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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. While I agree with you that open-source software is often very good, I haven't found that Joplin works all that well for me. That, and your comment above, is keeping me to the uncertain shelter of the old legacy apps for the time being at least. I'll cross that bridge if and when I get to it.
  2. Ouch! I just took several images of labels and packaging with my webcam. It's dark outside and the webcam has a light on the same arm. It's a Microsoft Lifecam so reasonably high-def and I can 'zoom' it up and down, so it seemed like a good bet. I wound up with 7 or 8 pictures in a ~4MB note. Then I edited the images in XNView to straighten them up and get them all the same size and saved them one-by-one back to the note, where they all seemed to show up in the right size. By note #5 I noticed that note #1 had been replaced by one of these little icons - -and every time I saved an edited image, an previously saved one disappeared and my little collection of icons grew. I checked on Evernote web (5.33 still...🤔) and I just see the remaining two images and a spinning 'loading' circle... I checked Note History and I have just two images saved from early on in this exercise... WTF Evernote?? I junked everything when I took the pictures, but I can (I hope) still find the originals and do this last hour or so's work again. And I'll remember to use my mobile and save pictures to the Gallery next time. Plus of course EN Windows 6.25 is no longer supported though I'm still going to raise this with them. Having content go walkies when you think it's saved is NOT a reassuring feeling... ☹️
  3. ...and how did you get that layout anyway? I'm jealous - are you using markdown or HTML and is this a custom layout or one from Postach.io? <envy><mumble><envy> 😃
  4. Hi. What, exactly, was the string you were searching for, and what result did you get? Have you tried selecting the note and Ctrl+F searching the content?
  5. Hi. This isn't Evernote's main support site. You might find more help here https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us including, as you're a subscriber, some links for individual email support. Evernote don't usually respond on single user or policy issues here - it's a forum for any user to express their opinion. Which, as you've seen, is usually freely given especially when major changes happen. There have been some positive reviews, though I'm not sure how much use those contributors actually got out of their account; and Evernote have bounced up from version 10.0 to 10.5 in a couple of months, which does suggest they're working hard behind the scenes to catch up. Given that they have a LOT of users, I think getting involved with arguments over what to do next and how they should have delivered their changes would be a total waste of resource. I'm happy to see them fixing things. In the meantime, of course, there's always Legacy: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote
  6. Hi. Evernote never justify policy decisions (nor would any business), and this being their product there's no reason for them to explain or apologise. This is just how it is. There's still a clipper for Outlook 365, but for those of us who prefer the old installed version of Office it's notes by email or nothing. Since I use Gmail I have a 'rule' that any mail sent or forwarded to a certain address is automatically sent to Evernote and deleted from Gmail. True, but you could set up a feature request to collect votes and see how many users would like this back - if the numbers are high enough, Evernote might reconsider...
  7. These three (and you could throw in Workflowy, which is similar in some respects) seem very similar - with some varied bells and whistles - and very different from Evernote's approach. Not better, not worse; just different. For anyone with an existing body of notes, there would be (IMHO) a sizeable learning curve, and though I have a long MediaWiki background - and you can add them to the list too - I find this linking paradigm incompatible with the kind of data I need to capture for what I do. (I'm still trying to define what exactly that is too...) Try RemNote out by all means - it's web-based, though I didn't get far enough to see whether there's an offline mode. Like Roam I connected a spider's web series of topics together, but there was no structure (which I realise is kind've the point) to show its overall organisation. Use it if it works for you - but don't get side-tracked by the shiny things when you're here to squeegee a swamp.
  8. If you have your local notebooks in ENEX files, then just install from https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote and import your local notebooks back.
  9. Hi. Try searching by source:mail.smtp ? https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313828-How-to-use-Evernote-s-advanced-search-syntax
  10. Hi. See other topics in the Forums...
  11. We used to say "make sure you sync both before and after you make any changes on any device" - these days I guess you'd have to rely on moving to another note so the first one is closed and synced; but having the same note open on two devices is a recipe for disaster. Your iOS device syncs to the server, and the server sends your Mac the updated version - when it realises you've finished. Working on two devices is like having two separate people change the same note at the same time. You're competing with yourself to see which changes get synced first. Evernote just gets confused and saves as much as it can...hence the duplications.
  12. Hi. I just took a look in Chrome and they look exactly the same to me - am I missing something? Try restarting your browser / device and check again! (Or maybe Postach.io was having a hiccup...??)
  13. It takes a while for the new version to download a database after first install - which might be complicated by an over-active antivirus resisting third party access. Try re-downloading the new version from Evernote.com but give it 24 hours before trying to use the new app...
  14. Not removed AFAIK - there are options in the Web version, so they should be there in Mac... Not a user personally, so we'll have to wait and see what others confirm...
  15. Legacy app? https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote
  16. You can submit files by email to create notes with attachments or content - the only question is whether the content would be readable in Evernote. Hopefully you'll be able to let us know...
  17. Ah. With an iOS device you are currently a pointy helically threaded wood fixing implement. (Worded so as not to offend the Forum Nanny). There's no legacy option and - so far - no preferences to change. Best option would be to use a desktop to create or at least edit the note, or copy/ paste the content into another editor if you have one installed that can also output print.
  18. Hi. With any web-based writing I find it best to use a local editor like Notepad or Typora and get most of my document finished there. I can then copy and paste into Evernote so the content gets indexed and attach the source file for later editing. Plus there's an extension for most browsers (because this sort of thing happens, apparently) - https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/textarea-cache/chpphekfimlabghbdankokcohcmnbmab?hl=en Or you could try the desktop version(s) for a better (??) experience.
  19. Hi. Device? OS? Evernote Version? Which app are you printing from?
  20. Hi. Access to the Outlook Clipper has (for some reason) been removed from the new versions. If you also run the legacy version you should still be able to access it - and you'll have time to try to persuade Evernote they should add that access back in!
  21. So someone had a query about desktop 7.14 but posted it incorrectly in a v10 forum, want to give us a clue which version you're talking about? This is a (mainly) user-supported forum, so please don't bump posts. Replies - or not - happen when someone with the necessary experience can contribute.
  22. Hmmn. Sorry - that's a Support level (or at least another user) question; I don't even know whether iPhone mini's are supported devices... 🤔
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