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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Sadly, the blog picture is not subject to change. I'm stuck with my looks in the real world - other than getting greyer around the edges. The Forum images are more to do with my mood at the time!
  2. Answering your question more directly this time - if you right-click the header bar in List view (in the current Evernote for Windows installed client) you get a list of columns which can be added or removed from the display. One of them is 'source URL' and it's possible to sort the list in ascending/ descending order by clicking on the header title. Another is 'Source' which will show whether the note was created by email, clip or whatever. Choose anything which looks helpful, then Ctrl+A to select all, and copy/paste into a spreadsheet. Each line will include the local note link to that note, and you can use a spreadsheets more advanced sorting features to do so by source URL / size (forinstance) and check possible similarities by clicking links. Any automation software (IFTTT, Zapier etc) can take some of the work out of that for you, but whether the amount of work involved is worth the result is up to the user. For more advanced users - if you're working on a Mac, there's scripting, and (even) Windows has some scripting features that might help too. (Darn: I should include this in my blog note, shouldn't I? 🤔!!)
  3. You could try checking the same note via Evernote.com in a browser - maybe the local PC version was corrupted somehow. It might be worth subscribing (even if only for for a month) to see whether Evernote Support can in some way assist. You may be able to restore a backup from a previous version of the note if your system takes regular backups... I can only offer you random suggestions really. I've never had or heard of an issue with the text encryption process, and I don't know whether it there's any way back into a note if it's not recognising the password.
  4. Hi I have the same version of Evernote on a Samsung and that feature is working for me - do you have clear space on your home screen/ multiple pages to allow an icon to appear?
  5. Hi. In increasing order of magnitude I suggest File > Exit the app and log back in Restart your device Reinstall Evernote
  6. Hi. As you're a subscriber I'd suggest reaching out to Support for this one. What flavour of MacOS and what device are you using?
  7. Hi. We're mainly users here, but as a subscriber you can raise this with Support who may be able to help - there was another thread around here somewhere about incorrect note review reminders so it might be some sort of glitch in Android. The bad news may be that Evernote is about to replace the clients on all devices, and have just done iOS - so 1) are likely to be a little busy with support queries, and 2) may prefer to release a new Android app rather than fix the 'old' client...
  8. Just on a general principle, the only ones here who speak "for" Evernote are the ones with EMPLOYEE in big letters on their profile. Everything else here is just an individual expressing an opinion, which the company will consider alongside all other feedback they receive before deciding what - if anything - to do.
  9. @DinoF - I do see where you're coming from (I think) in that Evernote Notes & Attachments don't have a physical existence outside the Evernote app. I have 50,000+ notes which are all wrapped up into one humungously large database, and I can't 'see' the actual file that is any individual note. But I can delete it inside the app, and it will be deleted in all the other places that it might have been stored - on the server, and on any other devices I synced with my account. Which, actually, is pretty much the same as every other app I use except for Notepad and a couple of other text-only editors. Word processors, spreadsheets, browsers all keep the files I save in their own native formats which - if opened in another app - are usually nothing like the representation I see in the original window. I can see and move individual files around, but I can't search within them like I can in Evernote - and if I mess with the content or move the files elsewhere they may become useless in the host app. Still - and I wasn't intending any condescension before - you have to do what you have to do. If you no longer feel Evernote is the right application, then you don't need anyone's permission or approval to change it. I'd be interested to hear where you wind up - it might be something other users here would appreciate!
  10. @MakWada - So as not to hijack this thread I started a new one over here with the answer to your question. If you or anyone else has more queries about blogs, please post 'em there! 😊
  11. HI. I'm about to reveal my True Identity - something which has been a secret for 10+ years (apart from everyone I've told in the meanwhile) - so please don't tell anyone else about this. I'm running a blog / FAQ for a number of reasons that I haven't gotten around to explaining yet - and I'm doing it from Evernote via the third party features of Postach.io. It's very new, and I'm still figuring out the best way to do this. Please excuse the layout - it's not wildly professional - but the content is here. I've set this thread up because a user was nice enough to complement me on the content and ask a few questions in another thread, and I didn't want to hijack the discussion there. Hence this post. If anyone wants a longer explanation of how things are set up and why (or has any suggestions for improving stuff) please feel free to comment here. The answer to those questions in that thread is: @MakWada - Thanks for your comments! The colour picture is the real me, and the greyscale one is the actual Stephenson's Rocket - the first practical steam locomotive which won a competition in October 1829. It was at a steam railway exhibition a year or so ago with that nice gentleman in the tall hat (I never got his name) doubling for Robert Stephenson, the inventor. The Rocket was doing short trips and I got a ride in a nearly 200-year-old 'carriage' which was basically a small open truck with room for 8-10 people to stand up and almost get vibrated to death. (I think they got around to springs and seats a few years later.) And the code is just my real-world initials and the date in yyyymmdd order. The reason for it is a little complicated - I'm publishing pages from Evernote notes using Postach.io. They're in one notebook in Markdown 'code' (which lets me do a little more layout and style) so the original text and other support material for that post is in another notebook. The date code lets me tie two notes together easily, and 'SC' is in there because other notes on that date won't have it. Hope that's clear!
  12. Hi. Looks like you created a note called 'project plan'. As a basic user you don't have the option to re-save that note as a template in Evernote. If you're working on a desktop, you would be able to export that note to your desktop as an ENEX file, then click on the note to create a new note in your account with the same content. Create your own templates
  13. Hi. New software is a pain - try starting here: How to add content in Evernote for Mac We're by the way a mainly user-supported Forum. No responsibility here for icon size, text inclusions or general usability. Just sayin'
  14. Hi. When you say you 'cannot' delete the app, I assume you're seeing some error messages about a missing MSI? The standard fix -as you seem to know- is to reinstall the same version. That should be available here - The current version is 6.25, which should be available if you can update your current installation correctly.
  15. Hi. Evernote don't actually support whatever method Liner uses to highlight text, so if it doesn't work that's more of a Liner problem than something we can help with here. Having said which there's quite a lot of support on their (Liner's) website - https://support.getliner.com/hc/en-us/search?utf8=✓&query=evernote which includes some similar queries about the transfer to Evernote not working. As you're a subscriber I'd recommend contacting Evernote Support in case they can help, but also raising this via Liner so the two companies can sort things out between them if that's necessary & possible.
  16. Hi. There are a couple of threads in the forums with similar issues - not syncing or not connecting - but I'd focus on this being a new PC for starters; Is there a VPN or firewall preventing Evernote from reaching out to the server? If you've not already done so I'd suggest a device restart too. As you're a subscriber I'd suggest contacting Support unless this sorts itself out overnight.
  17. Hi. I had to look it up, but it seems like you're looking for IPYNB files - notebook documents used by Jupyter Notebook (re Python development). Could you explain what you're trying to accomplish and maybe we can suggest some options? Finding text in pages is usually pretty reliable, but there's so much new coding around that maybe this site content is not readable to Evernote.
  18. Finding and fixing duplications always seems a waste of time to me unless it got in the way of a specific search. I commented at length here - but fair warning: it's a long read and still needs some extra points added!
  19. Hi - Did you read all of the help pages on this topic? I'm not using the clipping function, so have no practical knowledge of its use... If the help pages don't assist, try a Support request (although I bet they're jammed at the moment...) How to use Evernote for Slack
  20. Hi. I'm not a Safari user, but if you have Adblocker (or any other app that blocks ads or popups) and look into the settings, there will be a place where you can list apps that should not be blocked. That's the list that's being suggested. Add the link above and that may help...
  21. Well, I'm also a Windows 10 user and so far have no trouble syncing. Any subscribers please raise a Support ticket - but don't expect instant service, because they just launched the new iOS client and are probably buried in tickets about that. Please also read the thread and try any fixes suggested and take a look at How to troubleshoot syncing issues
  22. Hi. Is this your note, or has it been shared to you? If it was shared to your account you need explicit permission to "view/ edit and invite others". If it is your note or you have that permission, then presumably the note has been shared a number of times with specific email addresses. If you make the note public, you can share the URL.
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