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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. Yes, if you wish to do more than give feedback then submit a support ticket: Support Ticket – Evernote Help & Learning I attempted to debug the link but it seems to have been edited so Home Depot returns an Access Denied error when I paste it directly into my browser. Or perhaps Home Depot refuses visitors from the UK Inevitably this will also fail from inside Evernote for me. Can you provide a complete and working URL to test? I went to a local website and found a similarly formatted link to yours: https://www.screwfix.com/p/easyfix-bzp-mixed-rivets-pack-900-pcs/3092k This works just fine from inside Evernote as well as outside.
  2. That's not a checklist. That's a bullet list with check boxes. Checklists didn't exist until v10.
  3. In truth, Evernote has attempted to deprecate the checkboxes in favour of checklists. Boxes are intended (now) to be single check box in the middle of text. If you put a BOX at the start of a line it will convert to a LIST. If not immediately then when you return to the note later. If you put a box in the middle of some text (including inside a LIST) then it will stay as a box. Best way forward at the start of a line is to type a character such as a . or - followed by []. There are a number of threads with various workarounds that different folk use. This is a workflow that I decided I had to come to terms with since nothing looks likely to change in the near future.
  4. Possibly, but the cause is the same. v10 is developing and changing all the time. Changes to some features and functions are hidden in the background that might well improve the v10 experience but, sadly, will make working across versions less reliable. Unfortunately there is no sign that v10 will ever run on an OS below Android 10 so your best option is to stay with Legacy on the desktop until your mobile device comes around for upgrade/change. And just to note... v8 on Android has never supported CHECKLISTs - they are a v10 only option. v8 and Legacy only have CHECKBOXes which v10 stubbornly attempts to convert to lists unless you use the tricks described earlier in the thread
  5. You could just use the Legacy app on desktop then you will be working on a consistent environment across devices. Mixing v10 on desktop and v8 on mobile raises a few conflicts such as this one.
  6. No. The date format in searches is yyyymmdd https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313828-Use-advanced-search-syntax If you are searching for text in a note then that would still not work. Perhaps you have tried and discovered that. If you write all your dates in the ISO format then you could search for 202012 or 2020/12 I'm not sure how effective it would be. They let would be always writing a date in that format.
  7. Of course, but these forums are primarily user to user so feedback and tickets get you into the system more reliably.
  8. You should express your interest through the feedback option in the apps or by submitting a support ticket.
  9. These forums are primarily user to user. If you want to contact Evernote Devs then you would be best to use the feedback option in the apps or open a support ticket .
  10. The latitude/longitude/altitude values are what you would use https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313828-Use-advanced-search-syntax
  11. I had a note containing an image. The exported pdf includes the image. There is no means of sending the image file on its own from the note to the PDF print stream other than as described by @gazumped
  12. Answered elsewhere. Please avoid multiple identical posts.
  13. Be sure you have the latest release. Leave the app where you want to return and that is where you will be next time you open it. Not sure what you mean by alphabetical scroll.
  14. I'm not an expert in this Mac stuff but is it not affected by being a browser extension rather than a native application? For example, the Firefox extension runs in Firefox regardless of the device involved. Similarly the Chrome add-on runs in a Chrome browser independent of the device/OS. Are there lots of M1 broswer extensions? I suspect not but as I say, I'm no Mac expert...
  15. I think the point is that there is only a beta release for Linux (and that only for Ubuntu). For those not on the beta program the only options for those wanting to use Evernote are to use the web browser, which is a fine and official solution, or to use a third-party option such as NixNote.
  16. Android V10.34.1: Settings, Notes, Advanced Editing, Phone
  17. There are no integrations with tasks yet. It will require the Evernote API to be updated and that is a work yet to be started.
  18. I fear that the only solution is to dump the existing data and start again - at least if you want sync to work. You could identify all the unsynced notes and export them to an enex file. Then when the data is rebuilt you can import these notes back into the database. If the export doesn't work then I fear that you have no options left.
  19. My first port of call would be the web browser version of Evernote. You may find that the note isn't even present there. If that's the case then I'd suggest that you have a corrupted note database. It's awhile since I used Legacy so I don't recall quick ways of doing this. I'd uninstall the program and ensure all the old data is removed. Then reinstall and see if the troublesome note is brought back from the server. Remember, if you have a free account, the web browser counts as one of your two devices allowed to be linked. You can reinstall the Legacy or switch to v10 as you wish.
  20. Is that a Slack feature? It might be best to ask this in Slack forums...
  21. THere are quite a few threads discussing encryption and the general view is thatthe Evernote implementation is rudimentary. I'd recommend an external encryption program such as Saferoom (which works well with Evernote) or AxCrypt.
  22. Did you try the full uninstall recommended earlier in the thread? If that did not work then you should raise a support ticket with Evernote.
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