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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. I have 44.5K notes and have a similar freezing issue on Windows 10. If you've had a fair amount of traffic on the database - adding and deleting notes - it's possible the index needs rebuilding. Have a read through this (long) thread - there are a few suggested fixes there...
  2. A small amount more information... https://techcrunch.com/2018/10/29/ian-small-former-head-of-tokbox-takes-over-as-evernote-ceo-from-chris-oneill/
  3. By all means, let's see the idea - you might have something new
  4. Well gosh. Bye Chris it's been good to know you. Hi Ian, who appears not to be currently part of the Google family. Interesting...
  5. Beta versions are just that: not necessarily meant for full-on productive use - and the announcement that started this thread says that there are features missing... revert to the previous version in Settings and watch for developments!
  6. Hi. Not a Mac user, but AFAIK it's no big deal to migrate from the App Store version to a direct download. It is a very good idea to backup your notes in case anything goes wrong, and Evernote covered that here - How to back up (export) and restore (import) notes and notebooks It seems that the direct download version is smart enough to know that App Store versions put their files in a different location than it prefers, so it will move the files across. Your database should open in the new version exactly as it was in the old one. Given that I'm not a user, you might want to catch up on the backup part of all that, and wait for more comments from others here on the Mac bit.
  7. Very strange. Looking at a MIU forum, there seem to be some issues when running Evernote on that system, though no-one has mentioned this sort of problem. Maybe if you try in that forum someone will be able to confirm that this is a general issue. You could notify Evernote on Twitter - @EvernoteHelps - to see if they can assist.
  8. I assume that's an Android device, so as far as I know, other than an option in Evernote > Settings > Notes to 'auto-link phone numbers', there's no spell-check in Evernote - it's likely your device's operating systems that deal with spelling. I use a SwiftKey keyboard which also has some spell check options, so another app may be a factor. What sort of an issue are you having with the autocorrector?
  9. How can I deactivate the autocorrector? Hi. Which device are you using?
  10. ? Evernote does OCR images. Do you have a specific issue?
  11. It may or may not be valid - I'm not qualified to argue the technical aspects, though it seems to me that web browsers are increasingly reluctant to allow web pages to steal much in the way of resources from the host device on account of zombie networks and similar unfriendly threats. So Evernote has to rely on whatever resources the browser will provide. Plus both browser and Evernote are reliant on a steady connection between the device and the remote server to maintain syncing and storage for the note content. One serious break in the chain, and.. problems arise. Not offering that as an explanation or an excuse, but I've had that experience in many forums (fora?) that involve web forms for communication, including this one. Not saying that Evernote couldn't or shouldn't change their process and fix it. But realistically, alongside the thousand other urgent things that we users want them to sort out (and the 225M people, many of whom use their account on a daily basis and would be very very unhappy to have the syncing process go wrong, even slightly...) I can see why this might be on a "let's think carefully about this" pile. Meantime, wearing my practical hat, the way to avoid any and all dropouts is to minimise the time Evernote spends connected to a note open for editing - hence the third party editor. I have Notepad++ too, and agree it's great; but I tend to use Google Docs for my temporary notes - there's a document there called 'temp' for that reason - so I don't have duplicates or different versions of content cluttering up my hard drive.
  12. Hi. You can probably exclude some factors from your search using the source: modifier - source: Searches for notes by the application or other source used to create them (e.g., 'mail.smtp' for notes added via email, 'web.clip' for notes added using Web Clipper, etc.). source:mobile.* will return all notes created on a mobile application of some type. source:web.clip will return all notes added using Web Clipper. You would at least be able to exclude clipped notes as a source, though those might include some web-page text notes as well as bookmarks... https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313828
  13. So you're correct; they're not duplicates, they're notifications of conflicting edits where Evernote is being confused by a web browser connection, or by editing a note from two devices - or in some cases by two people editing the note at the same time with the same login. If you're using the web version of Evernote you can avoid the issue by using another editor or word processor to create the text, then cut and paste into the note and attach the WP file to the same note. Further edits can be done anywhere that software is available by opening the note attachment. If you're editing on a tablet and a desktop, just make sure you sync the app both before and after any changes, so that you're not adding text to a note which is then 'updated' with an earlier version of the note from another device when it automatically syncs. Two edits from the same user means Evernote can't decide which is the correct information, so it creates another note.
  14. Hi. May be a firewall thing - do new notes get synced OK? Can you try another browser to see whether this is related to the Update?
  15. Hi. The error message "please make sure your account is synchronized and that the note has not been deleted. If you are the owner of the note, you must have logged in to the account associated with this note" suggests that the Android app is either unable to find the note, or is unable to access the URL to load the necessary page. Does the link work from your Windows device?
  16. Seems like that would be hard to automate - when I create a couple of notes, as I just have - one for an interesting article about insurance (I have many talents) and another shortly after when I took pictures of the serial number stamp on a Kindle box that I found -by accident- and want to link to its original occupant (there are several kindle in our house!). The notes are totally NOT related, but how does Evernote know whether or not to link them? How would I tell the app to link the two if they were connected somehow? I guess there could be a button or a key combination to 'link to previous note' - but then is this a child? A sibling? A parent? Does Evernote then have to check to see what other links there are to notes in the same 'family' and create some sort of lookup table for itself or the user to navigate? And how much delay does this add to creating a new note? My process today was: > See article > Clip article > See box > Take Picture How many choices are required to add / decline links? And my insurance article might relate to others in my database, but until I read the thing fully and do some searches, I probably wouldn't be able to link it meaningfully to others on the same subject... Please understand, this is not me saying this can't or won't be done - I'm just pointing out that it seems to me, this isn't the sort of change that requires one coder and ten minutes! I'd suggest you create a general feature request for your suggestion to see how many others might support it. There's another one out there somewhere for linking in general, and a way to make the manual creation of links far simpler which you might like to vote for. I think that's more likely to happen!
  17. The Evernote team may or may not agree with you about the 'significant limitations' of tagging - they've not actually expressed any opinion one way or the other, which is entirely their normal practice in not discussing whether or when new or revised features will be released. The most important factor at the moment AFAICS is: tags is all you got. So either work out a way to use them, or find something other than Evernote which more closely suits your needs*. Unless the company has already secretly been in development for a long time, the time scale for any possible change is years rather than months. I don't know what under-the-hood factors might affect the creation of a hierarchy (and please don't speculate for me - I don't really care..) But I would imagine that if it were that easy, the company would already have done it. * and speaking as a bit of an Evernerd, I use Evernote a lot - alongside Workflowy - collapsing outlines Excel - calculating pretty tables Freeplane - mind mapping Treepad - hierarchical folders plus others for photograph storage, backups etc which don't relate to visual memory or indexing/ tagging. - Because there is no software made that does everything I need in one package.
  18. Are folks being switched over to the new beta automatically now? I was on Firefox until recently so had an offer to 'update' the web experience, but found out it was a Chrome Only. I've been playing with the new web since I swopped to browsing with Vivaldi and Brave Dev (both Chrome based), but I still mainly use the desktop version for more features. Since there are still features missing it seems unfair to dump users there without warning...
  19. Hi. I noted, but haven't used http://www.revunote.com/ and http://help.supermemo.org/wiki/SuperMemo_Screenshot_Tour
  20. Hi - are you meaning some shortcuts, or all shortcuts? I have shortcuts, but they are missing the few shortcuts I created on desktop that go to tags. Since they're just saved searches I can save anything complicated in a note and copy/ paste into the search box if necessary.
  21. Hi. How exactly are you wanting to do this? AFAICS the easiest way to add a shortcut is to copy and paste the link into the note. On the occasions when I'm creating a note 'tree' for various purposes I'll either link all the notes together with a temporary tag, search for that tag and add a Table of Contents to link to all the notes, or have a 'parent' note open in another window and copy and paste links to and from that note.
  22. Yup. Jolly good question - one of my comments on the new web version has been that it takes a very long time to load compared with other sites.
  23. Hi. Have you tried clearing your cache? If you're in the market for an alternative Chrome-based browser, I'm currently using Vivaldi which shows the new web page for me... Chrome add-ins are supported.
  24. I think this is set in Android / Application Settings / Word - Evernote reliably uses the 'right' application for me no matter what attachment I have. My PDF files open in Xodo Docs.
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