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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. All interesting for someone who's unhappy with a present system, but so far I'm very content (just renewed Premium) and have too many notes and too much inertia to be tempted to look into alternatives.
  2. Evernote rarely if ever announce projects in advance, and have been cutting back to core activities in recent months. It seems unlikely they're likely to have any major changes of heart. There are limited options for Linux users - see previous posts and (sorry) the Web client...
  3. Same here. Evernote is just one of a dozen apps I use daily. It gets a lot of use, and I have no plans to move away any time soon; but like Excel / Lightroom / Word - it's designed for a particular purpose. I mentioned the Tempus item because a few folks have stressed their need for geolocation with notes - no idea whether this fills a need, but you never know..
  4. Evernote use SQLite for local storage*.. According to the website - https://www.sqlite.org/ - And (you may remember) Google for their backend bulk stores - along with a dozen other global companies who store their data here. Gmail (on a different, but probably very similar network) store billions of emails for their global customer base. Interestingly Gmail use tags-not-folders too, and have done (AFAIK) for as long as they have been around. That system seems to work for them. The original founders of Evernote seem like pretty smart folks, and in their less-than-infinite (but still pretty good) wisdom, decided when starting out, to adopt this one means of labeling data. They and their (presumably) equally smart successors haven't seen fit to change that situation (yet) since. No one knows why not - but they presumably have good reasons, and since its their party, they get to choose the music. Since there are some valid issues I'd like to see addressed first - syncing / tables / styles / shared tags / note linking amongst them - I'm happy to let this float for the time being! Edit: * Windows local storage - before I get shouted at...
  5. Just adding to the 'alternatives' library - this is a bit specialized: http://www.tempuslocum.com/ Android only: Tempus Locum (not the most catchy name for an app...) seems aimed at a slightly specialized marketplace... But if features like location tracking / sound clips / picture display / label printing are important to you it may be worth a look. I only saw this one because Book Catalogue (an android app I've used for a long time to scan ISBN codes and track my reading) is promoting this as a new product. EDIT: Wow - just noticed my quote text box above now includes a drop-down! Nice!
  6. OK - gotcha. I can see the first option is much more accessible. Thanks.
  7. Interesting view - I was an early (and initially enthusiastic) Agenda user, and I don't remember tags at all... the idea was: enter all your random unstructured data, and allow the "AI" engine to analyze your data and answer any and all queries about the content. (If anyone wants any 'how to' books on the subject I do have several.) Example: Enter all the apartments available for rent, and find the one with a pool and nearby shops? No problem. Also - no tags required. I've been dealing with databases for around 50 years (so far) and I'm pretty sure there is no 'best way' to structure data for analysis. Evernote offer an option with tags. They are not (AFAIK) under any obligation to offer anything different if their commercial priorities or institutional preferences dictate otherwise. Users can buy in to that world view, or check out other options. 'Competition' is frequently dragged out as a reason for change, and no doubt if and when Evernote feel the need to react to the market they'll have a few features they prepared in advance to trot out as options. Unless and until that happens, what you see is what you got. Enjoy it or not. Entirely your choice.
  8. Hi. The fact that Evernote's attitude to folders hasn't apparently altered since 2008, despite many changes since then (including the fact that Dave Engberg doesn't work there any more), would suggest that if you had any optimism for a change you should abandon it here. The tagging system really isn't offered as a work-around, it's an alternative option and a feature of this particular product. Others embrace the folder concept (some are lousy at tags) and may be better suited to your needs...
  9. Hi - try changing the title of this thread so it's a feature request for a 'save' button. If you get some support clicks, it'll bump the priority up the list. Maybe...
  10. Hmmn. I'd suggest you reach out to Support directly if you're a paying customer on https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new or tweet them if not via https://twitter.com/evernotehelps If you start a short note on the iPhone and sync it on completion, do you get duplicates? Always? Frequently? Occasionally?
  11. Hi. Evernote doesn't instantly sync your work to the server or save to the local device until you finish editing and close the note. It should be possible to manually sync while you're working if you have a lot of changes or new work to secure.
  12. Evernote isn't "denying" anything - they just haven't gotten around to doing this yet. If it was easy, it probably would have been done - but Evernote for Windows is 20MB of code in which you need to insert the right extra line or lines to make this happen. Then you need to do the same for Mac / Android and iOS... and not break the existing features in the process. Not saying they couldn't or shouldn't do it, just pointing out there's some work involved. And judging by this thread a whole '1' user is waiting breathlessly for this to happen... not much incentive for them to prioritize this feature above the thousands of other essential tweaks and bug fixes others have asked for. Additional votes (click at top left of the page) may help to move it up the list...
  13. I don't know whether there are any technical issues with creating a shortcut to notebooks, but the practical concerns would be along the same lines as adding eye color to George Washington on Mt Rushmore. A small amount of effort and very limited skills required for the actual job, but the preparation work and the access could be a monster, and the actual benefit (for Evernote) once it's done?....
  14. Hi. In Windows desktop, if you select one or more notes and right click, do you get a 'move notes to trash' option? What versions of Windows and Evernote are you currently using?
  15. Hi. Are you meaning a completely inline code block as opposed to the new line code block nserted by Ctrl/Shift/L? (I assume the Mac equivalent is Cmd/Shift/L) If so, can you explain why the inline version is important? It would be interesting to understand why and where the existing code block option isn't appropriate...
  16. Hi. There are thousands of requests for new and updated features, not to mention the odd bug issue. This will be on a to do list somewhere, but its priority will depend on other focus groups and the score at the top left of this page, which is currently '2'. If it's technically possible, I'm sure Evernote will do this - the only question is when...
  17. Thanks for the heads up - hadn't seen this before. Looks like a neat way to backup your databases file or folder (windows) or your Evernote files (Mac) - not sure what the implications for Evernote would be if you had the app open when backing up... I'd guess possible errors in any note you were working on at the time. Useful if you can manually trigger the backup as required, or just leave it in the background and let it run when you're not using the machine. I'll have a look into this in more detail over the next couple of days!
  18. Speaking as a Note 4 user - any chance of any movement on that? LastPass can use my fingerprint sensor.... (which I know means nothing, but hey..)
  19. Sorry but if a note has been deleted and also is no longer in Trash, then AFAIK the only hope of recovering it is either a device that has a copy of the database on it that has not synced for some time. Don't allow it to sync now, but do open Evernote (if you can) and check for your old notes. a variation on the above - checking old backups in icloud or on local systems for previous version of the database. There are no other options that I can see... (others may have better suggestions)
  20. If it doesn't suit your particular use case I can see how this sort of thing - https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/41557-remove-automatic-hyperlink/ would bug you. But why would you type a link without wishing to ever click on it and move elsewhere? This is just a convenience to avoid your having to copy and paste that link into a browser window to see the original page. (I'm not being disrespectful here, just genuinely wondering in what context this is unhelpful). Sadly being a subscriber doesn't entitle you to instruct Evernote what features to change for your personal preference. If there's enough support from other users I'm sure they'd be open to adding it as an option, but (unless they were already working on this - and they don't -usually- share progress reports) it simply won't happen anytime soon. You could raise a feature request in that section of the Forums to see what support you can raise. Meantime right click and 'remove' or (Windows) Ctrl+Shift+R is the only way to avoid the link. (If I were sufficiently motivated, I might look at options to use a text expander like Phrase Express to automatically remove the link with a key press, or to insert white characters around the address to 'hide' it from Evernote. Beware though that invisible extra characters would be a problem if copying and pasting the link in future). A leading "\\" forinstance seems to stop Evernote from recognising a link address. Just sayin'
  21. There was a thing in Windows where it was necessary to exit Outlook and restart it to get the clipper working...
  22. Hi. Thanks for a full and very helpful answer! I now understand the logic behind the process - all due respect that's actually quite a sophisticated feature - I'd suggest you highlight it more on your website or FAQs (unless you already do, in which case I missed it!) Re: Absolutely. My answer to the multiple folder problem yesterday was to zap everything and start over. If Backupery was my only backup solution I'd be most reluctant to clear all my history that way. Thanks again for your help - and I'll look forward to the scheduled backups being available...
  23. Windows users get an Outlook Clipper to copy emails (or selected text) into Evernote. Doesn't Outlook for Mac have the same option? Or were you looking for a different level of integration?
  24. Further to the last post... Started getting more urgent drive full messages from Google, so took a look at the folder. After 14 days of backups I was using over 80GB of storage (daily mixed full and incremental backups) in just over 100 folders, 14 files per folder. (Each notebook gets exported to its own ENEX file) Looked for a way to tell Backupery to keep a rolling 5 days' history (ie: replace backups over nn days old) - none available that I can see. Started deleting all backups from June - 6 files per folder. 100+ times. Glup. So: deleted all the history so far, reset the backup to incremental, and we'll see what happens with the next scheduled backup, which (the app tells me) is in an hour - at midday. Would prefer to change that to 11pm or so - but see previous post. God job I kept up my 'other' backup process meanwhile. So: needed please - timed backups history clear-outs (replace files over x days old) manual clearance - delete files over x days old One question: If I do an incremental backup, but have no recent full backup, what is this 'incremental' to? All recently changed notes? Today's date? Unsynced notes?
  25. Hmmn. Have been letting the backups rip for a while to see how things went. I started out with an incremental backup and then switched to full since I hadn't used the app before; I might have left it on 'full' and 'daily' for a few days now. My Google drive seems to be a bit full, since I backed up to my local hard drive plus the Google folder with some confused idea that I'd make the backup files 'online only'; which doesn't seem possible with this setup. It does max out memory, drive access and network access in the process of a backup. Haven't gone through my Google contents to see how much of my big main notebook got captured yet.. All that slows down my access a lot - any chance of a timed operation - "daily at 1700" sort of thing?
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