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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. Check this out - Evernote + Google Calendar Overview
  2. Hi. Note that if you can still log in with your old email address, you'll be able to change it in the app... See: Change your account login email address
  3. You seem to be getting some answers at your other post - Please don't post the same query more than once. Duplicates may be deleted or merged with another conversation.
  4. The sticker rates for Evernote are here - https://evernote.com/compare-plans and I think it looks like you're included in some sort of discount deal which will apply for one year only... as you're a subscriber you should ask Support (which we're not) to verify any terms you've been quoted.
  5. Hi. Options - Drag/ drop note onto new notebook OR Click to the right of the notebook name in the current note - see 'move to' box OR tag notes with name of new notebook - search for tag, then move found note(s). Using standard tags and saved searches is often useful here... just use tags instead of notebooks... If by 'move' you mean drag and drop, then welcome to my standard process...
  6. Sounds like the table format is the issue - Evernote 6x had one method of coding tables, 10x has quite another; so it's not surprising that there might be differences. When discussing this sort of topic we've frequently said that sometimes it's easier to attach an encrypted file to a note than to try to use in-note encryption. Most document processors have the option to password protect a file - might be worth looking into here...
  7. Evernote is using an "embedded browser" because "the Electron JS framework offers seamless cross-platform desktop development". It's used by competitors like Notion and others like WhatsApp / MS Teams / Spotify / Discord and Twitch. Evernote may track your activities so it knows how popular its features are with users, but ultimately this is for its development and your benefit. The company does not profit from or sell your data. -And if you believe that you can browse completely privately in Safari and Chrome I have this bridge in London I could sell you for cheap...
  8. Hi. This might help - Keyboard shortcuts in Evernote for Mac I use Windows and for me double-clicking the note title in list view will do the job.
  9. Hi. Lots of complaints here about duplications, lots of suggestions as to how to reduce / avoid them. I'd suggest you have a search around and see what you can find...
  10. In general, that would be a hard 'no'. In any competitive market everyone is going to be adding new features and worrying that the company down the road will hit on some far better idea. It takes time to develop something new, and if you let everyone know up front that you're working on a new picture widget, not only is your competition is going to start working on the same thing, but... existing users who want something else will complain endlessly that you're prioritizing the wrong thing. existing users who want this feature will demand that you include their particular workflow. everyone will want to know when the new feature will be ready - especially your competition who'll want to launch before you. should you make the launch on time there's a good chance everyone will have been playing with the competition's version for a while and think it's much better than yours should you encounter problems and be late to launch, your staff will be inundated with demands that the new feature be released now Or. You could keep very quiet and let the new feature be a pleasant surprise when it is launched. At least any fuss happens after the release date! (I used to work in R&D...)
  11. Evernote's version 10 was a response to hundreds of user requests for a client that looked and behaved the same on all devices, including the web. They added calendars and tasks and many other features for the same reason. The fact they didn't (yet) get around to your specific interest doesn't mean they are ignoring it. And Evernote hardly ever respond to feature requests here...
  12. Hmmn. That doesn't seem good... I can flag your posts here to see whether the forum staff, who are employees, can help in any way - bear with us for a day or two while they take a look...
  13. Hi. For a different pop-up window we did suggest following the 'upgrade your plan' link and then closing that window before you're committed to spending money. You could try that and hope the algorithm will be satisfied for a while... But if you're using the app to the extent that the window has become such a nuisance, maybe you should consider subscribing? Because Evernote's legendary Marketing Department will always find a way to gently(ish) remind you that you're using their resources and the only way to reliably prevent that is 1) pay out or 2) move on.
  14. Hi. What URL(s) are you 'browsing'? I've not heard of any redirections in this way... Please can you provide exactly what actions you take to generate the pop-up. Can you give us a screen shot of the window?
  15. Hi. Download the free Evernote app to one of your devices. Log in with your original user name and password. You'll have free access to your notes.
  16. The two account idea is to allow each users to have a 'personal' area for their own notes, as well as access to a central company resource. If someone leaves their employment, their personal account remains theirs to take with them. The company account should reject any further login attempts. As regards your detailed query, I'm not a Teams user. To understand how to correctly deploy and manage the account you really need to reach out to Evernote. (We're mainly other personal and professional users here). The team help pages may give you some assistance - do reach out to Support however; they'll be able to check under the hood. Evernote Teams Toolkit
  17. Hi. You seem to have complicated your life considerably. To install Evernote on a new system, download and install the software and log in with your usual credentials. Evernote will use the 'parent' copy of your notes, held on their servers, to download and install your working database on the new device. To change the approved device, uninstall Evernote and disconnect the old device before trying to connect with the new. You only have a limited number of disconnections per month, and your 3 card shuffle with devices may have used them up. The good news is that as long as your original notes were synced with the server you should be able to see them in Note History - when you have sorted out your assigned devices. Access to Note History is a subscriber-only service, as are unlimited devices; so a month or so's upgrade should get you back on track. Understanding the device limit Use note history to view older versions of a note
  18. Hi. Evernote will OCR your handwriting and make it searchable, but it does not give you the plain text version. Capture handwriting and scan documents with your phone
  19. Hi. As a Personal user you should (AFAIK) get access to Tasks. The only way to verify why you're being sandbagged though is going to be through Support. These Forums are mainly user 2 user. Subscribers can raise support queries here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new and all users here - https://twitter.com/evernotehelps (or via the feedback option in the mobile client).
  20. If that information is contained in a box within the note view of the email, click on the top bar of the box to edit the content, or to add an annotation to indicate the correct time and date.
  21. Hi. It's my understanding that every Teams user has access to two accounts - their own personal account, plus the shared team account. Have you checked the team admin dashboard to make sure they all have access to the shared account and clearance to see any template notes? Have a look at the help screens for this sort of account, which may explain things better...Evernote Teams account update walkthrough
  22. Hi again - are you now running a device that has an Android 10x OS? You can't (AFAIK) access the v10 Evernote in the play store with an earlier OS. As regards your worries - Web clips go straight to your account on Evernote's servers. Mobile devices have limited storage and default to NOT storing any notes locally, so adding a new clip means it has to go to your Server-based account, and then be synced to the mobile search index so that you can 'see' that you have it. It is completely impossible to have clips hidden on your mobile that are only stored there. Uploads in progress are clips - copies of web pages - that have not yet been fully added to your server-based database. That can happen because the site is busy, your access is behind a paywall to which Evernote doesn't have access, or the site actively discourages random copies. Where you have these notes, Evernote should have recorded the URL of that site, and correcting the situation requires that you go to that URL, recall what you were clipping, and do it all over again on a desktop whilst still connected to the site. You will either see a successful clip, or get some clues as to the reason why it's not available. Again information on this sort of topic is NOT stored on any mobile device. You can upgrade quite safely if you are able to do so. To check what "uploading in progress" notes you have, check for that phrase on a desktop or (maybe) on the browser version. I just checked on my Desktop Legacy app and didn't find any - but it was quite a long search. If you do find some, you should be able to go to the original source page and re-clip. Best of Luck!!
  23. As with @Dave-in-Decatur - I was a hold-out, but v10 is now my daily drive; it's far better now than it was at launch, and Evernote are never going to unravel their new structure. If you want to see improvements, you need to be specific about what is not working for you...
  24. The setting on the page explicitly says that it is for reminders - which is reasonable... if you flagged a meeting at 6pm in the UK, but you happen to be in Canada, you really don't need a local time reminder. That function is not really portable...
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