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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. I think you have asked this in another thread. We try not to doubled post. Thanks. The advice to the other thread was to completely uninstall, restart the phone, then reinstall. If that doesn't work then contact support by opening a ticket.
  2. I have an Amazon Fire tablet which only offers me the older Evernote app. So I use the web interface which is a better experience overall.
  3. You should have a conversation with Evernote support. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
  4. Try copying & pasting an image into Word. It still fails for me - even with 10.40...
  5. Copy & paste from the Windows desktop had been broken for months. It is known as an issue but who can say when it will be resolved. The only workaround is to copy to the desktop (or any other Windows folder) and then from there to the destination application. Also, if you are copying to the default application for the file type (eg you want to open an image in Photoshop) then Open will do that .
  6. I think that widgets are not working correctly with 10.35. Others are reporting similar issues with other widgets. I suggest that you submit support ticket.
  7. Someone else had this. They rebooted their PC and all was well.
  8. The AutoHotKey script was easy to implement - at least I found it to be so. Haven't had any issues searching inside PDFs with v10 but YMMV.... You may find that some of the issues discussed date back to earlier releases of the program.
  9. I just exported a couple of notes from Evernote as HTML. They opened in Word and appeared exactly as they looked inside the note with the exception that the font was a serif font rather than sans-serif used inside Evernote. For my notes, at least, HTML export would be more than adequate to open in Word. Perhaps you'd like to describe the note format that you are using that isn't importing into Word. That might assist the devs in considering the use. In any case, you might get more attention to the need if you submit it as a support ticket which will be more likely to get attention than these forums.
  10. If you have not received the beta package then you have not been selected to participate and should use the web browser version of Evernote.
  11. I agree. I don't use the 4/6x1 widget. The 1x1 option is better for me too. But it seems to have gone from v10.35. I had to reinstall the app this time around which is when I discovered that the 4x1 widget had become a 6x1 and that the 1x1 option was missing.
  12. Not for me either. I got this invitation once but it doesn't repeat. If @Jon/t's suggestion doesn't work Is suggest uninstall and reinstall.
  13. I seem to have lost the 1x1 widget altogether. The 4x1 widget also loads completely blank. I reinstalled the app and the widget is now a 6x1 display (but labelled 4x1) and it displays correctly. But still no 1x1 widget available. v10.35
  14. The ability to link a home screen shortcut to a note had been with us for months - possibly a year.
  15. A lot of users run AutoHotKey which enables the ability to create keystrokes formatted as desired. I have Alt+Shift+; and this produces date and time in the format previously used in Legacy. AutoHotKey is a really useful application. Search the forums and you should find the instructions.
  16. When I originally typed the response I actually tried the copy/paste function and it worked for me. I'll check again later. Perhaps app changes since March have changed something.
  17. Yes, but since the function is present it isn't a great issue for me
  18. So now you have to decide whether to keep on with a Personal subscription or cancel renewal at the end of the month. If you decide to cancel be sure to see register whichever devices you don't want to retain. At the point of switching back to Free you will do to all the limits on the Free account.
  19. My recommendation is to go through the Sign out / Remove your data / Sign In and allow the desktop to rebuild your data. This feels like a damaged install. Don't forget to export your unsynced notes in desktop so that you still have them to import after this process. If you want to be more radical you could completely uninstall Evernote and be sure that all the data and program directories are also deleted before reinstalling. The other option you have is to use the Force Reload option in Help / Troubleshooting. Ctrl+Shift+R If Troubleshooting does not appear then hold the Ctrl button and click on the Help menu to reveal it. Maybe try that first but I suspect this is a data corruption blocking synchronisation.
  20. Well it was worth checking. Sorry it didn't prove useful. You certainly now need to de-register a device. I guess you reached your account settings via the web browser for the application. Just de-register Evernote web unless, of course, you plan to use that in the future. You still have the option to pay for one month and grab direct support from Evernote techs. Otherwise, if you are going back to Legacy then de-register web and Thor.
  21. 5 July 2022 - Evernote 10.40.9 has arrived for download and will update in due course. I'm already enjoying the official arrival of recurring tasks
  22. Here's a thought... You have previously used Legacy desktop and a mobile device. Two devices. Now you have added the new v10 into the mix. That makes a third device which is not permitted on the Free account. This could just be a case of too many devices attempting to register on your account. THat you have stopped using the so-called Legacy does not automatically de-register it from your account. I would attempt to clean up the number of devices that Evernote thinks you have. Before you do this export the notes which haven't synchronised so that you have them to reinstall. (You will probably need them if you decide to give up on v10 and go back to Legacy. Sign out of Evernote and choose the option to remove your data from this device. Open the account pages and check and see which 'devices' are listed. You can de-register two devices this month on the free account. If you can see three devices listed then de-register the two running Windows. Otherwise just de-register the single Windows device. Now restart Evernote v10 and sign in. The application will recreate your data from the server. This will take a short period of time. If, as we anticipate, you are missing the notes that were not synchronising then you have them to import. If this does not work then your best bet would be to subscribe for one month. This is a modest amount for the month. It will give you access to multiple devices and the ability to deregister and retry as much as you wish. It will also give you access to the support offered to subscribers. Support Ticket – Evernote Help & Learning
  23. In the desktop, V10 for Windows, force sync with Ctrl+R. But as @PinkElephant says, diagnosing sync issues is most easily achieved with the web browser. If the missing note is on the web server then the issue is with the mobile device sync. If the note isn't on the web then your guess that the issue is with the V10 desktop is correct.
  24. You have previously said that you have a Windows laptop. The most likely cause of this issue is a broken installation of Evernote. So you should completely uninstall and then reinstall Evernote. Use an unistaller program such as Revo Uninstall since the standards Windows uninstall often leaves remnants of the broken data behind. Once you have completed the Revo Uninstall, download the latest version of the Evernote program from the website and install. Once you have logged into you account the data will be rebuilt and you should be good to go.
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