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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. Scroll down after selecting the closest options and you'll see a submit ticket option.
  2. These forums are user to user. You can contact support at https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new This is available via the contact page which is listed at the bottom of all the website pages.
  3. My guess, when you copy and paste from a website you are pasting the HTML code. Try pasting as plain text right from the beginning.
  4. No, nobody here knows. At least none of the users who are not Evernote staff. We do know that the word was that the next in line would be Outlook calendars so you might guess that Apple could follow on. But we don't know. I believe that others have shared their Apple calendars with a Google Calendar to achieve what you suggest. Hopefully one of them will be along shortly.
  5. My ticket response is that the first level support has reproduced the issue and it has been passed up the chain to the developers.
  6. Completed tasks should be greyed out automatically when marked as done. There is, however, no automatic sorting. You can drag tasks in a list by pointing at the task with your mouse, moving over the four dots icon that appears at the left of the task. Whn a hand appears you can 'grab' that task and drag it into the completed notes at the bottom of the list. The automatic sorting idea has been proposed by others. You can add you thoughts to Evernote via the Feedback option in the applications or by submitting a support ticket.
  7. Hi @JoeMoo! I think I am confused by your use of the term shortcut. Just for clarification... You have a shortcut pointing to MyStuff. Is MyStuff a notebook, a set of notes with a specific tag, or a saved search? Having that clear for me would make it easier to know how to respond.
  8. But have you checked? It is easy to gain extra 'devices'. For example the web browser interface and the desktop app count as separate devices. Legacy and v10 will count as separate devices. Best to check. It may be the ready answer to your issue.
  9. I see that @Austin G has jumped in so I'm sure you will get some assistance. A quick question though... Are you on a paid subscription or the free package. The issue you describe is often experienced when free users get more than three devices linked to their account. You can check in your account settings and disconnect all your devices then start again. Of course, if you are paying for a package then I'm barking up the wrong tree...
  10. This issue as described has always been the case with Evernote. You should not edit the same note on two or more devices simultaneously. However there are regular reports of duplication which cannot be absolutely linked to having the note open on two devices at the same time. So your issue MAY not be as simple as the support explanation. I would try to ensure that you aren't editing as described and then confirm whether the duplication issue has gone away. If not reopen the ticket with more data.
  11. I think that you are stuck waiting until your subscription expires with Google. Then you can resubscribe at Premium. You may suffer a few hours at the Free rate while everything goes through. For sure, contact support and open a billing ticket. They will tell you what to do. Personally, I'm not favourable towards subscribing via Google Play given the challenges of can create.
  12. I've had 10.33 for a few days. So nothing new here. App works quite well for speed but the widget issue you described is being reviewed. I had an exchange with the tech support team today. I wouldn't expect a good for one or two cycles yet.
  13. I was speaking personally. For my use the work around is a slight annoyance. I make no comment on the needs of others.
  14. I'm not sure I understand... I don't see anyone asking for apologies. I was referring the previous poster to the way to open a ticket.
  15. If you want to open a ticket you need to go to the support ticket options on the Evernote website. These forums are largely users helping users.
  16. Since we aren't seeing lots of users complaining of this issue it seems likely that this is connected to your account or configuration. I think you will need to continue working with Evernote support.
  17. I fear you may be mistaken too... The operating system also controls the size of scroll bars. So outside Evernote (with Windows 11) I see a similarly narrow scroll bar in my web browser (below). The same is true with, I think, all the applications on my laptop although I have tested extensively. Just the few regular applications. All we can do is point you to ways of working around the issue. New software will pick up this new OS design unless or until Microsoft allow users to tweak their user interface.
  18. I'm not sure if this says that Evernote is gobbling resources or that some other application is grabbing more than its fair share and thereby allowing other apps down. Whatever, I hope you have updated your ticket to ensure that the devs see your findings which they might not of just left here
  19. I am using a Windows 11 PC. I have noticed that all applications now have narrower scroll bars than were present under Windows 10. I conclude, therefore, that this is an OS issue rather than something in the applications themselves. In Windows 10 there were some adjustments that could be made to scroll bar widths but Microsoft has removed many of the tweaks that Win 10 offered. This thread has revealed to me just how much I use the scroll wheel without givig it a moment's thought
  20. I think the auto update releases take around two weeks and 10.38 was only released this week. If you happen to be in one of the occasional beta releases (as I am) then no audio updates until you go back to general release.
  21. Yes, thanks for highlighting this. It isn't an issue inside the app just with the tasks widget. I agree that it only affects tasks that have no date. I'll raise a support ticket. I suggest others do likewise.
  22. Correct. The web interface requires an active Internet connection.
  23. You can backup the data directory for the new application using an OS backup process. Otherwise, export your notes one notebook at a time. THis is a better means of capturing the notebook structure. The Legacy ability to export all notes would, if restored, bring all notes back into a single notebook losing the notebook structure. So, even with Legacy, the best advice was to export one notebook at a time.
  24. Since this default isn't going to change at any time soon, the easiest way that I've found for my own use is to change the PDF view on the first occasion that I need an alternative view. (For me this most often a switch to Attachment view but it could just as easily be All Pages). For sure this requires a few clicks but it sticks for that PDF in the particular note and remains thereafter. A trifle annoying but life is too short to get too worked up about this
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