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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. If you right-click in the body of your note (in the installed desktop version) you should see a variety of options including 'simplify' and 'remove' formatting. Basic users have a 25MB note size limit - something like 3,000 pages of plain text or 100 (small) images; I'm confused that you are in any way limited to 'pages'. What device and OS are you using? It looks like the Windows Desktop version, but your typing space should just scroll as you type... Ah! I finally realised... you're not creating more space by pressing Enter - just scrolling to the next line. If you want more blank space at the bottom of the screen, just hold Enter down for a short while, then go back up to your text and start typing again. It's not necessary to hit Enter at the end of every line - just keep typing and the screen will grow.
  2. We Sith occasionally have trouble with our words... When I look at a PDF note in my database, it appears in a scrollable window. The area in red (below) only shows up when the cursor is in that window, and that's what I was trying to describe. Sometimes a picture is better.
  3. Hmmn. Still need more details though. Have you tried the installed app?
  4. Hmmn. You heard of this expression "freedom of speech"? Not going to continue this argument anyway - we're both now breaking Forum Guidelines by hijacking the original query.
  5. Hi. What, exactly, happened? And why not switch back to a version that works? -And are you logged into the correct account? Try logging out and back in...
  6. Short answer - probably not. Something about copying and translating the coding from one app's page into the version(s) used by another. You could try pasting into a text box / another app to check the layout and copying from there into Evernote...?
  7. Nope - still working around frustrating random glitches here too.
  8. Hi. Sorry for your loss of data. What device and OS are you using? And were you typing in Evernote web or in the installed desktop client?
  9. Hi. Notes don't have 'pages' - you should be able to continue typing or adding images for as long as necessary. Have you tried simplify / remove formatting? If that doesn't help I'd suggest File > Exiting Evernote and restarting the app / restarting your device / or if necessary, uninstall Evernote, restart the device and reinstall.
  10. LOL - don't know whether to laugh or cry. Did I mention that there's an 'ignore user' option here too? If you're really that jaded you could arrange it so we L5's never trouble you again. Just hover over the green user name to the left of any post...
  11. Understood, but that's something that will get your current task completed and allow you to raise this with Evernote Support. As a Business subscriber you're supposed to get prime service in the Support channel... Entirely up to you, of course. There's at least one other Business user around here who might have some bright ideas...
  12. Hi. I'm not a business user, but if you can import all the notes to your personal account in a specific notebook, this page (apparently) explains how to move the whole notebook to the business account. Move notes from personal to business I can see where developers might not want anyone moving batches of notes directly into a business account - this at least gives the administrator the chance to apply some control over the format of the content...
  13. So. There were three responses to this post. Something like what you asked for might already be in the works There's a better place to make your request Here's an app that will do what you want for the meanwhile I'm sorry that we're so mean to people. Yes, I realise that I'm an L5 meany pouncing on your posts, but if you're really hurt by anything that anyone says here, there's a 'report' button on any post. Plus anything that anyone says without the EMPLOYEE badge on their profile is a personal opinion which Evernote will look at when making their own decisions about what to do in any given situation. Usually, we're trying to help by getting more information about what's wanted, setting expectations or finding work-arounds. Honest. Oh - and if it makes you uncomfortable posting here, try Evernote's social media accounts or comment on their blog. (See? Work-around!)
  14. Use Facebook or Twitter, or keep an eye on the Forum here for a user posting an answer or another suggestion. Worst case subscribe, if you can, for 1 month (upgrade / pay monthly / downgrade again after the first month...) and raise your own support request.
  15. I believe it's possible to set a preference to see all PDFs as either images or attachments, and in Windows a right click on the document or icon lets me toggle between those two states rather easily. I'm not sure of the position on Macs, but I'm sure a more knowledgeable colleague will be along shortly...
  16. What @CalS said. Same setup. Also lets me mess with tweak images and PDF files, edit titles and do some batch OCR.
  17. Hi. Two basics you could try: File > Exit the account, Restart your device and sign in again. Or: If all your notes are up to date and synced (sign into Evernote.com in your browser) File > Exit the app, Uninstall Evernote and then Restart and Reinstall.
  18. Hi. As you're a subscriber, try reaching out to Support. They're a little busy (!) with the recent iOS client release but you may be able to get some suggestions there.
  19. Sorry but Basic users don't get access to email support. There is an Evernote Community on Facebook and a contact point on Twitter - @EvernoteHelps
  20. See the comments above regarding risks and protections. Two step validation help is here...
  21. Also sorry - Applescript is a Mac-only affair (AFAIK). Windows does have scripting though.
  22. Sorry - have to throw that one back. It only works if you're a subscriber, which the OP is not. Basic users don't have a useful email access to their account.
  23. Hi. 25MB per note / 60MB per month. They're offering you an upgrade to a subscription for 10GB. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005247
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