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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. Just to confirm, what's your OS? And have you tried a different browser to verify this is a purely Chrome issue?
  2. Seems to be fixed in the current beta... - but be cautious about using this on data you value...
  3. In Windows that's true; in Mac, not so much. Either way any talk of 'duplicate file removers' (especially by first-time posters) is just spam.
  4. The current "new" version is an old-tech proof of concept beta that was intended to be developed, but never got upgraded further. Evernote allegedly have an upgrade in the works.
  5. The posts above yours include a fix for this non-Evernote issue.
  6. Hi. We're (mainly) users herein the Forum, not Evernote staff. You can reach out to Support directly if you're a paying customer on https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new or tweet them if not via https://twitter.com/evernotehelps
  7. Hi. While I totally agree with you that Mind Maps are one of the best tools for organising some data (alongside a certain product with an interest in green elephants), the software is hugely complicated. There are free versions like (of course) FreePlane, and expensive ones like Mind Manager. Both have been around for years, and are into who knows how many versions by now. So. If Evernote gets into Mind Mapping, they have to: buy in a solution and fit it into their network solutions. Requires lots of development budget and a large fee / profit share with a third party. Cost of Evernote (at least) doubles. Or they can build their own solution. Requires lots and LOTS of development time, beta tests and a new version every few months until they get it halfway right. Long delays, big development costs - Evernote subs at least double. Are we sensing a theme here? Like lots of other specialised users I have a lot of mind maps. Some are JPGs so they'll be visible in the database. I embed the FreePlane file in the same note so I can open it anywhere I can use the app, and make any edits. The JPG is mainly to give me some indexed keywords for my 'senior' moments. In other cases - where I have linked maps or lots of images - I've used other web space, including Google Drive, to store the maps and just left a link in my note. Either way it's almost like having an Evernote Mindmap tool to play with. Honest...
  8. That's the nuclear option and not a good choice if you have (or had!) local notebooks. Always good to try the simple things first...
  9. This thread is rather specifically related to how text like " C:\Users\rburnett\Sites\mysite\ " is displayed as an active hyperlink in a note. Having 'Toy Story' - which isn't initially formatted as anything like a hyperlink, active or not, show up as some sort of a link to information about the film is something different. This is also a Windows thread, so an issue related to iOS needs its own thread in that forum. It seems likely that iOS is being 'helpful' in looking up data related to that particular term - it doesn't seem likely that this is an Evernote feature gone rogue. Maybe an iOS user can comment...
  10. Hi. Please don't cross post: https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/97538-managing-long-notes/#comment-467681 - Even if different posts are relevant to your request, just pick one.
  11. Bearing in mind that 'clipping' means some background web traffic - Evernote has to fetch a copy of your page or selection from its original server and upload it to EN Central - then the speed of your device, the web connection, and any other activity at the time is going to affect things. Best idea - test your clipping speed with nothing else going on at all - no other apps, no tabs, no-one else logged into your network. See if that's faster...
  12. Just tried clipping a long Gmail in Firefox and it took around 10 seconds to completion. A bit longer to actually see the note because my desktop Evernote has to sync to retrieve the new note from the server.
  13. Clearly this feature is important to you, but even if Evernote were already working on the code it's unlikely to be released in the next few weeks. Unless and until they do add this feature you'll need some way to work around the lack of style controls for the time being if you continue using Evernote. I also use WP software - in my case MSWord - to create any documents that need layout. For the most part I just operate in Evernote basic layout mode. In setting the schedules for internal development I imagine that Evernote consider some of these questions - Will it: improve the experience of most/ all of our 200M users? attract enough new subscribers into using our product? be reliably achievable within the limitations of all the different operating systems and various platforms we support? be more important than other bug-fixes or more popular than other feature requests, or should be working on fixes for those? They are working to improve the editor software, and that may include some work on fonts and styles. We'll have to wait and see what's released.
  14. I'm intrigued that this has been "requested since 2011" - is there another thread in the forums somewhere, or did I miss a memo? I agree it's a nice-to-have, but Evernote surely have other issues to fix before this one?
  15. Hi. The answer to your problem is not to make tags easier to apply. I have some experience of managing big editable databases and support systems, and without clear direction from one central authority, the links and tags within such systems rapidly deteriorate into complete chaos very quickly. Everyone has their own idea of how 'best' to index an item, not to mention how to spell. (On one system we tagged some router specs with 'modem' and 'rooter' after various misunderstandings...) The best way to provide such direction is usually to have an edit and approve system - new and edited pages are moderated by a small team or one individual to make sure they're publishable before being added to the live system. One of my larger systems had 12 moderators. Another way to control tagging particularly is to have a published directory of tags - a hierarchy that's pre-designed to cover any possible content. That way all anyone has to do is to find the sub-tree that they're writing or posting within and attach some keywords from the tree. If it's discovered that some keywords are missing, that's a separate process to request their addition. The creation of the directory means you can involve everyone in suggesting terms for it so the users also feel more like owners of the system. If you use the 'directory' approach, that will solve your problem within Evernote anyway, because the owner of the account can set up all the possible tag terms as active tags to cover most everyday situations. The first weeks or months of use will probably see some additions that weren't thought of up front - but that's a shared responsibility rather than being one person's 'fault' that an essential tag wasn't included. The directory tree should also be available to everyone to assist with searches and lookups of existing information. Clipper not being able to add tags to a shared note is a different issue, and one I agree should be corrected. I'd suggest you raise that with Support. Reach out to them directly if you're a paying customer on https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new or tweet them if not via https://twitter.com/evernotehelps
  16. A bit glass half empty there - Evernote staff do chime in on a lot of threads. With a few hundred staff and a few hundred MILLION users it's not surprising that personal service is not normally available. @terryjbenzie being sent here doesn't signify - it depends what sort of a report he made in the first place, and Basic customers get automatically referred back here for chat and comments - and to vote on the suggestion/ request under review.
  17. Hi. Please tick the box at the top left of this page to increase the vote count - the more the better...
  18. Hi. If I open a note and choose 'duplicate' from the three dots menu in Android, I'll get a complete copy of the original note including all tags and dates. It would be possible to set up an empty template note or simply copy a previous note if the created date is not a problem, or can be updated later.
  19. Evernote don't, usually, comment on why they do things - their product, their rules. If they see too many users leaving or downgrading, or if they get major feedback (and 4 pages of gripes plus 32 votes does help in that) - then they may do... something. But until the next update we won't know what they're working on now.
  20. Evernote do monitor the forums, but they rarely comment on work in progress and virtually never explain why they changed -or removed- one or another feature. Whatever changes they may plan are commercially interesting to their competition - maybe another company can do something first, or better, or they know not to bother with one feature, but to concentrate on another because Everenote aren't developing it. Plus if they say they're going to do something, and then it doesn't happen for months, the forums will be a continuing gripefest... Better to use all their efforts on whatever project is current and get it out as soon as possible.
  21. Completely off topic - except that it does have to do with mapping - has everyone heard of what3words? They divided the world into a grid of 3m x 3m squares and assigned each one a unique 3 word address. So anyone can accurately find any location and share it more quickly, easily and with less ambiguity than any other system. Evernote forinstance is allegedly at valve.shiny.email It's a lot simpler than co-ordinates and much more memorable and easily searchable...
  22. Hi. Re your main point - They're just getting around to adding some new (and more consistent) features. ...and try "intitle:<keyword>" for title searches.
  23. Still on a slightly different page, I think. I'm collecting information like a Magpie (smart, and aquisitive) and I 'tag' each snippet with real tags or titles as it goes into my database. I wouldn't search for 'AI' alone (just did - 2,862!) - it would be in connection with cars, or another topic which would bring the total way down. I add keywords and tags until I get to the main meat of my research or history. That will still throw up a few wild cards - usually interesting ones and sometimes connections I hadn't previously made; but generally things seem to work pretty well. As I said: I think the difference is between acquiring information that is on topic but not immediately relevant to my current task, and creating something on a specific issue which requires that I check into the background. I'm sure you'll get around to Windows and Android sometime - maybe I'll use links more then.
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