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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. When I'm working in an open office, it's second nature to Ctrl+L lock the screen as I get up, and hit space and my password when I sit back down. I'll do that even getting a cup of coffee in plain site of my desk since you can never avoid another coffee addict dragging you into a conversation or off to lunch. The password can be as simple or as complex as you like, so four numbers should work fine if you prefer it. For a more effective protection it's better to sign out of Evernote and use your user-name / password to get back in. There are (I believe) some apps around that will 'hide' or 'lock' folders, but that seems unnecessary when a couple of keys will do the job.
  2. Hi. If you're using a recent version of Evernote for Windows, there's a known problem with its spell check that may be fixed when 6.15 is on general release.
  3. Hmmn. You're obviously doing the right thing in changing your password, but how and why this mysterious Egyptian IP address had access to your account I have no idea. On a couple of previous occasions in the past several years, Evernote (like many other firms) has successfully detected and hopefully resisted an attack, but in both cases has contacted all users involved and advised them as a precaution to change their password. You didn't get an email - it would appear - because nobody knew about this. Evernote security lead @Rich Tener should certainly be told about it. (Hover your cursor over the green icon to message him direct). I've used password apps - LastPass and BitDefender for about 10 years, and never had any concerns about my - or their - security. The passwords they generate are as long and as complicated as you like. A 30-character random string like this syovw6te62ksVtaJap3SRJKN5NC6n2 is probably a little unwieldy, but it's automatically generated and entered by the application whenever I need it. If you need memorable passwords and have a favourite poem, one line - "I wandered lonely as a cloud" (for example) is probably as secure as the random one (same length!). You can add some security to your account if you wish - go to the devices page and 'revoke access' on any device you don't use. You can also add 2-factor authentication to your account, and convert the content of any key individual notes into password-protected PDF files. When you do get to the bottom of the Egyptian access, please let us know what happened! - and if you have any questions in the meantime, we're here pretty much 24/7...
  4. Hi. No clue about the printer - have you contacted Brother support to find out why the connection failed? If you can scan to a folder on your computer, there's a feature called "import folder" which may help. Better though to scan to one folder, then move its contents into the import folder when scans are complete. How to create import folders in Evernote for Windows
  5. This is a mainly user-supported forum, so you're unlikely to get an employee responding directly to your post. To answer your main query - as @DTLow confirmed, all your data is stored in the EXB file. The other files in the databases folder are things like thumbnails and logs. To be able to restore your offline notebooks the best option is to copy the existing folder somewhere safe. To restore your database, or move it to a new (Windows) device install a new 'blank' version of Evernote. you're usually asked to log into the server to verify the install, so File Exit the app so you're no longer connected. replace the new, empty Databases folder with a copy of your backup version. log back in - you're ready to go. No imports, no downloads required. keep your old backup just in case - create new ones regularly...
  6. Any comments or queries are best raised in the release thread... They did say that for the moment it's lacking some features...
  7. Judging by the comments so far, the trick seems to be to annotate in a different editor. If you don't already have another option, try Xodo.
  8. Hi. Suggested many times before, though I can't find a voting thread for this - I use a third-party calendar app for reminders.
  9. LOL Not wishing to upset anyone but Steve Dotto rocks! Best video I've seen for ages.
  10. Hi. I find Google is always a good place... https://www.guidingtech.com/transfer-notes-google-keep-evernote/
  11. Looks interesting. It is a paid-for app, and doesn't work on Surface? ...and I see it also has a lot of other applications from Markdown to text styles and image size... hmmn. you might be the answer to an issue of mine too.... Could you post some more information and links in the Evernote Integrations forum? I think you might find quite a few friends around here ?
  12. Totally agree. Like JB2 I know I have dups, but unless they annoy me by popping up in a list or a search I don't think its worth the effort of finding and killing them. In Windows I have been able to Ctrl+A Copy in List view and Paste to Excel* so that I have active links to all notes, then used spreadsheet features to find and extract them. Then it was a s-l-o-w process of opening two notes to compare, deleting one, then moving to the next. I gave up pretty quickly. Now I think I'd do this in two stages - set up an autotext option to tag a note with 'duplicate', then open each note and tag / then go back to Evernote and search the tag / sort by title. A utility would be SO much easier... * this would be created date, name (link), and size. I have notes with the same name and different contents which all concern a single something - meeting / event / purchase etc., so duplicate searches are.. interesting.
  13. Just print the note to a PDF file on your desktop, then drag and drop that file back into the note. If you hold Shift during D&D the PDF will add as an attachment instead of being shown in context.
  14. OK - we're a (mainly) user-supported forum here, and for some reason they don't let us anywhere near the payment systems. Plus it's a public forum, so not good for sharing payment information. I'll flag your post for an Admin (an Evernote employee) to have a look at, but to get some specific help on your account you need to raise a support ticket. You can do that on https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new, (use the title "payment issue") or https://twitter.com/evernotehelps if that link won't work for you. Post your ticket number here when you get one, so that the team can tie them together... See this post for more...
  15. Hi. Can you define " doesn't allow" ? Do you get errors when upgrading, payment issues or what?
  16. Don't have any sharees with whom I can test this out, but any subscribers with ths issue should raise it with https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new - if there's not an easy fix, they should be registering the glitch and sorting it out...
  17. Hi. Android doesn't yet have any form of Print option, so exporting to PDF would be a big step. It's possible to share a note publicly so that it is visible in a browser to anyone with that URL. It's also possible to convert a note to PDF on a desktop device and re-save the content as an attachment (depending on your OS and installed software).
  18. Hi. You're describing a problem (I think) with many PDF files - some are created from documents with pagination, and therefore 'break' correctly across pages. Others have no pagination and the PDF format doesn't care exactly where it breaks longer passages. Evernote notes don't have breaks either, so notes converted to PDF have the same issue. It is possible to 'fix' this by (if possible) loading the text into a word processor, editing it into correct pages and sections, and then converting it to PDF.
  19. I've explained before - and you know, more than most - that few companies want to say anything about features that may or may not be in development. It's grist for competitors, sets expectations amongst users... and sets the company up to fail, when (for example) that last update to Windows kills something important and you have to use up development resources to scrabble it back. Plus saying 'this feature is due out in the next release' means all the other proponents of all the other features that didn't get included will want in on the act. It's just easier to say nothing! Would be good though to have someone come back from time to time and reassure us that voting does matter... @Shane D. ?
  20. Not posting because your post may not be read is a sure way to make sure it's not seen. Per @DTLow - Evernote isn't obliged to jump on any request here, or to implement any of them; but the feedback will considered when they next look for ideas. Any work will have to fit in with a busy ongoing schedule dealing with existing feature development and ongoing maintenance anyway.
  21. I use the 'whatever works' theory of GTD Doesn't seem that this is a major concern for most users - two comments in a couple of years and no votes (top left of the OP's post) in favour. It may have come up in other forums, and it may already be part of Evernote's long-term strategy for editor improvements; but for the moment what you (don't) see is what's available. More comments/ votes might move it onto / up the priorities list.
  22. It's ...rare... for any software company to explain itself to users, largely because any explanation tends to prompt further questions and argument. That either ties up coders (whose time is far better spent actually updating and fixing the software) in trying to explain why the feature is delayed or impractical, and then defending the situation or decision against more user argument and demands; or, if the company doesn't continue the exchange, continues the complaints that the company doesn't listen, and/ or doesn't care. Actually I've been used to doing that for ages, but when I searched for confirmation that it's a windows standard shortcut I see that Windows 10 uses Win key and "+/-" for its 'magnifier' feature. Trying that myself dropped me into a situation where a black magnifier window was stuck to my cursor and I couldn't close it - or select any menu options - without a restart. Cost me a good 30 minutes. Up to you if you want to try it - best of luck if you want to give it a shot.
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