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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. The Windows client now includes "Evernote client asks once and remembers when you don't want to see a "note move" notification". They're busy rewriting the entire web client - recently reissued as a Chrome-only Business version - so updates to the current web version(s) seem unlikely until that rewrite trickles down to the rest of the Evernote versions.
  2. Hi. Evernote's search grammar specifies what will and will not work in certain situations - it's possible forinstance to search for the beginning of a word, but not embedded or following text. It's also not possible to search for links or bookmarks within a note, unless you can create a suitable 'keyword' like X_ohio and add that to the text at a suitable point. Long notes however display from the start so while searching for X_ohio should highlight any keywords found, they still may be hidden below the visible area of the note. Ctrl-F (Windows) will search within the note and scroll down to each keyword found.
  3. ...Hi. And for this you need note merge? Can you explain that a little more fully? The web version of Evernote Business has recently been updated to be much more capable, and those changes are (allegedly) coming to other clients. Rewriting the web client has been a long project. Don't yet know whether the new version includes merging. I work around the lack of merging on mobile versions by linking items with tags or titles. If and when I use those notes later from a desktop I may merge them together, but when I'm taking notes, separate items are fine. I time stamp each heading so normal chronological order is preserved even if I go back to edit the notes later, or create new items that predate some entries. I can also number the headings if I want to force a different interval.
  4. Nice work-around. I just use Word or Workflowy (whichever's most appropriate). Hadn't thought of this. They're all compromises unless and until Evernote rolls out their own option...
  5. AFAIK clipping goes straight to the server copy of your database, so your tablet and desktop (which both update from there) are probably trying to sync 1300 new notes up to date. It could take a while. Meantime - can you see your clips in a browser via Evernote.com? Delete duplicates from there to shorten the recovery time for your devices.
  6. Are the same team working on a Firefox update?
  7. Hi @ASDFGHKKL - you're picking up a discussion which has been quiet for almost a year, so it doesn't exactly appear to be a hot topic. You're right, of course; I was thinking in terms of links recorded from web clips and bookmarks, not web addresses that might appear in code snippets. Don't know if anyone took up jefito's suggestion to start a votable thread on this as a formal feature request - - but you could add your vote (or start your own request) to get this added to (maybe?) the code block option in the desktop and web apps...
  8. Hmmn. Don't know when my phone updated, but until recently I had the 'A' version on my phone, but the green '+' version on my tablet, and I thought it was either as @jefito suggested in that thread, a matter of which Android version you had, or maybe a difference in screen size - phones vs tablets. Now however both my devices have the green '+' version regardless, so I guess it's more a question of when the updates get through. There's a bit of a debate going on in the Evernote for Android Beta thread on Google plus about this too... https://plus.google.com/116493378691714533378/posts/3use87vdBVD I'm not badly off - my phone has a big screen (Samsung Note 4) and the tablet is.. well, a tablet; so the real-estate isn't critical. I can't recommend it, and haven't tried this myself but older versions of Evernote for Android appear to be available from these two sites and possibly others... https://evernote.en.uptodown.com/android/old https://www.androidapksfree.com/apk/evernote-android-apk-latest-version-download/ (I know nothing for or against these two sites, but downloading and installing apps from outside the Play Store is not recommended...) I'll ask the Admins here to merge this thread with the other forum discussion so we don't have two side-by-side conversations going...
  9. Anyone tried uninstalling Evernote, restarting the computer and then reinstalling?
  10. Hmmn. I don't use Business, so can't really play with this - maybe another user will be able to help...
  11. Hi. The search grammar pages lay out how search works, and what characters are indexed. "~" and ":" are not included, hence the confusion. In Windows the phrase search does work as you'd expect. If that's not the case for you it would be worth contacting Support on https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new, or https://twitter.com/evernotehelps if that link won't work for you. I find the search feature to be quite effective, but with any large database there's a degree of curation required - if I have trouble finding a note, or a series of notes, I'll normally alter the tags or titles of those notes, or create a ToC note with additional keywords so I can find things later.
  12. I keep mine in one of the several free password protection apps that lives on my phone / tablet / laptops. Currently it's Bitwarden. There are a lot of useful bells and whistles - like strong random password generation - that make it worth the extra app.
  13. Hi. We're a -mostly- user supported forum though Evernote staffers do read all the posts. There is also a specific thread about the removal of Plus. The original announcement did state that Plus was being removed because it wasn't "as popular" as had been expected. As a Premium user (if you still are) you would have been better served using your priority access to email support* to explain the position to Evernote CS and see whether they can offer any suggestions to get you back to Plus. If you can still submit a ticket please do so and post your ticket number here so we can flag it for an Admin to come look. (They are Evernote, so they'll be able to follow up.) (If you're out of Premium membership you should still be able to raise a ticket for 'payment issues'.) * via https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new, or https://twitter.com/evernotehelps if that link won't work for you. EDIT: I'll go delete your 'other' post on this subject - please only ever post stuff once... EDIT EDIT: I think someone already did that - can't find it anyway...
  14. There are no guarantees, but you will certainly be able to look back on all previously synced versions of the content.
  15. Not exactly a gaping hole - all you need to do is to sync your note both before and after you make any changes on any platform. It's good practice and 100% prevents old notes overwriting new changes. The editor is subject to a whole list of 'oops' issues - it's possible to accidentally delete all or part of a note while typing it and before anything is synced to Evernote. If your local version of Undo doesn't work for you, that content is lost. Spacing, styles, numbering and bullets have a host of issues, as does cut or copy and paste, depending on which platform you're on. I'm pretty sure Evernote have this issue on their fix list, but if it's not been addressed yet it's either because they're working globally on a host of related features, or there are other issues with greater priority. Meantime this is a forum supported (mainly) by users. Posting issues multiple times is more of a nuisance to us than pressure on Evernote...
  16. Hi. If you have both the top and bottom menu bars, you can toggle the bottom bar with the green 'A'. The top bar is (AFAICS) a fixture.
  17. Hi. Your search options as a Premium user shouldn;t be much different from any other account level, except that the content of your PDF and other files will be OCR'd automatically. You should be able to contact Support directly on https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new, (or https://twitter.com/evernotehelps if that link won't work for you.) If you'd like some suggestions from the Forums - can you give us an example of the terms you're searching for?
  18. Wouldn't you just look for somewhere that had the options you wanted? There's no guarantee that the first pizza place will ever get around to adding the magic ingredient... ..But with 200+ votes and 12 pages of discussion, the point has been well made - some users do want more folders. Up to Evernote to decide whether it's technically and cost-effectively possible to deliver.
  19. To answer your second question first, I'd guess whomever created the IFTTT recipe used a method that depended somehow on a trigger to append rather than create new which Evernote no longer maybe recognises. It's a problem with integrations: sooner or later one side or the other changes the rules, and until everyone catches up, there are issues. Meantime a new recipe may be required. Mind you, if you've been appending to that note for a while (and depending on the content and your account level), you may have exceeded the note size so that appending is no longer an option... Note size limits (per) What are the system limits of Evernote? 25 MB (Basic) 50 MB (Plus*) 200 MB (Premium and Business) Note: 64-bit systems are recommended for uploading large attachments in Windows. IMHO it's always better to use lots of small notes than one big one anyway - created dates will give you a timeline, and a standard tag or title will make them easy to find, especially with a saved search. Just sayin' If you are a subscriber you can get more direct help - the Support team is available on https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new, or https://twitter.com/evernotehelps if that link won't work for you.
  20. Nope, sorry - there has been at least one version update since then, but the release notes didn't feature this issue, and I've not (AFAIK) seen anyone saying that it has been magically fixed. I have seen other threads still complaining about related issues. Not sure what other work-arounds there could be - if Evernote indents don't work for you, then you kinda have to stop using indents or find a different option...
  21. Hi. I have a ScanSnap and it's the best device I ever bought. That said, you mainly need a sheet-fed scanner to zip through all the paper - a flatbed scanner will see you old, aching and very crabby by the time you have a lot of paper scanned. Lots of manual operations! Sheet feeds can zip through at 30+ per minute and all you have to do is stack the hopper. And tag/ title the scans. I tend to cheat on batch jobs like adding dates. I'd set up a note containing all the options of titles I intend to apply and just copy/ paste across. For tags I'd create a 'special' range - R-2018/01, R-2018/02 etc, so I can just type 'R' in the tags field to see the range, and choose from the drop-down. For receipts it's enough to group them into months rather than having the exact date, though you can add this as necessary later if required.
  22. Adding icons to Freeplane is no biggy - this is a section of a demo map that I altered with a quick update. The red arrows indicate a hyperlink, the (oversize) Evernote icon is a manually bodged version added via Freeplane > Tools > Open User Directory Go to folder: Icons Add in new icon (as .PNG) Restart Freeplane Freeplane > Edit > Icons to use... - the blue highlight is my selection of that node to add the icon. An internet image search for "evernote logo" generated lots of options...
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