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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. That's the sort of thing I mean when I talked about mindmaps and note links. Here's a very basic example in Freeplane, with all but the project names being links to open associated notes in Evernote. The exact process depends on which mapping software you're using, but most changes can go into Evernote - either directly or by accessing notes through the map links - with the map acting simply as a visual link between notes. Relations between sub projects can be shown on the map with additional shading / lines / layout etc
  2. Hmmn. It is possible to use Evernote as a limited form of content manager for a website but I'm not sure that Evernote has any ambition to become a serious web publishing route. Access to their servers is already busy with 220M users syncronising their various devices. If a significant number of non-users start to access the service by browsing websites hosted there, existing users may find it more difficult to connect and Evernote would have to invest in the supporting tech services to meet the demand. Not to mention that they would also have to create virtually a new product to link notes together as you suggest and publish an active list of notes that includes links to specific pages.
  3. Hi. I agree it would be good to have far more usage data on the popularity of notes - particularly if the content is shared with others, but it seems like a saved search would do most of the rest of your suggestion, and there already are options to see recently opened notes and (Tools > Options > Sync) to purge infrequently viewed notes. Will be interested to see if others are keen... (please vote - top left of the page)
  4. Posting on multiple threads is against Forum rules and tends to seriously annoy volunteer helpers like me who either find they're answering the same question more than once, or have to go back through a day's posts to find the other threads and cross reference 'em. Please don't.
  5. Hi. A 'workaround' isn't any form of acknowledgement that a problem exists, particularly since most (if not all) of those suggestions come from other users - this being a (mostly) user-supported forum. The Evernote editor doesn't -yet- include much in the way of formatting, other than tables and various text sizes colors and styles. Being unable to wrap text around images is just one of the many paragraph and page layout tools Evernote lacks. They may have plans to 'improve' the editor - I actually hope they don't. Imagine all the menus and options of MSWord (or your word processor of choice) being added to the menus in Evernote. Imagine the nightmare of mobile users trying to negotiate a multi-level menu to edit a page. Meantime, just like I use Excel when I want to create a spreadsheet, Outlook to send my emails, and MS Publisher to create a newsletter, I'm happy to use Word for any heavy lifting in the document creation area. Word files can easily be embedded in a note so I can print or edit them anywhere, and I can also copy/ paste the content into a note if I need to.
  6. Like any practical enterprise Evernote is aware that it's customers may disagree with the content of what it thought was the best package for their use. Or a customer may come up with some off the wall suggestion that they never even considered. They're keen to collect information on what customers want, so that they can see whether it is technically and financially beneficial for the company to enhance their product so as to attract more custom. They are not obliged to do anything with any of them. Even if Evernote see an idea that costs nothing to implement and requires no technical change*, but might increase sales by a measurable percentage, they still might not introduce it, because it locks the product into a situation where other planned improvements might be more difficult to code. See: All of these considerations are none of our business as users of the product, whether paying or not. All we get to choose is whether to continue as an Evernote customer, or to look elsewhere for something that does half as well. I'm sure that 40-odd pages of heated discussion have made it abundantly clear to Evernote that this is a hot topic. You're more than welcome to continue banging the drum, but if they didn't decide to do something by now, you might reasonably consider that its a waste of effort. Amusingly they may have already made the decision to implement something to satisfy proponents of this idea - a new (optional) feature could already be scheduled for release some time in the next few years when it fits in with their schedule. But Evernote don't talk about developments until they're launched. * This is purely hypothetical, because everything costs money, takes time, needs testing and - inevitably - bug fixes later!
  7. Hmmn. I'm still getting a webpage that tells me Mohiomaps is processing my account, but even left for 20 minutes or more I just get that message. To be fair it's a BIG account.. I didn't pay much attention (sorry, Mohiomaps) but I vaguely recall getting an update email in the past few months which suggested that the basic free account was being discontinued, and if I wanted to keep using the service I'd have to subscribe - the web page now doesn't have a freeby option: https://www.moh.io/pricing/ I don't know what date that applied from, but I'd guess if you don't pay for your access you're going to find it hard to get further than that initial screen. It would be nice if the guys posted a warning to say the free account has been discontinued / trial period is over when you try to log in off old credentials...
  8. I'm not a Linux user, so don't understand the niceties. Just sayin - it works for some, YMMV. Don't know if this adds anything to the pot - apologies if it's been quoted already... http://www.pcworld.com/article/3201149/linux/how-to-use-evernote-in-linux.html
  9. If you check around the forums, there are several posts from linux users who seem to be doing that quite successfully.
  10. Seems like that link is to a post that's at least 3 years old. at 220M users Evernote still seems to be struggling along...
  11. Hi. Create a table on your PC and you can use it on your iPad. Create a template note and copy the template to create a new note with table. Evernote haven't yet been able to introduce a table creation feature that works in mobile, but it is a much requested update.
  12. Hi. Please be aware that this is a (mainly) user-supported forum where you'll get the benefit(!) of my, and other experienced users' suggestions. Evernote staff do read these posts, but they're (usually) not support - just developers looking for new ideas and generic issues with various applications . The Support team is available on https://www.evernote.com/SupportLogin.action if you're a paying customer, Twitter - https://twitter.com/evernotehelps if not
  13. Yup. Since that fix was posted, Windows required Evernote to move their storage around a bit. Yours is the new standard location.
  14. Hi. Remember this is a user forum - we don't have any brief to 'sell' a product, only to give advice and help if we can to solve individual issues - and if someone is really wedded to a process that Evernote doesn't cater for, what else can we say? If Evernote isn't working for you, then trying another product seems like common sense. I'm lazy. I use long titles for my notes which would probably take an age to type in full. So I use Phrase Express (a text-expander) to insert dates and text at the press of a key. Since I have more title options than I have key combinations available, I also have a note with an alphabetic listing of all the standard titles I use - names of contacts, projects, suppliers etc. If I had your expense report issue forinstance I'd note the standard wording for each report and create some PE shortcuts to insert <monday last week's date> and <monday+7 days> (or whatever date offset you need). Copy the standard bit, hit two shortcuts, and you have your title. Use intitle:<keyword> for searches rather than (or as well as) tags. "intitle:<date> or intitle:<date-range>" will get you the report history as and when you may need it.
  15. Hi. The best fix for any mobile issue is to uninstall the app, restart the device to clear memory and reinstall.
  16. Hi. There's no way within the app to control the order of pictures, but I tend to get around the question by taking in 'reverse' order. I start with the last document and end with the first... The only other alternative (been there, done this) is to use drag and drop on a desktop computer to re-order the pictures - when, in my experience you will inevitably risk losing at least one of the pictures to a mouse-twitch; or to copy the images out of the note and re-order them from the desktop - when you have an original image that can't be lost from the note.
  17. Two things: This is a boost for something I suggested long ago. I come from the Wiki school of organisation, and there I was used to using somethng called 'transclusion' where one nugget of information, which might have been a price list, a phone number or an address could appear in several places. A 'live link' could be embedded ("transcluded") into any other note, and a copy of the original would be shown at that location. If the original note were changed, the new details would instantly show in all other locations. Great for keeping things up to date. It also observes the Golden Rule of data management. If you have more than one copy of anything - they will always show different versions of the same information... (Or it will be a pain to go around and make sure all the copies are up to date each time something changes.) In addition to the Shortcuts suggestion above, you could also try tables of contents. As you build your 'project control note' for any given activity, add links to relevant notes rather than trying to include the actual note in a specific notebook. It's like running a search, just a convenient way to see an index of available information immediately. Just sayin'
  18. I'd be intrigued to see where these 200MB PDFs are coming from, or what they contain - AFAIK I haven't ever seen a PDF of that size. There are several ways to optimise large PDFs into a smaller footprint, including OCR which replaces pictures of words with actual characters which occupy around 50% less space. It's also possible - and easy - to break large PDFs into smaller files if necessary and save them in separate notes. Apart from any issues with Evernote, enormous files of that size are almost impossible to share, send by email or load over a domestic internet connection.
  19. Sorry but Evernote famously (well around here, it's pretty well known anyway...) do not comment on work in progres or react to threads ike this one. If you voted in the counter at top left - and I see it's currently at 39 which is a pretty good result so far - then Evernote should take these opinions into account when considering more changes. But there's no certainty, and no guarantees.
  20. I'm on the current Beta2 and it certainly seems like zoom is no longer available. (I'm remembering this as Ctrl+mouse wheel if that's correct.) In fact Ctrl+mouse wheel does something rather weird to the PDF display and the scroll bar... It's best to raise this sort of thing in the release thread where the devs are watching - I'll post a link there for possible comment.
  21. Hi. That's easy - use the tag structure to navigate to the tag you need - "woodworking" or whatever. Apply that tag to your note(s). Search for the tag when you want to see all the notes in that virtual 'section'.
  22. Hi. Despite the title see here - I don't have a link for the App Store version, sorry.
  23. Hmmn. Until there's a change here, you might want to look into other forms of shared table. I'm a big fan of Airtable which is pretty easy to get into, allows full-on spreadsheet sharing and collaboration, plus it has some scripting and relational database features that make it very flexible indeed. Not being (very) disloyal to Evernote here - I use third-party apps for lots of things that Evernote doesn't do at all, and for some it doesn't do very well; and if you need the feature it's better to get it going now in one form or another, rather than wait a year or two in the hope Evernote will add it.
  24. @Jon Green - no problem; frustrations understood. It's another one of those 'if it were easy, they would (should) have fixed it by now' thngs. Evernote don't share anything from behind the scenes, so their views and any possible actions towards improving the situation remain pure speculation...
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