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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. A quick internet search for "OneNote Import Evernote" gets around 150,000 hits, so you should be able to find something - but be warned that the layout of notes in both apps is considerably different; you'll likely have a lot of manual editing to do...
  2. If you're using Wondershare for your conversions, have you asked their support team? You're simply converting an HTML page with clickable links into PDF but finding that the links are no longer clickable after the conversion.
  3. ...And how are you converting these to PDF?
  4. Hmmn. Could these images be too large to save? Evernote system limits
  5. Freemium third party app Filterize can re-title notes in accordance with some basic rules - "if this note has tag <title>, add "Adam letters file" as title prefix" https://filterize.net/doc/actions/
  6. As I understand it, Disqus is a comments system that allows visitors to a website to record their own views on the content. As such, it's part of the website - wouldn't ordinary Clipper work to save the comments?
  7. Hi. There have been cases where images or layout created in one version of the app have not been visible when viewed in the other. Have you checked the affects note(s) in another version of Evernote? Try signing out of all versions and restarting your system to see whether that help.
  8. I'm confused as to why this was a 'thing' 3 years ago, but then disappeared completely until now. Either not many users are finding it an issue, or there's a highly specific cause... not to mention that the product was completely recoded a couple of years ago and sync - which (obvs) affects whether or not you can see applied tags - is actively under review. I think your logs may be important to understand how and why this issue arises - I'd suggest you raise it with Support (which is not us) to allow them to investigate in more detail. If 'many' others are also struggling - they should really do the same...
  9. If only we had more users giving constructive, helpful answers...
  10. I moved the topic to a general feature request thread so that others can vote to support this proposal.
  11. ...and maybe look at Workflowy to get the layout - they do 'infinite' levels. Allegedly.
  12. Good luck with that - I'd not heard of them before your post... but maybe I'm just out of touch!
  13. Just to note - no pun intended - that if you can send your new content by email, there is a heading code in Evernote that will append your email to an existing note. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005347
  14. There are dozens of cloud storage sites and scanner suppliers out there - I think Evernote would be happy to hear from any one of them, but they aren't going to adopt an individual provider and shut out the rest... In terms of your general 'how to proceed' request, I think that's entirely up to you. If you genuinely have unlimited free storage from Raven, and you trust them not to lose your data, it looks like it would be in your best interests to go with them and not use Evernote at all. If you want to add the extended organisational features that Evernote brings to the mix, I follow broadly what @PinkElephant has outlined above - I digitised a small library of technical information into several thousand pages of information that are (IMHO) far more accessible now than they ever were when occupying shelf space in a physical library!
  15. Here's some additional information that might help... Use templates
  16. Evernote has never (officially) run on Windows 7, so the chances of the company including a check to verify that you have the correct version of Windows (or any other OS) to allow the app to update are - I would think - pretty low. The test of whether or not you have the right environment for the app is down to 'does it run?' - if yes, you can scrape by for a while longer; if no - well you could try the older version (if you can find it) and just say 'no' to updates for ever... or you could go back to Evernote Legacy for the time being. Any compromise that involves old and outdated software though comes with a built-in exposure to any security holes that might be discovered - plus the problem that browsers and apps continue to be developed and will eventually refuse to run on devices running older systems...
  17. Probably not. You could try a full uninstall / restart / reinstall to see whether you might get away with it, but: Operating system requirements for Evernote
  18. Hi. Are you saying this is a feature that doesn't exist yet but you want it, or have you tried this out and it works?
  19. Hi - how did you archive these notes? Have you moved them out of Evernote?
  20. Hi. The title is easily fixed - just type something else in the Clipper title bar, or delete the note headline, which should not change the title. Not sure about the URL though...
  21. I admire your optimism, but this topic has been around for a while - I think you're more likely to get suggestions for ways to move data rather than an offer write a new script... having said which; if you still have all your old data in Evernote, is there much new /edited stuff to move? I was going to go on and suggest you continue working in Evernote and just deal with updating individual cases as and when you need to, but @agsteele got there before me!!
  22. The 'bug' here probably works for your company's IT team! If you're not breaking company policy you could ask nicely if they'll allow Evernote to connect...
  23. Hi. Not an Evernote issue. Have you tried restarting the browser / your device and reopening Evernote?
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