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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. I just scanned a receipt in Android v10.34.1 which took 17s. To be transparent, Evernote had been opened on my phone previously so that the loading time for the application was shorter than it would have been if it was the first time using the app today. I restarted the phone and with the load time for the whole application the duration was 22s. OnePlus 8 running Android 12.
  2. Then, since you are certain of the problem, you should raise a support ticket with Evernote.
  3. Pro will support multiple Google account calendars
  4. There are various levels of access you can assign to a notebook/note when sharing: View, Edit, Edit and Invite. With the newer version of Evernote the person will need, at the very least, to register a free account and will be prompted to do that when they first attempt to access the shared materials. If you wish you can access the older version of Evernote and in this version you have the option to create a link to publish the Notebook/Note Using this option the person you share with can view the shared notes in a browser window without registering if they wish. Note that this approach uses the previous release of Evernote and some of the newer features such as Tasks, Calendar, and Checklists are not supported.
  5. You can share, for example, a notebook with someone who isn't an Evernote user or you could share an individual note. The advantage of sharing a notebook is that any note you add to the notebook is automatically shared and, similarly, any note you move out of the notebook ceases to be shared. A non-user will have to access the notebook/notes via a web browser.
  6. The most common reason is that it is very easy to create a second account in error. Then you are looking inside an empty account. Check your username and password.
  7. That's not my experience but I accept that it is yours. I hope you'll get the solution you desire.
  8. I think that different users have different experiences AND differing requirements. I'm not aware of any sync issues for me. Everything chugs along as I need and expect. But neither am I looking for an instant result. About the only delay I ever notice is when I forward an Email to Evernote. But that is entirely a feature of the Email delivery speed rather than Evernote sync. So for me this is more than adequate but I also understand that others have different experiences. I can see that device, OS, and networks all contribute to the different experiences.
  9. That isn't the correct path. Try c:\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming For quick access: Press Win + R at the same time to open Run. Type %appdata% and press Enter
  10. Thanks for the suggestion. In addition to posting here you might want to send it directly to Evernote. Use the feedback function inside the application. These forums are largely users helping users so good ideas can easily get missed...
  11. This is a known issue for the Windows Desktop. The workaround is tomove images via the desktop or a separate folder on the PC. Drag and drop the image onto the desktop and then back to another application. The issue did get fixed for MacOS but, for some reason, has proven intractible for Windows. The devs are aware.
  12. We're still not absolutely clear... Are you referring to the Web Clipper browser extension? If so, which browser are you using? As you know, the web browser web clipper isn't dependent upon the version of Evernote installed. It talks directly to the Evernote servers. Since we aren't seeing a flood of complaints about this I think we have to assume that this is either account related (in which case you'll need to open a support ticket) or it is hardware/network/browser related (which may give you a better chance to diagnose by limiting the focus). I'd try out an alternative browser and clipper extension. If you normally run Chrome (or Edge or any other Chrome based browser) then try out Firefox with the Firefox clipper. If that works then you've narrowed down the issue a bit. Similarly, if you have access to another computer then try a clipper on the alternative device. Finally, you could switch to a different network and potentially, very temporarily, disable your anti-virus to see if the network or AV is intercepting the clipping. If none of this works then a support ticket is the way forward. Again, this presumes we are discussing the browser extension web clipper.
  13. It is only possible if the printer driver supports this. Evernote V10 doesn't offer this option. Possibly the best option is to print from the web browser interface. The browser print function may offer more control.
  14. I've attached my Streamdeck profile and icons. FWIW. All my key codes are for Windows. Adapt for a Mac as necessary. New note seems to work well enough: System Hotkey to trigger Ctrl+N Delete Note was a bit fiddly. It depends where you have focus. If the note focus is in the note list then all you need is to tap the Delete key. If, though, you have focus in the note itself then you need to switch focus to the list and then tap delete. Alt+Ctrl+\ followed by Del. I achieved that with a hotkey outside Streamdeck using AutoHotkey. So Alt+Shift+/ does everything necessary. I can use that from the keyboard or have it mapped to Streamdeck. I haven't set Search on Steamdeck but it would be a System Hotkey to trigger Win+Shift+F The Evernote keyboard shortcuts are your friends in doing this stuff - Ctrl+/ Evernote.streamDeckProfile
  15. Having read and re-read this thread I can't help thinking that there is some misunderstanding on how the web clippers work. Also, all the many tweaks and adjustments may have muddied everything. So I'll note the following. The web clippers are standalone browser extensions. They do not communicate with Evernote desktop apps. The clipping process sends the content directly the account on the Evernote servers. So trying to debug a link between the clipper and the desktop app is fruitless. I'd suggest a pause, deep breath, and start from first principles. Forget the desktop app. Use the web browser and check whether the web clipper is actually sending clipped content to your account. As @PinkElephant noted in the first response to the question. This is the first place to go. Is the clipped content in your account on the web? If not, then the clipper isn't connecting to the Evernote servers. I'm sure there are many reasons why this could happen. Possibly the most common is that you have mistakenly opened a second free Evernote account and you have sent the clips to a different account. I'm sure that there are other things to explore. If, though, the clips are arriving on the servers and can be seen in the web browser then there seems to be a sync issue with your desktop app. In this case you can move on from an issue with the clipper and instead debug the desktop app sync. So do let us know which stage in the process is failing and we may be able to suggest things to try.
  16. I'm not sure it is a good as might be expected... I tried a search for spec which produced a whole range of results including Specsavers Then I search for "spec " (including the space) and Specsavers disappeared from the results but still found: Specs and Spec:
  17. I think not. The Share function is something inside the OS. So you'd have to persuade Apple/Google to enable the necessary abilities and then get Evernote to pick up on this. For this reason you, whilst you can suggest it via Feedback on the app, it is unlikely to arrive.
  18. Of course not. The software belongs to Evernote. It is beta software. It isn't yours to distribute. The conditions of participating in the beta program prohibit such action.
  19. I use Streamdeck. I used some generic icons which do the job but aren't really specific to Evernote. I have just a few buttons set up for actions I use regularly. I could probably remember the keyboard shortcuts but the buttons are just a bit easier.
  20. Some people like to start with a title and others like to provide a title once they have created the content. I guess that both are OK. For you, sadly, there is no setting to start in the Title field.
  21. I think I concur with @Mike P. The concept is good but in practice the suggestions provide nothing for me. YMMV.
  22. It will require a new release of the applications so I'd say that the premature announcement is in preparation for the release of the applications. That said, I've not received any forum announcement.
  23. I think not. I just turned off data and WiFi and searched for a term inside a PDF and found the relevant note. PDFs can take awhile to be indexed. Are they newly attached to a note? If so leave it overnight and try again. Perhaps the indexing is retained for awhile after data is turned off.
  24. I imagine that the API will get attention at some point in the future but there is no promise and I don't see that being high on the agenda.
  25. As previously suggested, try pasting Ctrl+Shift+V instead of Ctrl+V
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