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  1. You're right, I forgot about that - it was individually configurable via the preferences. Hopefully it should be like this again soon in EN10!
  2. The behavior in EN 6.2 had been the following: In the hit list all notes appeared that contain the selected parent tag OR any of the nested child tags. For me, that was a practical function, but I could live with the behavior you are describing in iOS, as well. Only the current behavior of EN 10 is pure nonsense ...
  3. Thanks a lot, @DMiddleton, for this excellent compilation of missing features! You could add the following: Search inside notebook stack: possibility of filtering/searching all notes that are in any notebook of the selected notebook stack (e.g. adding tag filters to narrow down the search query) Behavior when clicking on a parent tag in a hierarchically organized tag list (left pane): in the hit list all notes should appear that contain this parent tag OR any of the nested child tags – this was the behavior in EN 6.2. (EN v10 combines all tags with a logical AND instead of OR, which regularly results in 0 hits.) Multiple tag selection (left pane) and combined selection of a notebook/stack and one or more tags (left pane) by holding down the CTRL key when clicking: should lead to an AND combination of the tags resp. the notebook or stack – as it was in EN 6.2.
  4. Yes, and in addition: Sort setting should be re-implemented also for stacks, tags and saved searches. And all sort criteria should be available again (not only sorting by name or by date). And search results (not only saved searches) should be sortable. Long story short: Please, Evernote team, restore sort functionality as it was in EN 6.x!
  5. And please: we need this remember view (and sorting order) feature for notebooks and for tags and saved searches - as it was in EN legacy version!
  6. I have to contradict @darioangelo : There may be extreme heavy users like @MvdH for whom an external tool for GTD would be more efficient. But many users like me, who use GTD only for private or for a freelancer task management, EN was the perfect application so far. I find it extremely advantageous that I can organize and link all my data (information storage, document storage, GTD task management) in one single tool. I have access to all my data and tasks, regardless of whether I am sitting on a Windows PC, an Android mobile phone, an iPad or a third-party PC using EN web. That is the great strength of EN, that (almost) everything can be managed in one tool and linked together. Now, with Evernote 10, workflows that have been used for years are completely broken for many people like me (or will be broken as soon as the EN legacy version gets switched off). But we are the paying premium and business customers that Evernote shouldn't put off! Therefore I think it is absolutely essential that EN brings back most of the functions of the previous Windows version of EN! I may add (and this list is not yet complete): ..., side list view with freely definable and sortable columns (e.g. tags), save the sorting for each saved search / notebook / tag, shortcut toolbar, view all notes in all subordinate notebooks by clicking on the notebook stack, ability to click on several tags (or a combination of notebook/stack and tags) while holding down the Ctrl key (causes an AND operation, e.g. show all notes with tag X in notebook stack Y) import folders, keyboard shortcuts for creating new notes (while working in other applications), colored tags / saved searches for a better overview, ... ?
  7. Yes, this function is essential! And please make all sorting criteria available again: I have to be able to sort my GTD lists by tags!
  8. The Shortcut Toolbar is essential for my workflows in Evernote, too. I could arrange myself with shortcuts in the sidebar if they could be grouped into shortcut folders. So I can only hope that at least one of those two will soon be implemented in version 10 ... Best would be both: getting back the old shortcut toolbar, but with drop-down folders 🙂
  9. You could use the so-called "faceted classification" system (along with "faceted search" for the retrieval of information in your Evernote database). The basic principle is that you don't file your notes hierarchically, but rather tag them according to several facets (= types/classes of information). When searching, you then combine two or more tags, which is very easy using the tag icon above the middle Evernote column. Let me explain faceted classification using an example: Let's say, you regularly attend conferences and make a note for each lecture you listen to. If you would file these notes hierarchically, you would have to create a tag structure with duplications such as these: Conference lectures > Conference-A > Conference-A.2018 > Conference-A.2019 > Conference-A.2020 > Conference-B > Conference-B.2018 > Conference-B.2019 > Conference-B.2020 For each individual conference, you would have to repeat all the years again as subordinate tags. Faceted classification goes like this: Note type > Lecture Year > 2018 > 2019 > 2020 Conference series > Conference-A > Conference-B To start the search, select the searched note type (here: "Lecture") and then narrow down the search results by adding further search criteria (by clicking on the tag icon on top of the middle column), such as the year and/or the name of the conference. You can easily add other facets in this system, such as the location. If, for example, sometime you just remember that you've heard a lecture on a searched topic some years ago at a conference in Seattle, simply combine the tags "Lecture" and "Seattle" in the search. You can use those year and location tags universally in your Evernote organizing system. Example: To file your travel documents for these conferences in Evernote, simply add a "Travel documents" tag to "Note type". You then use the same tags from the facets "Year", "Conference series" and "Location" to file your notes containing travel documents. Travel documents concerning journeys to friends or members of your family will be classified by tags of the class "Person" (i.e.: "Kate", "John", ...), but share the note type "Travel documents" with all other travel notes. You do the same with all other types of information that you want to file using a faceted classification: You simply add a corresponding tag in "Note type", and use the existing facet tags of those general classes like "year", "location", etc. to file the new notes. This way, the number of tags will be reduced considerably, and you have a very powerful system to retrieve information. See Wikipedia Faceted search for more detailed information.
  10. Have you thought about unifying the sort order on the different platforms? I am particularly concerned with the alphabetical sort order of special characters in tags and note titles. The background to the question is that many Evernote users use special characters as prefixes, e.g. to identify different types of tags and to display them one after the other in a specific order. Or to display important notes in a certain order at the top when sorted alphabetically. But if, for example, the character "#" on Windows is sorted before the characters "." and "@", but on Android after these two, this destroys the users' order system. It is particularly bad with special characters, which are sorted on one platform before the numbers, on another between numbers and letters and on the third platform after the letters ...
  11. @May L: This is good news, thanks! As far as I can see it from the screenshot, it looks good for me. The new solution has the advantage that there are other filter criteria such as the modification date, which are now easily accessible (without having to master the Evernote search syntax). The only downside seems to be that in the future I will need two mouse clicks instead of one to see the list of all tags. It would be important that at least we do not have to switch between mouse and keyboard to open the tag list.
  12. I had the same problem here. However, I was able to fix the error using the following workaround (without having to reinstall the app or delete the cache and data). These were my steps: Duplicate the affected note in EN(Win) Add the unsynchronized changes made to the note in EN(Android) manually in the duplicate note in EN(Win) Sync EN(Win) Sync EN(Android) Delete the original (locked) note in EN(Android) Without syncing, go to the app's trash folder and delete the note there once again (i.e. long tap on the note, then tap three-dot button at the top right > delete notes) Empty the entire trash in EN(Android): three-dot button at the top right > empty trash Sync EN(Android) Sync EN(Win) At least for me, this procedure meant that no more sync problems were then displayed in the Android app. The locked note was then completely deleted in EN(Android) and even deleted in EN(Win) -- i.e. the deletion of the note was apparently successfully synchronized from the Android app to EN(Win). No "note conflicts" reported. I hope that this solution will work for you as well.
  13. Thanks a lot, @May L and @Ian Small -- looks great in general, but one very important feature of previous Evernote versions I can't discover in the video (I'm not a beta tester, so I can't check for myself if it's really missing): I miss the tag icon in the area above the results list, which calls up a scrollable list of all (!) tags that further narrow down the current search result. I rely heavily on this functionality in my Evernote-based information system. (In information science the underlying system is called "faceted classification", in retrieval accordingly "faceted search"). Getting a small selection of tags suggested, as shown in the video, is unfortunately not a solution, even if you get more tag suggestions by typing in the first letters. The reasons for this are: Often I don't even know which tags further subdivide a selected category of notes. It is an elementary function of the information system to tell me this. Sometimes I would like to get an overview of information about a preselection first -- for this I need to be able to see a complete list of available subcategories at a glance (which I can scroll down if too long). I usually click my way to the target by using the mouse: that is, I click on a category in the list of my main tags (or in the list of saved searches or favorites) and then click my way to the target via the list of narrow-down tags. I don't want to have to constantly switch between mouse and keyboard just to type the first letter of a tag that is otherwise not displayed. Generally, it is very annoying when software assumes that its AI is always smarter than the user. In other words: Wherever the user does not want to see an intelligent preselection but ALL options available, he should be enabled to do so. In the hope that this functionality is preserved, here is a suggestion for improvement: The number in brackets after each tag in the narrow-down list should indicate the number of resulting search hits, not the total number of notes with that tag. This way, you could always see how far the selection of a particular tag would narrow-down the search results. (This type of display is actually standard in every professional information system that makes a faceted search possible.)
  14. I recently changed my credit card information for the next billing period of my Evernote Premium subscription plan, but I couldn't find a way to change my old postal address to the current address. (The street address is printed on the Evernote subscription bills and should be correct since I need the bills for tax issues).
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