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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. To start with Windows create an OS startup shortcut.
  2. I have a single Google account linked to Evernote. In the account I have three calendars. I can select all the to display inside Evernote. On the Home screen select the Calendar widget settings and within these you can choose which calendars are displayed.
  3. You're correct 1,800 notes doesn't seem high. Which device are you using? Also, how many notes, if any, have you selected to run offline through Offline Notebooks? All in the spirit of trying to find where or usage differs.
  4. Me neither. I'm of the opinion that it is a combination of device manufacturer and number of notes involved. But I could easily be wrong.
  5. The standard fix for this type of issue is to follow File - Sign Out - Remove Your Data from this device. Then login again and the data should be rebuilt.
  6. Thanks @Dave Green. The list of excluded apps includes a lot of will known applications in addition to Evernote. Given that all Electron apps are on the list will mean that a number of Evernote competitors are also outwith the Grammarly plus they exclude all apps downloaded from the Apple app store. Quite a big list which Evernote can never influence.
  7. I store all spreadsheets in Google Drive and have Drive link in a note. Works perfectly
  8. This is a five year old thread and raises questions about a third party application. So, on this occasion, not the responsibility of Evernote. So if you have a Grammarly issue I'd suggest raising it with them.
  9. I have no iOS experience so well have too wait for someone else to come along. On Android v10.30.1 PDFs appear in notes as an attachment. I tap the PDF and it just opens on the screen inside Evernote. Do work with the PDF in a reader such as Acrobat I tap and hold the PDF. After a moment a menu appears at the bottom of the screen which includes an Annotate button and also a download saver button. Saving places the PDF on the device and the ability to open it in an external program.
  10. Which Evernote application are you working with? All should open a PDF on one way or another. The desktop applications will display the PDF content inside the now (unless you set it to view as an attachment). The mobile applications display as an attachment by default but opening then should open in the Evernote PDF viewer. In both cases, if you wish to edit the PDF then you need to open inside an external viewer. Please tell us which application you are working with and we may be able to help...
  11. You need to take this up with Evernote accounts visa a support ticket. A billing issue ticket is accessible to all regardless of sub level.
  12. I have used at least two other applications where the X button minimised the program to the system test on Windows (Thunderbird for Email and ToDoist). Both, like Evernote, need to be loaded in order sync, update and provide reminders. Given that this is a key function in Evernote, I consider this to be a logical function. If I don't want the icon to clutter up the tray then I use the OS option not to show the icon in the tray.
  13. I've been very content with the v10 Desktop application. There are a few limitations still but if you're currently working with the web version they won't be relevant to you.
  14. The same had been reported in the Windows desktop application.
  15. This is the current release which has been with us for around a month. So no new update. I'm not experiencing anything like you describe so some form of corruption of the app or the local data. As @PinkElephantsuggests, uninstall and reinstall seems like the likely solution.
  16. Have you tried Evernote support? Occasionally accounts get blocked in the automated spam filtering.
  17. No. When I share the dialogue stays on screen for a second and I wait until it goes. Thereafter the whole thing is done.
  18. The problem has been created by the Reserve Bank of India. Evernote has made progress with a resolution that complies with the RBI regulations. If you continue to have difficulties the advice is to reach out to @Shane D.
  19. The Windows keyboard shortcuts are Alt+Shift+D for date and Ctrl+Shift+D for time. You'll find this detailed in the Keyboard Shortcuts menu or type Ctrl+/
  20. Do you recall which version of the Evernote application you have been using? The new, version 10, has no setting to select updates. It just happens. If you are still using the old, Legacy, version of the application it does have an automatic update setting but as the old version is no longer supported, there are no updates to be received automatically The good news on the download is that there is nothing sinister here. The Evernote download doesn't work with all browsers when you click on the green Download button. Go to https://evernote.com/download Instead of clicking the green button, right click and select 'Save Link As'. The installation file will then download. I'm not sure why this happens for somebrowsers. Probably some coding on the page. If you were already using the new version 10 application, then before installing the application I would recommend that you manually check whether the old application is still partially installed. If it is remove the following directories: %AppData%\Evernote - just paste %AppData% into File Explorer and delete the Evernote directory if it exists. %LocalAppData%\Programs\Evernote - similarly paste %LocalAppData%\Programs into File Explorer and delete the Evernote directory This will ensure that any corrupted data is removed.
  21. This feels like you need a tool designed for the task. Evernote isn't it. Perhaps a spreadsheet would do what you want. If so, you could create it in Google Sheets and embed the sheet into an Evernote note for easy access.
  22. As @MikeP says. Also be careful that you disable conflicting settings between both applications. Keyboard shortcuts are the first place to start. I turned off all shortcuts in Legacy since I use v10 by default.
  23. Good that you've resolved the issue. Devices actively logged in isn't the issue. The issue arises on Free accounts when you connect more than two devices. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/218558068-Understanding-the-device-limit
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