a corner on the Android market
  8. I can see the screen shots say that you paid via Google Pay. If that is correct you can also ask Google for help.
  9. So, as I said, give them a share link. The note will open in a browser and they can then download the attachment. No subscription required. There is no means to provide a link only to the PDF.
  10. Yes, the function broke again in, I think, 10.25 for Windows. It is an acknowledged issue. In the meantime dragging to a directory such the Desktop is the only way forward.
  11. The essence of Evernote is that all data is contained within a note. So, unlike Dropbox, note attachments don't exist outwith a note. So you have to share the note containing the PDF. Teams has more sophistication in sharing within a work team. Sharing outside a team means either a chat with another Evernote user or share the link to the notes which will open in a browser.
  12. The only means of doing this would be to add the date to the subject line of the Email. Of course the recipients would see that too but it might not be too troublesome. You could add a reminder to the note by adding the dat with a '!' delimitter. I guess that you will remember the subject line syntax for notes generated from Emails: [Title of note] ![optional date for reminder] @[notebook] #[tag] date format is: yyyy/mm/dd so no time available. I can't think of a means of adding a recipient other than typing that into the Email. That, of course, is another option for the date as well.
  13. I already have multi-select set to 500 BUT since I have more than 500 notes I will not be able to select all since that will exceed the limit. The maximum limit that can be set is just under 1,000 so even that won't work for me. So in my case, at least, all that does is confirm that the multi-select limit is working as intended. As suggested, raise a ticket and see what support says. But perhaps with slightly less fear and trepidation until we know what is going. As you say, you don't recall the history of these errant notes so it is unwise to conclude only one reason. Keep investigating and let us know what you discover.
  14. Thanks for this information. It will be good to discover of this is a common issue. I think it might be too early to infer a cause and effect or that data is in danger. But I would agree that what you have discovered needs to be investigated. It is possible that the problem notes were damaged on one of your devices and then synchronised to the cloud rather than damaged in the cloud. No doubt there could also be other explanations. Do you have working versions/copies of these notes as well? You will only get lots of conjecture here which may create more heat than light. I'd suggest a support ticket.
  15. And have you connected Google Drive you your Evernote account?
  16. Nothing quite like this. You can create a new note and then select a template. But not have a new note based on a specific template.
  17. Can you describe what you want? Windows, MacOS, iOS, Android?
  18. It helps to avoid paying the same request in multiple places. Perhaps delete one. As before, please confirm the application and OS you have the problem with. I'm the meantime, these forums are user to user. If you want to talk to Evernote staff you'll need to open a support ticket.
  19. Let us know which of the several Evernote applications you are using including the OS and we'll try and assist .
  20. I could do with a little clarification. Evernote on my Android device doesn't have a 'clip' option - at least not that I can see. Neither is there a 'clip' option in any of my browsers on Android. In case you have asked this question in the Android threads by mistake (easily done) could you confirm your Evernote application version, OS and browser...
  21. Can you tell us which version of the Evernote application you are using and which OS - 10/11?
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