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The big Discovery

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  1. This is a problem on both my windows 10 computers - latest beta installed: 1/ Go to "All Notes" (I have about 15,000), using "Thumbmail Preview" option 2/ Everything loads nice on initial glance 3/ But if I pull down the scroll toolbar to say half way down through my notes, Evernote is extremely slow to start loading the new thumbnails - typically 1 to 3 minutes to load about 30 thumbnails (ie. not usable) - and most of the time the majority of the thumbnails are not even loaded. 4/ Even if I click an unloaded thumbnail, the note loads, but the thumbnail still does not load or refresh 5/ Now I all have to do is start scrolling and zooming a bunch (10 to 30 seconds) and eventually Evernote will freeze or just crash (disappear without a message of any kind and to restart it, I need to open task manager and close all the subprocesses individually before an attempt to restart is successful ) I recall before the last big overhaul of Evernote ("upgrade" to Chromium I believe?) years ago (2, 3?) , I never had problems with thumbnail view loading (the main way I use the software) I've been patiently waiting for an update that fixes this, but it never does. I'm looking for some hope that this is fixable / has any priority. Realistically it looks like I'll be canceling my renewal subscription in September. Long in short is I think the new upgrade to Chromium simply made thumbnails a no go in the long run. So - anyone else having this problem?
  2. Zooming with ctrl + mouse wheel was working very well (was requested, and then implemented - see the bottom of this discussion): I've been away from Evernote for a few weeks and I have just notices that in the latest Beta that I have running, using the mouse wheel for zooming no longer works. Wanted to make sure that I am not the only one seeing this, and ask if Evernote is planning to fix this? Is zoom still working as before in the latest non-beta relase? Im on windows 7 if that makes any difference. Thanks
  3. Hey gazumped - yes, I do mean dragging the bottom right corner. And I agree - it is an annoyance that EN expands the image to fit. Its odd to do a zoom out watching the font get smaller, yet some large image stays the same dimensions...
  4. Resizing images works great in EN - it would be nice if I could select many images at once and have a resize apply to all of them. As far as I can tell, it is only possible to resize images one at a time.
  5. Great to know. I am thinking of bank stuff indeed as one example. As one last clarification - if I am using Firefox EN web clipper that does allow direct clip to a local notebook - then the clipped content does does not go thru EN servers?
  6. I think I just answered my own question - didn't realize I can un-check synch automatically under tools. I guess this will solve my problem (from what I understand)?
  7. Thanks for this info Scott, To further this approach of first saving it to a synched notebook and then moving it to a local notebook- can I in any way ensure that EN is not backing up what is in the synched notebook (so that any clips truly stay local, ie will not ever get uploaded to EN servers)? In other words, is there a way to pause any synching by EN while I clip from the web into a synched notebook?
  8. I am looking at the possibility of clipping directly to my locally stored notebook using Chrome web clipper (on Windows 7) - but l my local notebooks are not showing as an option to save to under the "Organize" heading of the web clipper. Am I missing something or is this not possible in the Chrome extension? If it is impossible, are there other browsers that have an EN web clipper where this is possible? Thanks
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