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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. This is a five year old thread which is related, inevitably, to the old version of Evernote. Given that things are different in v10 can you describe in more detail what you are attempting and the issues you face?
  2. Yes, most apps have narrower scroll bars for me since I was upgraded to Windows 11. Not a problem for me but if you want something wider then YMMV. I think Win 10 had a registry setting which can adjust but this doesn't work, for me, in Win 11.
  3. Interestingly, nobody I know is complaining about this. So, possibly, those you know are all working together in an office? Since there aren't lots of reports of this issue it would help if you have more details of how you're validating. Do you log in with a username or via an SSO sign in via Apple or Google? On the desktop is it the application from the Apple or Windows store? Which level of subscription are you on? I'm guessing Personal but it might help to know.
  4. No. But you may find that the sync on the phone will only take place once you have brought the app forward on the device. Your description indicates that the desktop is sync-ing to the servers. So your can focus your efforts on working out what is needed to get the phone to sync with the cloud in a timely fashion.
  5. Given that these forums are for users of Evernote you may find more success asking this question in forums for OneNote users where you could find others who have traveled this journey successfully.
  6. It is in the pipeline but Outlook is next. So you have a while to wait.
  7. I'm not sure that the note history function will help. If the original content was never syncronised then it won't be in the history. You could take a one month subscription but there is nothing else to suggest for someone on the Free plan. It is free for a reason - not least that support costs money. That would be where you could go to raise the issue. So you could consider a one month subscription and that will give you access to support as well as note history. For a business critical application it is well worth the fee - around two cups of coffee out at your favourite shop.
  8. That suggests that you are successfully sync-ing to the servers from the desktop app. I suspect that the mobile apps need to be brought to the foreground before syncs take place. At least they take place more reliably when in the foreground.
  9. It is coming. I would estimate later this year... The problem is getting the data exchange with the Outlook API to play well.
  10. You could achieve this with the Rocket Book system. You can even do this without purchasing Rocket Book equipment. Just download the free mobile app and print their downloadable marked up paper and print and use to take hand written notes. Rocket Book will upload the resulting output to a number of other applications including Evernote.
  11. This isn't an option at the moment. It has been requested by a few users. If you feel that this is something you need then I'd recommend you open a ticket and make the request.
  12. The question that needs to be answered is 'If there is no product anywhere that offers the function you describe then is there a profitable reason to provide it?' I doubt that Evernote will be the place to get this but give your request via a support ticket. I may be mistaken.
  13. There's are a number of reasons why sync may not take place. For example, one user, yesterday, discovered that restarting their router kicked things back into life. Sometimes the local data becomes stuck and the option to sign out and remove allows it to be rebuilt. You have the sync options in the desktop apps Ctrl+R (reload) and Ctrl+Shift+R (force reload) but these likely won't work if the other issues aren't fixed if broken
  14. Because recurring tasks are a significant improvement. But that doesn't mean that there aren't other things that still need attention. I happen to think that a sync button is irrelevant but YMMV. If I need to sync in the desktops there is Ctrl+R. But it rarely achieves anything much because sync takes place continuously. There are other functions that I'd placed much higher in priority than a largely cosmetic sync button.
  15. That could be it. All those starred are also in my shortcuts...
  16. I genuinely don't know what the star signifies but all my notebooks have one. Could it be an indication of a notebook with recent activity? Just a guess...
  17. This issue feels like it is going to be firewall, VPN or other issue. I really don't it will be the Evernote application since this is the only instance of this being reported. While you are waiting for sorry to respond you could try temporarily disabling the various security settings to see if they assist. Also connecting via a different network... Instead of the normal WiFi or LAN try using a mobile hotspot.
  18. It seems that you are still pasting vague comments about months old threads. As you've been asked before, please give us a bit more insight to why you are contributing.
  19. I don't have problems provided I have two things sorted. 1. I have to open Evernote each morning (I turn my phone off overnight) 2. I have to ensure that Evernote is not running in battery optimised mode. In Android 12 I am regularly prompted to optimise the application but have to decline if I want alerts & reminders to work .
  20. Shared noted that have been abandoned by their owner are especially troublesome both to get rid of and to work with. You don't say which version of Evernote you are using but I might try using the Legacy version to export or print to a PDF printer. Then reconstruct the notes in your own account. Or even just import the PDFs.
  21. If you want a staff response then you need to open a support ticket.
  22. I seen to recall that when the Calendar trial ended I had to completely disconnect myself from Google and then reconnect just the services I wanted. You could try that... Flee from Google and then return 🤪
  23. No thanks... But you could create your own. Every time you check off a task shout 'Eureka!' or 'Plonk!' 😋 But that may mean you sound like Mr Toad from Wind in the Willows when he first encounters a motor car 😉
  24. If you can't use Calendar because of your plan then I'd just disconnect Google Calendar in your settings https://www.evernote.com/ConnectedServices.action
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