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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. Undo works pretty well for me when I need it - can you give any examples of the sort of change that it wasn't possible to roll back? If you're using the installed desktop version an easy backup for important notes when editing is just to create a temporary copy - or you could use an external editor (Notepad or Word) to do any long edits on note content. Either way if you take system backups (and you definitely should) you'll have copies of the Evernote database folder from which yesterday's note content will be available. (Evernote does the history backup around twice per day though, so your local backups aren't any more up to date than the last note history entry.) "Content permanence" shouldn't be an issue though - you'll have a local copy of the current database, hopefully backups, the server current copy and the note history versions to pull from in the event of any issues.
  2. Not sure how you got there from anything I said. If you're running Evernote from work it's likely the business firewall is blocking traffic. You might need the help of your IT department to find out what's allowed. It is possible to run several free accounts at the same time - only two can be connected to the account at the same time; just disconnect one to add another. And Evernote can't fix what they don't know about (and may not be in their control anyway) unless you reach out to Support on Twitter.
  3. Evernote don't typically give advance notice of work in progress and whether or when things might be released - until they are.
  4. Hi. I don't believe that's currently possible in Android. Notes sort in descending order, so newest first. You could sort by title and use a numbering system to 'force' the order of the notes into oldest first...?
  5. AFAIK the search and tag functionality on a mobile device is pretty much the same as a desktop. If you have a different experience then please let us know exactly where you find the experience different.
  6. Didn't say Evernote can't be held accountable - just saying we don't know whether this is a design choice or compliance with some standard that other websites - with one notable exception so far - haven't caught up with. Evernote withdrew their plans to change the privacy policy, but regardless I'm still sure the warning isn't about gathering information. Any website can already do that anyway without flashy notices - to see where traffic is coming from, what pages it prefers, and where it goes offsite. I'm sure Evernote don't care whether you come from OneNote or go to Google Keep after reading a note.
  7. Hi. Can G-doc import HTML files? Evernote can export to that format, or to PDF (depending on your OS and apps available). It rather depends on what sort of notes and attachments you have - sound files / pictures / documents / media / code. So far as I know I'm the only person wittering on about an update to the web client, based off a comment last year, and 'major update' is not what I've called it. AFAIK they're bringing the code base up to date from the mid 2000's to now, and what they were talking about was a beta version tester that probably won't be anywhere near fully capable. It's also late (from what they said last year), though detailed release plans were not part of what was posted. And whatever gave you the impression that 'you are leaving Evernote' was about collecting "extra data" - at worst it's a compliance with some tech standard (or legal advice) so that if you leave an Evernote note and go to a page which causes serious grief, Evernote can't be held responsible. I've also seen the same message from other web sites. It's not a covert attempt to find out how many users link to WrestleMania!
  8. Evernote don't (usually) comment on whether or not they are adding a particular feature, or (if they are) when it might be released.
  9. Hi. A set of 'reader' functions wouldn't be especially helpful to me, but if a lot of users find this useful they'll (hopefully) upvote the idea by clicking the up arrow at top left of the page. The more clicks, the more likely it is that a developer will look to include this at some point. We're a (mainly) user-supported forum, not Evernote, and they don't usually discuss what features they're introducing until they appear, usually in the beta versions.
  10. Hi. There was a discussion in another thread about the benefits of having a 'hit squad' of specialists ready to leap in and deal with quick fixes and new features, but given that every business these days employs only as many people as it needs, and there are millions of folks out there suggesting little tweaks and add-ins, how do you prioritize? How do you cope with the fact that a hit squad will tromp all over routine plans and maintenance? Like TANSTAAFL - there's no such thing as 'easy'. This feature might be on a hit list of things that Evernote will do at some time, but they don't (usually) comment on what's in the pipeline.
  11. Hi. Sorry, but presentation mode is not available on the web app - AFAIK it's a premium desktop-only service. The closest approximation would be to create a Table of Contents note for any pages you wish to share using the public link for each page. Make all the notes public and view them via a browser.
  12. Hi. If the web version says you have 100% of your upload left, that should be correct, though it's odd to see the limit totally unused - if you ran up against it last month I would have expected the next sync to use up a few KB at least... You've already done the things which should fix the issue - a sync should now be possible to reset the limit. It's unusual to have to do any more, but you could try emptying the Trash notebook on your desktop and if that doesn't work uninstall and reinstall the app. -That takes about 10 minutes and won't affect your notes, though you should have a backup of the databases folder just in case...
  13. Hi. Any special reason why you haven't tried the installed app? It's a lot more powerful than the web version. I use Firefox and Windows 10 and haven't seen any WSDs lately..
  14. It's a fair point that DropBox, Google et. al. haven't restricted file size (AFAIK) and operate in similar ways. Hmmn. Maybe I'm over-thinking this. Usual problem though - Evernote won't (usually) tell us what may or may not happen in future...
  15. Hi. Have a look at web based reminder systems like https://www.followupthen.com/ - or - https://followup.cc/ - since you can email a note and get it back as an email reminder in days months or years. It would be possible to email to say 1day@followup.cc and get it emailed back after that time. You could then either remail it to 4days@followup.cc, or there's a snooze function in the email that comes back so you could then defer it for each further period required. I did play with a system some time ago that used a template note listing all the applicable waiting periods + check boxes so I could see what reminder periods had already been used. I haven't used the system in anger, but it does mean you don't have to keep on swapping out tags and running searches. Emails come directly to your inbox (or wherever normal traffic is directed) - you don't even need to have Evernote open.
  16. No matter how active the Forums are, we're only a small part of the overall feedback that Evernote receives. They get support requests, tweets, responses to their blog posts, and input on Facebook / LinkedIn / Google+, as well as a lot of meet-ups at which Evernote staffers attend. From time to time they'll send out surveys of various sorts plus there are separate Beta communities for some products. Receiving customer feedback is not a problem - though parsing it into a logical development path might be a little more problematic. One of the team did observe a while ago that some requests are easier than others - various demands for better text styles and layouts prompted a 4-year redevelopment of the editor module for all platforms forinstance. All development needs to filter into ongoing work to keep up with OS and browser changes plus general bug fixing, QA and R&D. Plus (I'd imagine) Evernote has a work schedule set out for the coming year so folks get time for little luxuries like sleep and holidays... That old Chinese thing about "may you live in exciting times"? I'd imagine that's business as usual at Evernote HQ.
  17. Biggest note I've got in Evernote is 124MB, though I remember trying to split one a while ago - probably when the limit was lower. The problem I'd guess for Evernote is that every increase in note size means more traffic through servers and more storage space. Can't be bothered to do the math, but the graph slope of whatever proportion of active users out of +/- 200M users with an extra 100MB of storage space per note could generate would probably be quite impressive. Yes I know there's a monthly limit, but getting there a significant percentage faster would presumably involve some considerable excitement on all sides. And I know that not everyone is going to save every note at the new max, but suppose you found you couldn't save a 298MB note when you should have been able to? Some bandwidth and server space somewhere has to be potentially available for those users who might be wanting to abuse it..
  18. As a long-time customer you'll have the ability to stick with, or switch back and forth between, the 'old' and the 'new' versions of the Evernote web client. The old version merges, the new one (which is pretty much a neglected beta) won't. For reasons best known to themselves, Evernote restricted new customers accounts from about August last year to the new the web account UI. They can't switch back, and they can't merge. The desktop version does both as I'm sure you know. There was some talk of Evernote redesigning the web client (again) to relaunch 'early next year' (meaning now) but we've seen nothing yet. You may get a solution soon, but Evernote don't (normally) comment on upcoming launches.
  19. Don't look at me for that - I'm just a user. And we're assuming that this is a democracy? Evernote make the products and we're free to decide whether or not to buy, but that's as far as it goes...
  20. You're assuming there's a budget? Evernote pretty much ruled out supporting another OS some time ago. If they ever do change their mind, we're unlikely to find out about it until there's a launch...
  21. Don't think Evernote has the button - isn't that on the iPad keyboard? -Presumably on the basis that it's difficult to 'shake' an iPad. Actually I think I saw someone else post that the iPhone in Landscape view also has the same key...
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