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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. There is a place to propose your suggestions. Each of the applications has a requests forum. These have the options for other users to vote-up suggestions. We're told that they are monitored but, as with feedback, no announcements are made. Often the voting option is ignored or missed, a proposal becomes overwhelmed by a community discussion, and we post suggestions on the wrong place. Eg a Teams proposal placed in the MacOS threads. In addition to the Feedback option and the Requests forums, you can submit a support ticket with suggestions. So please make your proposals. But you will not get anything more than a general acknowledgement. No promises made.
  2. My guess is that you are using Windows 11. Win 11 broke the Evernote screen clipper. We'll have to wait until Microsoft fixes the change or until Evernote works out what is needed to make a fix. Meanwhile try Win+S then paste the clip into a note with Ctrl+V. Not quite so nifty but workable until the solution is found.
  3. This is a problem created by Microsoft. Win 11 intercepts the screen capture. There isn't a fix yet. I'm using Win+S then pasting into a note. Not quite the old Evernote screen capture but close enough for me. A fix will depend on either Microsoft sitting out its changes or Evernote Devs working out what has changed in Win 11 and rolling out a fix. Either way I'm not expecting a speedy resolution.
  4. On one of my devices I fixed it by uninstalling completely and reinstalling.
  5. Do you have more than one calendar in your account? Our an empty default calendar? That would give the empty calendar issue.
  6. 😏 I think soon is somewhat longer than the time for which I can hold my breath. This is an activity I'll avoid whilst waiting for an official response to your tongue-in-cheek question. It is something I've pondered over many releases of the app.
  7. @Bdog123 I think it would be easier to understand your suggestion if you could describe with a little more detail what you are trying to accomplish.
  8. The solution is, I think, go to the Home screen. Tap the Customize button in the top right of the window. Then click Done. I think that will refresh the sidebar correctly.
  9. I don't use network printers with my phone. I download a PDF to phone storage and it opens just fine inside my viewer of choice. As it happens I dumped Acrobat in favour of FoxIt. The options to print exist but I haven't anything set up to test. Inside Evernote, the PDF viewer has a share button (top right) there is an option to share to a printer there but not, curiously, to share to a PDF viewer.
  10. I have the direct download. I'll see what happens this morning... (Yesterday, as it happens, the same issue on the web version too). But I had 10.35.1 and @PinkElephant reports 10.35.3 so perhaps a further update. I'll check shortly. EDIT: I find that I was mistaken about the version number - I had 10.35.3 installed. My resolution required a complete uninstall and reinstall of the program and then the new settings icon appeared. THis is for Windows app running on Win 11. However, as an aside, I subsequently found that for the web interface I had only to tap the Customize button on the Home screen and then click Done and the gear icon appeared. I suspect that this could be the solution for those with this issue more generally. Thanks to @AlbertR for the nudge in that direction.
  11. The announcement is that there is a new settings menu in v10.35.1 released today - 20 April 2022. The release notes say to look behind the Gear Icon in the sidebar but as hard as I try I don't see the gear icon. Anyone have any success? Any hints to locate the gear icon? @gbarry
  12. The opposite. Win 11 has created a number of issues which don't exist in Win 10.
  13. Probably neither in the sense that there is an issue affecting all Windows 10 Pro users or all Evernote V10.?? users on Windows. It will be something specific to your set up. I don't have this issue at all. The normal first step would be to rebuild your data. In Evernote File, Sign Out, Remove data from this device. Then log back in and allow your data to be rebuilt. That may (or may not) resolve things. Either way it will provide more diagnostic information.
  14. There is no means of directly contacting someone other than via the ticketing option mentioned above. However, since you are logged in on your iPhone you can access support from within the Evernote app on the phone. In the iPhone app: Settings / Support / Submit a support request THis will not take you directly to Billing but will, I think, be forwarded to the correct person. In the meantime log into you original account on the web, declare that you have lost your password and follow the prompts to reset your account. Of course this will log you out of the app on your phone until you reenter the new password.
  15. That's because your iPhone is still logged in to your original account. In this instance Evernote hasn't done anything. By confusion you've managed to open a second account. Contact billing and they will resolve this for you.
  16. You need to open a billing ticket for your active subscription. To do that login with your active subscription - not the new free one. Create a ticket for billing or account problems. You should get prompt response. Once done you can close the new free account. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
  17. My guess is that you have some program artefacts left installed. There may be a number of Evernote directories remaining. Have a good clean out and then try reinstalling Legacy.
  18. You will have to wait until you receive the v10.31 update. It had only just started to roll out and can take a couple of weeks to arrive.
  19. The Android release today 10.30.1 reports a fix for the Office files issue on Android. Certainly fixed for me with Word documents.
  20. The Android release today 10.30.1 reports a fix for the Office files issue on Android. Certainly fixed for me with Word documents.
  21. The Android release today 10.30.1 reports a fix for the Office files issue on Android. Certainly fixed for me with Word documents.
  22. Ensure you login with your active username and password. Sounds like you might have created a new one with the additional download.
  23. Please go ahead and submit the suggestion to Evernote through the feedback option in the application. I'm not saying it isn't worth exploring, just that my guess is that it would be too complex.
  24. Yes, and remember once embedded in the note, it is separate from the original sheet stored on your computer. Updating the sheet embedded in the now does affect the original copy.
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