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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Well at least we have a new improved Windows app 6.14 - (I checked updates today). Just look at these release notes...
  2. OK - for a soberer look at things, check out https://www.fastcompany.com/90216018/inside-evernotes-brain - courtesy of Ms Wilde's snazzy newspaper... https://paper.li/heathriel/1334414259#/
  3. What got my goat was the amount of money likely spent on consultancy and redesign, not to mention repainting the office(s)! Stick that into coding I say - support your local coder!
  4. They're now "Focusing on our message and how our customers, partners, and prospects react to it." I think that means "waiting for the other shoe to drop" Nincompoops.
  5. Hi Evernote don't normally share that type of information, but this thread started 4 years ago which may be a clue...
  6. Hmmn. In one of the other (many) threads about the recent security upset Austin G confirmed that the newly-patched 6.7.6 is the last version of the 'old' PDF viewer with normal DnD operations. 6.8 onwards is the 'new' viewer where DnD doesn't. (Unless you're in Attached mode...)
  7. Nope - that's why I specified 'attached PDF file' - maybe should have made that clearer, sorry. No - the new PDF viewer doesn't seem to have many benefits...
  8. Hi. Seems to be fixed in the current beta 6.14.3 - no idea how soon that will make it to a GA version, but it's in the works... Just tested D&D from attached PDF file (right-click to select icon) to both Outlook and Gmail and local desktop.
  9. Is there any way to export all your notes to files or some other file format? PDF files or HTML notes could be imported into Evernote Windows through (unsurprisingly) Import Folders Macs have similar script-driven facilities.
  10. Hi. Which version of the Evernote client are you using? They've shown improvements in recent versions, and there's a new Chrome web interface out there somewhere...
  11. Hi. Scannable is not currently available, but you could try a search in the Play store - any number of other stand-alone apps do very similar things. Adobe Scan Microsoft Office Lens CamScanner
  12. There's a brand new web client - the latest beta* - available in Chrome, and that appears to be the route Evernote will be following. I tried it out recently - the UI is very similar to my Windows desktop version, though I haven't done any serious feature comparisons yet. With that new beta to develop, I wouldn't have thought that Evernote would want to spend much time er 'spiffing' their old version. * Just to be clear, there are three current web versions: the old 'classic' UI which is available only to users who joined more than a couple of years ago; the 'first beta' which was intended to replace it, but never got very far - that's now called the 'current version', not a beta; and the actual beta, which was launched a matter of months ago and (for the moment) is only supported in Chrome. If you don't already have it, click Settings in your current (Chrome) version to see a link to the new beta. There's also a huge invite to try Evernote Business (Hi, Marketing Guys ?) which you can safely dismiss.
  13. Hi. Have you tried other browsers, uninstall and reinstall etc? Sadly I'm on Fx61 64bit and have never had major problems clipping on this or any other previous version. You could try setting your Firefox security options to accept third-party cookies from visited sites...
  14. Hi. Some rules apply - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005427
  15. Quoting this as a 'problem' is like saying KFC's menu has the problem of too many chicken dishes. Evernote designed a product in a particular way which has managed to attract 220M users. Going by this forum, a vanishingly small percentage of them have complained about the lack of hierarchical system, and -so far- Evernote haven't done anything to change*. Users who can't live without nested structures either make do or move on to the competition. I don't believe that this is a secret plot to tie users into the Evernote product - and One Note et al could easily get around any such tactic by designing an import process that (at worst) would convert all easily processed notes, and ask for user intructions if it found a note with too many tags. And wouldn't users who just have to have folders have moved on before this became a problem anyway? And a "tag system is actually not as good as nested structure for real world practice." Really? If you have any studies which have confirmed this I'd be interested to hear of them! For the record this isn't a(nother) mindless defence of the company - there are situations where different data layouts are more applicable, or more helpful - which is why some of my information is stored in Treepad, more in is Freeplane and my Todos are in Tick Tick. The rest is in Evernote, although all of the previously mentioned apps link into Evernote through note links. To give you an idea of the relevant importance of those apps - my Freeplane database is 25MB; Evernote is 16GB the others are less than 1MB. Evernote is over 99% of my data storage. I did point out elsewhere in the forums that it's possible to get around the non-nesting by using Evernote to collect the data, by posting links to the notes into a nested-structure app like Treepad or even creating a Table of Contents note (or even a nested series of ToC notes...) and rearranging the note links into a different structure. * Evernote does have a new feature "Spaces" which might be their answer to this. It's a business product at present and still in development, so we'll have to wait and see where it goes...
  16. Hi. The Chrome clipper updates automatically (I believe) from the Chrome store.
  17. I did see a warning early on that Tangle wasn't yet GDPR compliant, so for the meantime couldn't be offered to anyone in the EU - don't know if that still applies. You might want to reach out to the OP here... @Myles McGinley...
  18. Yup - that would be me. Similar quick look - vaguely impressed that if I add several notes and start a new one it automatically lists the previous notes I had on the same topic. Around these here parts I believe we calls that "Context". Wasn't surprised by any deep insights, but I haven't put enough data in there to test it yet. I do have a data set that might be interesting, but that means importing a few hundred notes...and maybe there's a problem with formatting. Ugh. Maybe this weekend. I'll let you know!
  19. Searching for "?" won't get anything either, because Evernote doesn't index images without text. I've moved to using 'semi-international' date/ time formatting, as in 20180802 1313 (YYYYMMDD HHMM) because that's easy to generate with a text expander and infinitely searchable down to the time within Evernote using variations on 2018* or 201808*. You should be able to do something similar with your date format - just search for "2018" to find all the posts containing that year. Apply a temporary tag, and then search for that tag and "07" to find the month (and the 7th of that month). Selectively tag the hits that are correct for the month. Thereafter two tags "2018" and "07" or "July" would refine your search. Sounds a lot when explained, but a couple of saved searches and a few tags would do the job...
  20. I'd suggest copying the content from any note that causes an issue into one or more new note(s) - the content might be corrupted in some way, or might exceed the note size limits on your account.
  21. Hmmn. After a quick test on my database, it appears that Evernote doesn't index the URL unless it appears in the body or title of a note (or an attachment) - ie if the URL is in the note metadata - it's not included. Also if you searched for "ohio dey" including the quotes, that searched for the exact phrase. Trying without quotes should get you the same result - .ohio and ~dey being words preceded by a space as far as Evernote is concerned - full stops and tildes aren't indexed. https://dev.evernote.com/doc/articles/search_grammar.php
  22. The latest update seems to have brought the "A" back into my life too... thanks guys!
  23. The Windows client now includes "Evernote client asks once and remembers when you don't want to see a "note move" notification". They're busy rewriting the entire web client - recently reissued as a Chrome-only Business version - so updates to the current web version(s) seem unlikely until that rewrite trickles down to the rest of the Evernote versions.
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