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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. Clear your browser caches and check the bottom right of the Evernote window for the editor version.
  2. Hi. Sounds like your payment failed, maybe due to an out-of-date card? If you pay iTunes, contact them to check. If you pay Evernote direct you can still use the Support link - just use 'guest' as the connection type... You could also check your account payment details online - https://www.evernote.com/Settings.action
  3. Hi. I left my ESP at home today so can we start with Evernote version / OS / device and more details of exactly how and when this happens?
  4. Hi. Create a table and copy/ paste or drag and drop your images into cells to limit the size.
  5. Hi. I take it that you're not an Evernote Teams user. Please share your actual Evernote client type and (I'm guessing) the browser you're using for access. The green arrow means your content is saved, so why you're losing data I don't know. No-one else appears to be having the same issue...
  6. Hi. Any of this help? https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/1500003792141
  7. The fact that the app doesn't do what you'd like it to is not thing that the company needs to 'fix' - you can request the feature be added, and they may - or may not do so, depending on how expensive and / or difficult it would be to change the system. Since this was never a bug, they can't have made it 'worse' by adjusting the coding - the workarounds just used quirks of the system to get around a limitation. The quirks got fixed - or maybe just moved. If you really, really must have your picture of choice as the thumbnail, then either find an app that will do that for you, or think of a way to work around Evernote's system. Top of my head - you could save your note contents in the cloud, and just have a note with a link to the main contents plus your favorite image.
  8. Confirmed. Note information (on desktop) includes a clickable date field! (but it's a little fiddly to get to for bulk changes...)
  9. Thanks... remember we're mainly all users here, and may have seen something similar once or twice (though some much less than others for some reason...??) Have you already raised this with support and tried the suggested accept-and-back-out deferral plan?
  10. ...You can still use 'creative' dates as a title prepend and sort that way...
  11. Hi. You may have missed the memo that most lurkers around here are users rather than employees, and the other threads where Evernote Marketing is described in less than complimentary terms. As a subscriber, you'll be able to contact Support by email or you could just feedback in one of the apps - but if you find the nagging annoying, so feel free to tell them that...
  12. Only if someone gains access to your account, can find a precise note, and step it back to the date on which you had unencrypted text. Also I tend to use encrypted PDFs which are secure before they get added to notes.
  13. Hi. Evernote has no mechanism to ensure that duplicates are not imported, but it would quickly become apparent if there were more than one identical match for any search term. Importing a file into Evernote is usually a question of simply emailing, dragging and dropping, copying and pasting, or using the browser 'clipper' add-in. If in all those cases the app did a search before it imported the file, the operation would take twice as long - and where some duplication were found, there might be additional considerations of whether the two files are identical or one might be a later version of the other. PDF files are attached to notes, with the filename -usually- being the note title. If a given search generates duplicate titles it would be a matter of moments to delete them.
  14. True - it's a system snapshot rather than a note-by-note thing. I sit corrected...☺️
  15. -And on the general topic; if anyone wishes to use Evernote for passwords, they are, of course, quite free to do so. I doubt that Evernote will ever see fit to improve their support for password entry though, since there are literally dozens of competitors in that precise area, all of whom have some level of free service.
  16. Easy for one entry, a but of a pain for several... and wouldn't Evernote still retain the first unencrypted version of the note in Note History once it was all synced up?
  17. I totally agree that Evernote is not good for password management. I use a browser add-in BitWarden which can generate randomised passwords up to 128 characters, check that you're not using the same password twice, help log you in to any browser page with any level of security and maintain a secure text note for each entry in case you have more information to keep secure. There are dozens of apps around that will provide similar features - a quick internet search will give you a run-down of what's available!
  18. Hi. Does any of this help? Use Work Chat to send messages If not, please explain in full detail exactly what you're trying to do, and how it's failing.
  19. I'm running the Linux Beta, but you need to have a specific invitation email to give you access to the package. I waited for a while before being invited, so I'd guess they're limiting the number of accounts involved until they're completely sure this thing works correctly - having said which, it's now indistinguishable from the Windows version for me.
  20. Hi. Evernote have some help on this - Evernote + Google Calendar Overview
  21. Hi. You clearly have a specific use case in mind, but just so I'm clear - are you opening and closing the main Evernote app window, or an individual note window? And are you editing the same note each time, or updating a series of individual notes? Maybe you could talk us through in more detail exactly which windows you're opening and closing. If you're editing a single 'log' note forinstance, why not use 'minimise' in the top right corner to drop it to the taskbar, then alt+tab back to it (or click the task bar icon) when it's next needed? Minimised and restored views will jump up and down to the same place each time.
  22. One important subscriber function is Note History - which should take you back to the last time that this note was changed, including the then current version of any attached file. Use note history to view older versions of a note
  23. Ben Franklin had the general theme of this with "three people can keep a secret if two of them are dead..." If your stuff is online then one person has to have access to it - obviously you. Or anyone who can put up a convincing pretence that they're you... So by definition your data is not 100% protected, no matter how good the site security can be. If you can get access, then so could others - if they have a motive to do so. (I have stuff that's not even on my hard drive - my famous Master Plans for World Domination forinstance; plus stuff that, per @agsteele is encrypted. There's a ton of other general correspondence that is my projects / purchases / reminders trailing out there in the breeze) Evernote is (I saw somewhere) has the largest store of personal information on the planet - so if your personal data stands out amongst the other 200M+ people on there you could be, quite comprehensively, compromised by any leak. On the other hand, they'd have to find you - within millions of other accounts. It's a matter of personal judgement. Do you really need to keep your data online? Could it be used against you in identity theft (or actual theft) in any way? I think you're pretty safe. You have Evernote's 'invisible' servers and what appears to be a fairly comprehensive security net protecting your data. But if you can get to see it...
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