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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. Although you are logged into these sites when clipping, I guess the request from Evernote v10 for a copy of some or all of the page arrives as an unconnected request, therefore gets blocked by the site paywall. If you're able to use Legacy to clip, what's the problem with continuing to use Legacy until this issue gets fixed? Failing that, there's a lot of online web page to PDF services that might replace Clipper temporarily until Evernote resolve things - see https://webtopdf.com/ amongst many, many others.
  2. Hi. To quote Evernote - Evernote for Linux is currently in private beta. To get early access to Evernote features and test new functionality, learn how to join the Early Access Program at evernote.com/earlyaccess - I'm one of the current testers and ironically I've used Evernote Web (in Chrome) from time to time because the installed app uses a lot of resources. If you can get access to EN Linux I'd recommend you try that - otherwise as above - contact Support.
  3. Your original post specified VScode. And it's still not possible to alter the tab conversion - the 'transfer' between two different coding systems apparently generates some anomalies. Save the notepad++ file as an attachment and open it in the app to see your code.
  4. Hi. It's also possible to search for tasks... (https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/1500003792141) How can I search for or filter notes that have tasks in them? - You can use the contains:task, contains:taskCompleted, or contains:taskNotCompleted search syntax or filter your notes list using the "Contains" filter. If you add tasks to their own note rather than listing them in one place you could make a more specific search
  5. Check your Windows Start folders...https://www.techbout.com/remove-startup-programs-windows-35801/
  6. Hi. By posting your email addresses in a public forum you are likely to generate a lot more spam to add to your collection. Please edit your post to delete personal information. In any event this is a mainly user-supported forum and not a direct link to Evernote staff. We can say that Evernote will not be able to guarantee that your personal Android can access the app correctly - it may depend on how new is your phone / what version of Android OS you have / how many other apps are active at one time / how good is your connection to the network. Evernote have a lot of Android users, and while they all agree that it would be nice to have a faster app, most of them still find it usable. If you are having issues please do contact Support - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new or https://twitter.com/evernotehelps
  7. Hi. No. If your note is shared publicly, anyone who knows the URL can access the note. It's up to you to publicise the link.
  8. Restart the device / try another browser / check for antivirus~firewall~VPN blocks / internet speed / local internet traffic / other applications running / recent changes to your setup / system / account... the list of possibilities is almost endless. Do you have the installed client? Is that working? If you can - raise this with Support.
  9. I tend to find that sometimes an image has an incorrect/ missing orientation and Evernote has to make its own choice - when that bothers me (about 2 in every 1,000 images) I'll use an external image editor to look at the picture. If the orientation is wrong I fix it and resave the file - and suddenly all instances show up looking the same. I use XNViewMP - https://www.xnview.com/en/ - to edit from and save back to Evernote. NB if you fix a note image, the thumbnail will take from weeks to forever to update. Save the correction to a new note and copy any other content across.
  10. Thanks - I hadn't seen this before. Do you have any experience of using this backup process? Looks like it has potential, but I don't have time to play with it at present...
  11. I got up to using several different import folders without issue, but found it just unweildy to administer a growing library that way. I use a third-party app called Filterize* (which requires a subscription to access this feature) which works the other way around - I have auto-forwarded email and clipped notes dumped to my Default notebook. Filterize scans each new note and based on email addresses and other keywords it adds tags and moves those notes to my notebooks that I have assigned. It can also extract data like sent by dates and add those to note titles if you wish. Thus far I have now around 60 'virtual' import folders without noticeably affecting my experience. (* Other automation services are available...)
  12. Hi everyone - as senior killjoy around here I feel bound to comment that this thread is clearly important to some users, whilst also being a bit of an incendiary waste of time to others. The Invision Community, who in their infinite wisdom have facilitated these discussions, have also provided us with ways to follow, or to ignore both people and threads - not to mention the inalienable ability for any adult to just not read stuff they disagree with if it causes them to chew on their carpet. By which long comment I mean - keep it technical and civil please, and remember there is a Code of Conduct...
  13. Hi. Do you want to downgrade your account, or delete it? The processes are different, and (in one case) irreversible. I don't know why you're seeing greyed out detail, but if you go to your account management page you should be able to change and delete your payment method. If Evernote don't receive the next subscription due, they'll deal with a downgrade for you automatically... Meantime - Manage your Evernote subscription Deactivate your Evernote account Permanently close your Evernote account
  14. Hi. This forum is mainly supported by other users and we do not have access to your (or anyone else's) account records. If you'd like any suggestions from us, you'd need to provide details of the device and web browser you were using, full details of exactly how you generated the check box lists, and on which client you are now viewing the 'empty' lists. As a subscriber however I'd suggest your best first course of action is to contact Support on this issue...
  15. Hi. Evernote can 'import' (File>Import) ENEX and TXT files directly, and through use of one or more Import Folder(s), it can take in content in other formats like HTML, PDF and DOCX. These various methods can display differently and may or may not allow you to transfer any special features like tags or links across from one format to the other. Your various options will have their own export choices and you may need to experiment to determine the best. For small numbers you'll also have copy and paste, and HTML files displayed in a browser can be clipped. You will also have the option to do nothing - leave your history in the older formats, and just convert anything current to Evernote as and when you find it necessary. Evernote has some (not very helpful) comments on this topic here - Import content from other apps into Evernote. I'm afraid the best method depends on what you have to transfer across, and what you want to achieve. Some experimentation will be necessary!
  16. Hi. I merged your two posts - please don't keep posting the same query; this is a mainly user-supported Forum, and as soon as anyone with some relevant experience sees your comment they may be able to respond. But you didn't ask for help anyway - are you just noting that the 'magic' keyboard doesn't work reliably with Evernote? It would be quicker and more effective to contact Support on this - they may be able to look into a fix...
  17. See my comments above - AFAIK you can report a fault; whether you pay or not there's https://twitter.com/evernotehelps and https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new has a guest link you can use if you can't get access any other way.
  18. Did you try selecting all the text? Sometimes clicking at the bottom and holding the mouse key down / dragging the cursor all the way to the top will allow Evernote to 'see' your selection and clip it successfully. If all else fails, there are third-party 'clip your website' services that might work, although if PDF downloads are restricted, then your suggestion that making copying difficult is by design might be true....
  19. Hi. I can clip content from that link without any problem. I copied a paragraph - how much content did you try to copy? There's also an option on that page to download the content as a PDF file. Can you use that to attach the file to your note?
  20. Hi. No, it is not possible to set tab size. Are you using a code block when copying code into a note? If you can save a file in VScode, try attaching a VScode file to your note.
  21. Hi. AFAIK there is no way to use this app without providing an email address at some point. Your notes will be safe on the server until you find a way to log back into the account. For that you need to contact Support. First though, try going to Evernote.com in your browser and use your existing email address in the 'forgot password' option when signing in...
  22. Nearly 60,000 notes here, and now rising v.e.r.y..s.l.o.w.l.y - natural wastage means old notes go to archive or Trash, as new ones come along. I recently switched to a multi-notebook system so I have around 350 notebooks (1,000 is the limit). I have a new, go-faster, Win11 Dell desktop on which Evernote sings - and two other laptops (4+ years old running Win 10 and Linux) on which it works - just about. Win 10 has Legacy, plus occasional v10 Web; Linux runs the Linux v10 Beta. They are noticeably slower than the desktop. It obviously is a memory-hungry app, but given that the main database is held on the server I don't think the number of notes or notebooks has a major effect. Add memory to your system if you can - otherwise optimise the system as much as possible - faster connection speeds and more disk space should help. If you're a subscriber (and of the number of your notes is worrying you, you probably should be...) contact Support for their help - they can walk you through any updates / upgrades that might help.
  23. When I played briefly yesterday I noticed some oddities too - here's the result of a created:day-0 search today. My guess - the year search assumes any '85 or '89 hits are 2085, hence the search hits. I would have been trying to match the publication date of the clips (these are from a digitised cuttings file) and maybe compromised on hitting the right month and year because I could copy/ paste that into the date field more easily...
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