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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. It can also be security stuff employed by your ISP. A colleague of mine had problems with some cloud services because his ISP had employed blocks to protect families and for fraud. It still blocked other services including Evernote. It took awhile to identify and find out how to opt out of the service.
  2. This is a well known issue and has been discussed a number of times in the forums. There is no solution other than to create a new note containing the image of preference and then paste in the text once the new snippet image has been created. Then delete the original version.
  3. Yes, dragging would create a link rather than importing the .eml/.msg I didn't think of creating a link but it still doesn't allow you to answer from within Evernote and using Evernote as your Email repository as you described in your initial post not having to switch back to Outlook
  4. It certainly is. You can subscribe for one month and get support. But if you are a regular user then a Personal subscription costs not much more than a couple of takeway coffees from your favourite chain per month.
  5. I use Duck Duck Go as my preferred browser. I also checked with Chrome as well. All good. My phone is running Android 12. Evernote 10.32.2
  6. I concur that the desktop version is red herring. However, I'm not experiencing the issue that you describe. I tested on the URL you provided and, as you can see, all worked as anticipated.
  7. No, you cannot do this in Evernote. Even if you export the whole .eml/.msg file from Outlook, double clicking would just reimport it into Outlook rather than initiate a reply.
  8. The save check mark is what initiates a save. So, yes, this is how the UI works. It isn't a bug. I suspect, too, that there will be at least three camps gathering on this. Those that think everything should save as it goes along on mobile, those that want to make the choice when to save or just abandon their work, and those who think it should be a user setting. At the moment it is what you have discovered. You can suggest a different option via a support ticket.
  9. 10.32.2 is the version I have most recently. Still, I would recommend contact with the support team.
  10. Have you raised a support ticket? This would sound like the way to go. That said, the offline notebook download speed is notably problematic. It doesn't cause problems to regular use for but you are correct, the offline sync is poor.
  11. Yes, you should be able to work with an older version of Evernote if you can access one or have retained a copy of one. I'm still using v10.36 for some practical reasons and as part of a beta test. If you want to roll back to an earlier version you may find it better to uninstall anything newer than the version you plan to install. You will also have to suffer occasional reminders to upgrade to a more recent version. This may be sufficient nuisance to persuade you not to roll-back and just stick with Legacy for the time being.
  12. Web clipping on the desktop, which you mention, uses a specifically created browser add-on. So can do things that aren't possible on mobile and works in an entirely different way. On mobile devices, as you know, sending a web page to Evernote uses the OS 'Share' function so depends on what the browser in use does when sharing the web page to another application. For this reason I tend not to refer to web clipping on mobile since this can suggest that it is the same process as the desktop clipper which it isn't. I currently use an Android 12 based device with Evernote v10.32.2. My browser of choice is Duck Duck Go. When I choose to share the web page with Evernote I get the expected web page content in my mobile version of Evernote. I do recall seeing that other apps only receive the URL when using Share although I'm not sure that I had to do anything to make this work. Can you describe the steps to reproduce your experience? It may be that I'm doing something subtly different to you... Just now I checked as follows: Open a web page in the browser In the browser menu tap Share Select Evernote as the destination Evernote opens the save dialogue. Choose the options you desire and tap Save Wait a moment or two for the captured page to appear in the Evernote application. I think I have had issues in the past if I jump off to something else without waiting for Evernote to complete the capture. So I wait although I'm not sure if I need to. Of course, it is possible that specific websites might be coded to prevent sharing (although I don't think I ever saw that other than with my bank website).
  13. @eric99 I think that the key part of @Dave Andrade's advice is that he was able to get Evernote support to make some back-end changes. The reinstall improvements depended on those back-end tweaks. A few users have commented on being able to get their account tweaked and that then improved performance. Have you been able to get this done for your account as well? I've no personal experience to say whether this is a good approach.
  14. I'm not sure that the configuration tweak will help in the OP's case. There is still a maximum limit of around 1,000 notes after using the tweak whereas @idoctalks of 2,000 notes but I suppose that two batches would be easier than 40. I think a notebook export would the easiest option of those available. I fear, though, that there isn't a solution for this exact workflow.
  15. Assuming you have uninstalled the app and reinstalled with no improvement, your only option is to open a support ticket. There may be done back end stuff that can be done.
  16. Because these are user-to-user support forums, and the specific issue you raise isn't something any of us can help with. You can post here but there will not be any useful responses. As the link you posted makes clear. This is where you 'Talk to other users...': All we can do is suggest alternative ways of working etc.
  17. No, if you want to report a bug you should open a support ticket which is only available to subscribers. These forums are intended to provide peer support. So we'll do what we can to find solutions or work arounds but, as you might imagine, don't take too kindly to entitlement, rudeness or aggression. (Not saying that was your approach). For sure, telling us that 'you' need to do something misses the peer nature of the support in these forums.
  18. Recurring tasks is definitely on its way. I'd anticipate something within a month. (My estimate - nothing official). The requirement to add more narrative with a task is requested by others but, for now, the only option is to use dedicated notes.
  19. Shared item do not go to trash when removed from your account. You have to get the item back from the person that shared it with you. If it was shared via Work Chat then the link should still be present. If it was shared via an Email v then you'll need to ask the owner of the now to resend the link for you.
  20. Nothing stupid and it is known. Other calendars are reported to be in the pipeline although I guess the pipe is quite long.
  21. I think setting programs and data in the %LocalAppData%\Programs and %AppData% structures is now a standard option although many/most still use the old Program Files or Program Files (x86) directories. Both are correct or at least neither is wrong.
  22. This is a long standing issue. Please report it via a support ticket to gain traction.
  23. Whihc is it? Every five seconds or every few weeks? Once every few weeks seems quite reasonable given the continuing development process. If you prefer no updates you could use the Legacy application on the desktops. The mobile app stores are always updating apps and, from my experience, hardly ever intrude.
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