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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. It seems the DnD option is not baked into the 'new, improved' PDF viewer. Having (presumably) spent a lot of time and effort on that change, I'd guess Evernote is reluctant to just give up and change back - if indeed they can, given that everything from OS's to devices has evolved around them. Developing the viewer may be outside their purview (vague pun intended) so we could also waiting for a third-party developer to add the right hooks to make this possible. As with everything Evernote, changes will happen when they happen. This feature request currently has 1 (one) vote. It wouldn't hurt to add a lot more to see if Evernote is paying attention...
  2. Hi. I'm not now, nor have I ever been, a Chrome user (much) so I can't confirm or challenge whether this feature existed at some stage. AFAIK there's no option to save 'attachments only' in any other browser, but IIRC Gmail does allow you to click a Save to Drive icon on the attachment to send it directly to Google Drive, and Evernote can link to it from there... How to attach Google Drive files to notes
  3. That would be unfair since you're 98% plus helpful, even if your patience wears thin very occasionally! (As does mine...)
  4. Knowing there are issues, and having the time to develop and release comprehensive fixes for all of them (especially with such a generic problem as the whole editor being buggy) are two separate things. There are thousands of feature requests and ongoing bug reports. Keeping all of them active just buries the support team in administration. In submitting a ticket you did exactly the right thing to register your issues. It will have been noted. Whether Evernote choose to do anything about them is up to the company...
  5. Hi. Have you tried a different browser? Cleared the browser history? I don't know of any blank screen issues currently...
  6. Hi. You could try asking the support team on https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new, or https://twitter.com/evernotehelps if that link won't work for you. They'll probably say there's nothing yet, but it will act as a reminder.
  7. Just to reiterate the standard work-arounds: Any time you need a link to part of a note, move that section into another note and create an internal note link. Your table of contents note becomes a 'parent' to several child notes. If I share that type of note I tend to make the main note an executive summary of the content, followed by (or interspersed with) links to the various sections. If I want to change the order of the whole document, all I have to do is change the order of the links. Word processor apps like Word have tools to help you manage longer documents and jump around in the content. If that's what you need, just attach the word document to a note and edit the document if you wish to make changes. I use several third party apps to help manage my workflow. It won't improve anything if Evernote provide this new feature - a dedicated word processor also has layout and indexing and references and page numbers.... Evernote (mostly) doesn't.
  8. Hi. Evernote don't (usually) comment on features in development. They do tend to pilot new ones in one operating system until it seems pretty mature (ie Scannable) and then develop it for other platforms. On occasion - and presumably for their own internal reasons they don't do that, and the feature stays OS specific (again, sadly - Scannable). Unless an employee can say it's probably included in the next update, we can only guess when (or if) we'll see this. Meantime there are third-party options as below. (Links not tested recently - if there are problems try a websearch for Evernote Markdown) https://leanote.com/ https://marxi.co/ http://happenapps.com/ http://www.wiz.cn/ http://www.inkdrop.info/ https://bold.io/
  9. Hi. Get your wife to check for an email from Evernote in her inbox / spam folders; unshare the notebook and reshare it; give it a day or so - sharing may initially be disabled in new accounts (I know she won't be able to share out) for reasons of spam and malware.
  10. Hi. Short answer - no. If you can find some other software to pull up a note, the actual notes can be held in Evernote, with the timing coming from elsewhere... we had a discussion a while ago about "Spaced repetition" which is based on the theory that once something is learned, we instantly begin to forget it. Over a period of time the knowledge fades until we would have to completely relearn it. Research appears to show that if you reinforce the orginal learned material by revision after a short period, it will be retained for longer - though, again, it begins to fade.. but more slowly this time. You might be able to create something based on the related software... There's software to help you manage learning with this process, and Evernote is involved to a degree - store your notes in Evernote and use external software to retrieve those notes as and when required. Evernote doesn't have a diary system as such, and EN reminders are one per note, so the repeated learning effect might be difficult to manage. This discussion in the forums covers the subject in detail - Wired on Peter Wozniak (who apparently invented this) - http://archive.wired.com/medtech/health/magazine/16-05/ff_wozniak Flashcard software to help study - https://www.studyblue.com/evernote Software designed to use the spaced repetition method - http://help.supermemo.org/wiki/SuperMemo_Screenshot_Tour - http://www.revunote.com - & see revunote (Android) - https://github.com/catgsmith/alfred-reminders (Haven't checked these links to make sure they're all valid - they're a good basis for a web search regardless) If you get something together, please let us know what you choose... good luck.
  11. The Android app got its brand refresh update a few days ago, and actually I rather like it. And the Windows version has some shade changes that make it a lot easier on the eye... darn it I may be going artistic!! ?
  12. Have you tried the new Beta web version in Chrome?
  13. Totally agree. This is a (mainly) user supported forum, and I'm just another user. I user Evernote daily, alongside mind-mapping software, Word, Outlook and a variety of other applications which change depending on what I'm working on. Using the right tool for the job works for me. If you prefer using Onenote, that's your choice.
  14. Hmmn. I'd never noticed before that there's autoformat. Attempting a " - " + <space> immediately gets you to a bulleted line. There doesn't seem to be a way to cancel that. I had a good look through settings and the various tools, and I agree there's no obvious way to turn that off either. If anyone knows otherwise perhaps you can enlighten us! Meantime I voted (top left of the page).
  15. Depends on your definition of 'notes' As opposed to word processing - Evernote is not a word processor, though it is possible to attached the files produced by word processors - DOCX, ODT, RTF etc - to notes so that they can be edited from any device connected to the internet which also has the installed software.
  16. Do you get automatic bullets occurring where they shouldn't? Capital Letters in the wrong places?
  17. Hi. Can you explain how autoformat is interfering with what you're trying to accomplish? What's actually happening?
  18. Hi @John Metz - In Windows I still use a much simpler process - Highlight word or phrase Hit Ctrl+K Type or paste link URL
  19. Hmmn. At least that makes the list a lot shorter... though a couple of forum folks have claimed they're still using earlier versions. Must remember to use that word 'deprecated' more often.
  20. Hi. All older version of Evernote are here... http://filehippo.com/download_evernote/history
  21. There's also branding activity in PR and on Facebook and Twitter - seems like there's a full-blown campaign now to show off the shiny new duds. I've been involved in quite a few company burgeons myself, and yes, there's a time when Brand and Marketing are important; but it shouldn't take precedence over getting the basic mechanics right - unless you're looking to impress some new potential investors with what a vibrant dynamic company you are... Regardless. It's done now - no point in ragging them about it.. what're they going to do, unkink the Elephant and go greener... Lets be positive. When the 6.14 release post actually gets added to the forums we can start listing the bugs. Again. I'm with jeff - plunging. ?
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