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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. These forums are primarily user-to-user. None of us can fix anything. I suggest you make your very valid point in a tech support ticket direct to Evernote if you want to be certain you are heard.
  2. This is a thread concerning the web based service. The issues, even if similar to look at, will be entirely different in terms of cause. The fairly standard answer to this issue on the desktop application is to rebuild your local data. First try: File | Sign Out | Remove my Evernote data from this device | Sign back in After a short time your data will be recreated and you should have a clean undamaged local data file. If that doesn't work you have the opportunity for the slightly more radical... File | Quit In your file explorer locate the local data directory - on Windows %AppData%\Evernote Delete the Evernote directory and then log back in or if you want to be really sure, uninstall and then download the current installation program and reinstall. Log back in. None of these steps will be any use for the web client which this thread is actually concerning.
  3. Which has not gone away. You can choose to use it instead of v10. Either, or, both are all options.
  4. You were correct... A bug release dealing with the issue that stopped some users launching the application. I guess a pretty key release...
  5. I can reproduce the first issue re the title of a Google Docs attachment. That said it really isn't an issue for me. I can still open the document and since I rarely have more than one attachment in a note it is easy enough to know what I'm looking at. I cannot reproduce the second issue regarding focus changing to the file list.
  6. This is an old thread pre-Evernote 10. The issue is with the paywalled site which considers the Evernote web clipper on desktop as a new browser so refuses the connection. There is no means of offering a username/password with the web clipper. I'm not sure about Sharing via a mobile browser. You could request development of the web clipper with Evernote support but I doubt anything will happen soon. This isn't, though an issue with the Evernote application.
  7. For Kanban via Evernote search for Kanbanote. https://www.kanbanote.com/
  8. I confess that I am confused... I can see that you are attempting to connect to Evernote through a web browser but you are also showing us screen captures from the setting menus in Evernote Legacy - which shows only one device linked etc. I think, with me so confused by what is being attempted here, I'll wish you well in the search for a solution but not be able to offer any additional insight.
  9. To be honest, printing is one of the least functional aspects of Evernote v10 on Windows. I very rarely print, but when I do I still revert to Legacy. Particularly for a note that is longer than a single page. I don't get a border all the way around a page when I print from v10 but I do get a grey line across the top of the page. My recommendation is to use Legacy for printing.
  10. Yes, but @thucuu8x says she has now tried multiple different browsers which, I think, could now have added to the device count. Just to complicate the issue.
  11. In Android V10 go to Settings and then Sync.
  12. As a Free user you will, now, probably have breached the device limits. Each different browser will count as a new device. Given that you are using a Google address and successfully connect using Login with Google perhaps that's the best solution as a free user.
  13. Actually it's %AppData%\Evernote on Windows. @ThrallC says he/she is using a Mac. Not sure where the data directory is on a Mac. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/1500004231762-Remove-Evernote-data-from-your-Mac-or-Windows-device
  14. Hi @BatchMann, The strike through and green boxes is a feature of Evernote version 10 but you are posting in the V8 for Android threads. If you are mixing V10 on desktop and V8 on Android that might explain why you are confused...
  15. I'm not aware of such services but cannot imagine that they would be cost effective. Personally, I pop documents in the scanner tray, tap the button and job done. I'm too lazy to place the papers in an envelope, pay for postage, take the envelope to a mailbox and wait for several days for the work to get done
  16. Evernote v10 is only available on Android 10 and above.
  17. Note history is always running but only accessible by paid accounts. If you upgrade you will gain access to all note histories. I believe that the discount is for the first year. You should ask Evernote to confirm the terms and conditions.
  18. This has been raised and discussed a number of times in these forums. You might want to track down the request and add your voice there. Otherwise, probably best to also give feedback direct to Evernote rather than via these largely user supported forums to ensure your voice is heard. Feedback via the application feedback or open a support ticket. FWIW, exporting other than via the Notebook export will lose the notebook structure of your notes. This was true with the old legacy product too.
  19. I think you have no option other than use the version that's available or move on to a different product. Android users are able to roll back because the installation files for earlier versions are available online and Android includes the ability to install apps manually. Mostly the UI changes in v10 require users to adjust their workflows. Sorry.
  20. Have you upgraded to Windows 11? This is a Win 11 upgrade issue so may be the issue for you if you have the Win 11 package.
  21. If pasting as plain text doesn't work then I'd suggest a support ticket.
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