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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. Tasks don't have many options as yet. Seems like this could be done with a saved search...
  2. Actually a created:day-x search will show all notes with a created date after that time. I have a few notes that show created dates in the future so I get a full set. To search for one specific period, use two dates - for example created:day-9 -created:day-7 See also: Use advanced search syntax
  3. Hi. No, but you can attach an Outlook message to a note as a MSG file, and it will open in Outlook if you double-click the file. Drag and drop the message file to your desktop, then into an Evernote note. Copy/paste the content directly into a note for indexing. If you're a subscriber you can forward emails too and see them inline.
  4. I use Win 11 and Brave, and Clipper is alive and well on my system. Check the icon - have you given Clipper access to your web pages?
  5. Hi. I use Professional, but not teams... but this might help... How to use Evernote for Microsoft Teams
  6. Hi. Try clicking the top grey bar of any clip to see a 'magic wand' - click the wand to make the clip editable. Or if you're just pasting text, try "paste and match style".
  7. ??? Hi. If you mean that you have just upgraded to Personal but still show as a different account, then things should sort themselves out in an hour or two. I'd suggest you sign out of your accounts, have a drink of something, and then sign back in. Apple and Evernote having different accounting systems, it takes a little while for a payment to filter through. If it seems to be taking too long, please talk to Apple first - they're the ones who know when and how much you have paid, and should be able to sort out any difficulties...
  8. Hi. Why in the world would Evernote need to maintain records of a note that has been deleted and removed from the trash? If this partial note is gone, it's gone. No records, anywhere. If it was shared it will have disappeared from the share-ee's device, unless they vary carefully copied the partial content into a note of their own before it disappeared. The only lesson here is to check that notes don't show as shared with others unless you meant them to be. A search for sharedate:* should confirm whether or not you need to worry about it...
  9. Hi. These products aren't meant to be used in the way that you're hoping. If you have no colleagues, the Teams account is not necessary - move your notes into the Professional account and close the Teams (and the Personal) account down. Unless four or more individuals are working together, a Professional account should be fine for working and sharing data. The idea of a Teams account is that it belongs to the company, independently of any users. New workers get their Professional account, which they can maintain for themselves if they leave. It's the place to keep drafts, personal information and general jottings without messing up the corporate database. It's designed to work differently and have a complicated admin which can permit or withhold access to different areas.
  10. Hi. We're not a 'team' - this is a mainly user-supported Forum; but what you're experiencing sounds like Evernote's usual cookie confusion. If you want your window to open to a different size, or in a different place, just configure/ move the window there and sign out of the app. It will save its setup on exit, and come back using that same default on re-entry. If the issue isn't resolved, contact Support for more!
  11. The easy option is to use a password manager like Bitwarden to generate a unique random password each time you link two notes. Add the password to each note in the title or as a tag - or even as part of the link - and you'll have an unbreakable (but very searchable) connection. As to your recent thoughts on running a version of Evernote offline - I wouldn't think that was any kind of fail safe. Evernote inherently wants to be an online service and while you may be able to transfer the database from an online device to an offline one, you couldn't necessarily guarantee access on the offline machine. You'd have to be online once for it to 'log in' initially, and then could continue access by just closing the app down rather than signing out. But if you accidentally sign out, your access is gone. I'd say that your notes are as disaster proof as possible if you continue exporting content to HTML so that you always have your 'linked' access. There's a miniscule risk that Evernote will have some sort of internal catastrophe, which is covered by your backup notes. More action than that is just wasted effort against a 1 in 10M chance...
  12. Hi. I can't offhand think of any software company with a substantial customer base that went offline totally and overnight. Worrying about losing access to your data with it locked into a remote database is so unlikely as to be not worth considering. If the service is discontinued, it's much more likely to be on the basis that a date is announced some time well into the future when the servers will no longer be available. You'll be able to look at what's available then, take some value judgements as to who you want to continue with, and move your account across in an orderly fashion. A number of Evernote's competitors already offer import processes from Evernote's servers, or from your own exported ENEX files - and the bonanza barn sale if Evernote were no longer in the market means that every competitor would have their import routines available to make conversion easy. You're presumably aware that the installed desktop Legacy client maintains a copy of the 'parent' database, and an ENEX export from there should be relatively quick and easy to arrange. What won't be so easy is the maintenance of 'internal' links - these are based on individual note IDs - which by definition will change in a new setup. There are strategies whereby you can secure your links with keywords so they will be easy to recreate if broken; but AFAIK there is no way to wave a magic wand and say that the links are protected. Its very much an individual task to track down both sides of a link and to be able to recreate it. Your biggest protection at the moment is the 'parent' copy database that Evernote keeps on their server. All your devices run on copies of those originals. As long as that remains available, you can download your notes as files or printed pages wherever and whenever you need them.
  13. Flagged - don't know when or if you'll get any feedback...
  14. I think it's getting better - but like I said; if you have a ticket number for your Support query, post it here and we can see whether the Forum Admins can get any reaction for you...
  15. You're obviously an experienced user - if this is a tech issue I can only suggest you contact Support and see whether they can help. You'll have to jump through all the usual boring reinstall / reshare / check spam folder hoops to make sure, but they at least can investigate further once you have confirmed there's no user-side issues here.
  16. Whilst I have every sympathy with users who can't get an app to perform as they would wish, the software provider is always free to design their product as they imagine their market would wish. The only freedom users have is to use - or not use - that product if they seem to fit the correct profile. If you can soldier on as you are, then I'd suggest you do so - ignore the nags to upgrade for as long as you can - but be aware that sooner or later Plus is going to fade away completely. You might want to look out for the promotions: Evernote messaged my Free account recently with a '50% off' offer (for the first year...) which would soften the blow nicely of an upgrade to Personal. But beware that if you move away from Plus, you can't come back... (I also subscribe to Professional - the free account is for messing around in...) Evernote seem to be getting good feedback from their new productivity bells and whistles, so I wouldn't expect them to change tack anytime soon. Having said which - you mention referring some issues to Support; if you can post the ticket number here, we can ask our Forum Admin to see whether it's possible to juice it up a little...
  17. LOL - as yo may have gathered we're mainly users here... to get an official answer, you'd have to ask - oh, wait... -As with @PinkElephant I tend to get reasonably coherent replies to queries, though like most support teams these days you'll find the agent is probably reading from a script. Companies always want to be polite, legal and -above all- accurate when dealing with customers, so as you describe your issue, the agent will be clicking through a multi-choice screen following your answers. When you get to the end they read the screen content at you. If you continue to ask questions or argue they're very much on their own - which in new staff can lead to some stilted conversions.
  18. They're presumably referring to the current work on syncing in general. I am confused as to why duplicates keep popping up if as you say your housekeeping is generally good - are the duplicated notes being viewed or changed before the duplication? Or does a dormant note on a specific topic just decide to duplicate itself without an obvious trigger?
  19. I'm not sure I understand your proposal either. Clipper (or copy/ paste) will grab information from the web or local files and share it around. There is no hierarchy of notes - just use the titles to link your work: <name of book> <name of chapter><section> and sort a search for the title. Or - as @lost_gweedo suggests, use tags... Evernote has some useful information here... Organize with tags
  20. I 'hid out' with my old pre-Legacy public issue 6.25.1 for about a year - had no choice to upgrade on my old Samsung Android phone and tablet; then I got a new desktop and Win 11 and added Evernote 10 to both Linux and Windows devices. EN10 seems fine to me for daily driving - there are tasks I still revert to Legacy for (especially ongoing backups of my notes), but normal activities seem fine now, and things are still getting better. If you're hitting particular roadblocks, it would be good to feed those back to Support because they can't think of everything, and maybe tweaking some other part of Evernote's feature set would benefit us all. I know some people are far too busy to 'get involved' with Support in that way, but until Support runs ESP 2.0 they can't intuitively know what everyone wants, unless we tell them. Hence this forum. You seem to be dialled into statistics to which the rest of us don't have access - care to share your sources? If they can be verified I'm sure Evernote would be interested: but while it's all too easy to say "90% of users demand this" the sad little total at the top of the page suggests otherwise...
  21. Then you're in the wrong software. There are many work-arounds including working in a word processor which has this feature and attaching the WP files to a note, but with 65 votes this will not be a feature that Evernote will prioritize. Other feature requests with hundreds of votes have still not been implemented, and this one does not seem important to many users...
  22. Hi. Templates still exist - see https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360001929468 (change the language code in the centre of the link for translation) as do copies and duplicates - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052533433
  23. Hi. We're mainly users here, so the pertinent answer is "no clue." Evernote are unlikely to comment in more detail. There will, I'm sure, be adequate time to export notes or upgrade if and when Evernote does pull the plug on Legacy. Meantime I have exported ENEX backups of my notebooks and a copy of the 6.25 installer file saved in case I need it.
  24. Hi. Sorry but we're not able to help - we're mainly users. You need to talk to Support.
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