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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Sorry but if a note has been deleted and also is no longer in Trash, then AFAIK the only hope of recovering it is either a device that has a copy of the database on it that has not synced for some time. Don't allow it to sync now, but do open Evernote (if you can) and check for your old notes. a variation on the above - checking old backups in icloud or on local systems for previous version of the database. There are no other options that I can see... (others may have better suggestions)
  2. If it doesn't suit your particular use case I can see how this sort of thing - https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/41557-remove-automatic-hyperlink/ would bug you. But why would you type a link without wishing to ever click on it and move elsewhere? This is just a convenience to avoid your having to copy and paste that link into a browser window to see the original page. (I'm not being disrespectful here, just genuinely wondering in what context this is unhelpful). Sadly being a subscriber doesn't entitle you to instruct Evernote what features to change for your personal preference. If there's enough support from other users I'm sure they'd be open to adding it as an option, but (unless they were already working on this - and they don't -usually- share progress reports) it simply won't happen anytime soon. You could raise a feature request in that section of the Forums to see what support you can raise. Meantime right click and 'remove' or (Windows) Ctrl+Shift+R is the only way to avoid the link. (If I were sufficiently motivated, I might look at options to use a text expander like Phrase Express to automatically remove the link with a key press, or to insert white characters around the address to 'hide' it from Evernote. Beware though that invisible extra characters would be a problem if copying and pasting the link in future). A leading "\\" forinstance seems to stop Evernote from recognising a link address. Just sayin'
  3. There was a thing in Windows where it was necessary to exit Outlook and restart it to get the clipper working...
  4. Hi. Thanks for a full and very helpful answer! I now understand the logic behind the process - all due respect that's actually quite a sophisticated feature - I'd suggest you highlight it more on your website or FAQs (unless you already do, in which case I missed it!) Re: Absolutely. My answer to the multiple folder problem yesterday was to zap everything and start over. If Backupery was my only backup solution I'd be most reluctant to clear all my history that way. Thanks again for your help - and I'll look forward to the scheduled backups being available...
  5. Windows users get an Outlook Clipper to copy emails (or selected text) into Evernote. Doesn't Outlook for Mac have the same option? Or were you looking for a different level of integration?
  6. Further to the last post... Started getting more urgent drive full messages from Google, so took a look at the folder. After 14 days of backups I was using over 80GB of storage (daily mixed full and incremental backups) in just over 100 folders, 14 files per folder. (Each notebook gets exported to its own ENEX file) Looked for a way to tell Backupery to keep a rolling 5 days' history (ie: replace backups over nn days old) - none available that I can see. Started deleting all backups from June - 6 files per folder. 100+ times. Glup. So: deleted all the history so far, reset the backup to incremental, and we'll see what happens with the next scheduled backup, which (the app tells me) is in an hour - at midday. Would prefer to change that to 11pm or so - but see previous post. God job I kept up my 'other' backup process meanwhile. So: needed please - timed backups history clear-outs (replace files over x days old) manual clearance - delete files over x days old One question: If I do an incremental backup, but have no recent full backup, what is this 'incremental' to? All recently changed notes? Today's date? Unsynced notes?
  7. Hmmn. Have been letting the backups rip for a while to see how things went. I started out with an incremental backup and then switched to full since I hadn't used the app before; I might have left it on 'full' and 'daily' for a few days now. My Google drive seems to be a bit full, since I backed up to my local hard drive plus the Google folder with some confused idea that I'd make the backup files 'online only'; which doesn't seem possible with this setup. It does max out memory, drive access and network access in the process of a backup. Haven't gone through my Google contents to see how much of my big main notebook got captured yet.. All that slows down my access a lot - any chance of a timed operation - "daily at 1700" sort of thing?
  8. Hmmn. If you can install from the Play store, have a look for any other audio recording apps - I use Hi-Q MP3 recorder on my Android. See if you can record and play with that. If so, the output MP3 files can be attached to Evernote notes as a work-around. Meanwhile you can look to unblock the Evernote recording issue. I'd suggest you reach out to Evernote Support via https://www.evernote.com/SupportLogin.action if you're a paying customer or tweet them at https://twitter.com/evernotehelps if not - I don't have a Chromebook, so I don't know what the issue is here...
  9. Sitting here with one notebook containing 20,000+ notes, I'll watch for an outcome with some interest!!
  10. I use a text expander to add a timestamp to titles, but for some arcane reason expanders (apparently) don't work in the note body.
  11. Guess it may have been difficult coming up with something that worked consistently across multiple devices and OS's. There are no options to copy styles, but you can always create a template note that has pre-formatted text styles...
  12. Hmmn. Screenshot is working fine now. Wonder what happened there? Anyway. What he said...
  13. Hi. The screenshot didn't work for me - I just get a black square. Can you try again please?
  14. Nothing useful to contribute here really, but in respect of - You could use an intitle:<keyword> search to limit your hits to those notes with that keyword in the title, and/ or in every case where you add keywords to the title, add a unique identifier "syzygy" or some such - a word that you wouldn't expect to find anywhere else - and do a search for that: it will automatically turn up all notes with new tags...
  15. Hmmn. No way to remove that icon that I'm aware of - it indicates an external attachment from Google Drive. You may want to start a votable new feature request in Mac Product Feedback to change it. - This thread started before the voting options were available so anyone who wants to support you could go to the new thread to register their continued interest. (You might want to publish the link to your new request back here...)
  16. Hi ...Ugly giant balloon ?? I couldn't work exactly out what you're seeing from the description, but it seems a lot different from the Google links that I see - can you give us a screenshot or two of what this looks like?
  17. Hi. Different software, different developers, definitely not ironic. Evernote are aware that we users like to have this sort of feature, and have made some progress towards it. I'm pretty sure they didn't just get so far and stop. More options should be available in future updates.
  18. Hi. Other than Note History (and that depends on the note being synced with the server) I'm afraid there's no way to recover information after an app crash.
  19. Depends what device you're using - on a desktop it's quite easy to overfwrite the created date: just click the " i " icon, click the created date line, and use the calendar date (and time) picker to set the date you prefer. It is easy, but it's several clicks and a bit of effort to wind the calendar back to my chosen period - and it will default back to the current date for my next record. Hundreds of documents will take a long time. Your other (and much quicker) choices are to use tags, titles or embedded keywords, or to rely on Evernote's OCR and search functions and make sure the key date(s) are shown clearly on the front of each document in such a way that they stand out from any other date information. You could get a stamp or print some labels with your initials or a unique keyword, and write the date verfy clearly on the same spot. A search for DW and 20160103 should find the document labelled with that date. I prefer titles - I use a text expander to give me dates, so I can set it up to generate dates within a close range and change them by hand where necessary. YMMV. If you find another way to do this, please share!
  20. Evernote staff tend not to make predictions - you could try reaching out to Support directly if you're a paying customer on https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new or tweet them if not via https://twitter.com/evernotehelps
  21. Thanks for the headsup! Good looking app - would like to try it out but the Play store says it's incompatible with my Note 4
  22. Hi. I downloaded to evaluate - always looking for better ways to back up my precious data. Was surprised that downloading and starting the installer didn't seem to 'do' anything. Searched my desktop (three screens, lots of windows - long story) and found a little window tucked away behind everything else that said 'backup in progress' (or some such). I was surprised. I'd made no choices about type of backup, to which drive etc etc... The window sat there without any indication that anything was happening until I went to eat. Came back (much) later and now I have this - Still no sign where my backup is, though I'm sure I'll find it. Still - nice that it works 'out of the box' so to speak without lots of pre-setting up, but BAD that I have a 4GB backup of my 17GB database- apparently (according to the 'settings' page) on an 'incremental' basis. If this is a first use, wouldn't a full backup be better? Or better yet a dialogue on installation inviting me to choose and maybe defer the backup until I stop working? (Although the backup-in-progress didn't visibly slow anything down, so full marks there!) Anyway. I'll get a full backup and see whether that's a bigger file. Please work on your install process though. It's rude and uninformative at the moment
  23. Hi. Nice idea, but how many new users will Evernote sign up after they spend thousands of dollars developing a budgeting feature? - And having tried the app because I thought it might help me keep track of all the monthly debits to my account, it seems like all this does is record a total debt for each item of money that you owe, or is owed to you; and you can then set against that debt the date and amount of any payments you make. No automatic debits or credits, no dates or calculations other than basic subtraction. That's already possible in Evernote. Set up a note with a table. List out people you owe, and people who owe you, plus the amounts. List payments against each amount. If you need a running total, attach a spreadsheet. Spreadsheets are, I suspect, why Evernote doesn't already do anything in the area of accounting or budgeting. I use a (fairly complicated) spreadsheet already - they'd have to do something pretty mind blowing for me to change horses now...
  24. Hi. I think most folks use alternative apps now, so with their recent history of cutting back on anything that doesn't support the 'core product' of storing and finding information Penultimate might be under some threat.. but by the same token Evernote have been re-coding their editor software for a couple of years now, which (kind've) explains any lack of movement on Penultimate: why develop two editors when you could merge the coding into one structure and make the feature an integral part of the overall product. Clearly only Evernote knows what they plan, but since explaining their future plans is a free gift of business intelligence to every competitor, they tend not to do that. You may get some response if you reach out to Support - directly if you're a paying customer on https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new or tweet them if not via https://twitter.com/evernotehelps
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