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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. There are no official sources for older versions of v10. You could look at the Legacy client - or check your system for old Evernote installation files. According to Evernote v10 does not work on older versions of Windows...
  2. I'd say if you haven't heard anything after a couple of months you could re-apply - there's no set time for responses; it may depend on how many people are already going through the process.
  3. Similar situation here, but if I did decide to move 1) it wouldn't be One note* and 2) I'd probably live with having two lookups - one in Evernote and one elsewhere. Most of my (almost) 60,000 notes are reference material and archived stuff, with about 5% (maybe) relating to ongoing activity. I'd use a triage system to move the 5% - as each new topic comes up I'd copy the old notes across to my new system - either in total or via a comprehensive "previously on" summary. That would add a one-time hour or so extra to my initial processing for that topic, following which it's entirely on the new system. I have maybe 100 active projects, so in a week or two I'd have all current (and new) activity on the 'other' system. I can downgrade my account to Free and go from there. Compare that with trying to convert 60,000 notes to a new format - it'd take a week just to get the notes across, plus careful editing to fix obvious errors and ensure data wasn't lost... And I'd still probably check the new system against the old one for another year to make sure some notes hadn't hit a black hole along the way. I'd do no other work for a week or more and still be unsure of where I stood... And oddly I am a big user of expandable notes - I've built up a substantial account on Workflowy which is a deceptively simple - looking outline app. It now acts as my data index, linking back into Evernote (and some Cloud drives) for more in-depth document storage. WF runs in my browser and can jump me to standard texts and/ or links into Evernote, and Evernote can jump me direct to index entries for given topics in Workflowy. WF also has desktop and mobile clients and runs in Linux - check it out here * The architecture is too different!
  4. Thanks - I understand the system now. Still don't understand how you could have gotten to more than one notebook for any given account, but if you did, you did. Best suggestion at this stage would be to hand this on to both Evernote and Filethis Support teams to see whether they can work out a solution. Like @agsteele I do it manually - but being me I tend to leave a few months between runs unless there's an issue I know I need to look into... It would be very nice to get an automation for the process, though the general paranoia about bank accounts being hacked will probably lead to more hazards cropping up along the way...
  5. Anyone still using Cronofy in this context? https://evernote.cronofy.com/
  6. Thanks for the explanation, but what's a 'sub notebook'?? If FileThis drops information into one notebook, it can only -surely (and maybe)- move it to another notebook. Evernote have got (I thought) the creation of new notebooks tied down pretty tightly - unless the user explicitly creates a new notebook, I didn't think any external app (apart from Filterize) could create a new one, or even move existing notes around....
  7. 10.44 was only issued yesterday (1st September) doesn't seem like a step too far down to backtrack to 10.43.7 if that works for you. The choice between versions though depends on exactly what you want to be doing - if Legacy works for you, stick with that.
  8. Hi. I'm intrigued. How, under Filethis were you getting these statements into different notebooks?
  9. I'd be surprised too - Premium is no longer available. Did you mean 'Professional' ? Evernote do market their upgrades pretty heavily, but I don't see popups when I open the app. Are you using the installed client or the web version? If you find the nagging intrusive or offensive, then by all means feed that directly back to Evernote* via an app or Support * mainly other users here.
  10. Which "snip tool" are you using? Plus: what version of Windows? Evernote? Which browser?
  11. It's a fact that duplicate notes are being created when Evernote's servers are presented with more than one version of the same content and can't tell which has priority. How much of that is directly under Evernote's control is unknown. There are multiple reasons why this sort of thing happens, and Evernote is already actively working on minimising the occurrence.
  12. I agree with @bmcl26 - In the same vain as TANSTAAFL, there's (also) no such thing as a permanent discount. The dictionary definition of the word is even "a deduction from the usual cost of something" (my italics). Sorry if you expected more, but I'm sure Evernote is well within all current regulations governing the promotion of special offers and advertising generally... -And given that even subscribers who thought otherwise have 364 days to realise the truth and can change their subscription level in a few seconds online, I don't think there's much to worry about here. Even if you realise a mistake a few days after the second full payment, you'd still have the option of contacting Support to discuss the situation and a possible refund.
  13. How about the old "export your template to a local ENEX file and double-click the file to create a new note" trick...?
  14. And I have 300+ notebooks. There are methods out there...
  15. Hi. If you find the nagging intrusive or offensive, then by all means feed that back to Evernote - which as you seem to appreciate is (mostly) not us. ALL 'free' software though has some kind of nag system since you get to use the company's products and resources. These businesses are not charities - the intention is (I assume) that you should "try out" the software and either buy in or move on. The fact that Evernote have further restricted the ways in which free users can access their service and have not softened their product promotions suggests that they're feeling that too many users have been getting a free ride paid for by other subscribers. (On the plus side they do run some substantial first-year discount promotions for new subscribers!) For those aren't willing or able to subscribe I think Evernote would be pretty relaxed if they did decide to move on...
  16. Hi - if you're talking about Import Folders here, see: Create import folders
  17. No problems here, but if you've provided the URLs to Support they'll be able to take a look at the originals. As long as you have alternatives to secure your image/ clip I'd say there's no big deal. I'm happy to get 98% hits on my clips - from time to time there are oddities that need a little extra help for a clip to succeed that means I need a third-party app like XNVief or Nimbus Screenshot to get a picture which I can then attach to a note.
  18. Hi. This is a (mainly) user-supported Forum and we don't have access to any account details. To get the full story on your subscription I'd suggest you contact Support and exercise some of the benefits of your payment to ask why it's so high. The CS team are the ones who can correct any issues and -maybe- find some leeway if the rise has been a little steep... (no promises though!) You can at least check whether there are any alternatives available.
  19. Totally sympathise if you got sandbagged by work, but looking for a free ride is not sensible if you plan to keep anything personal online. At the very least a subscription helps pay to keep the lights on and avoid those "we're very sorry to announce to all our loyal users that this service will have to close...." messages. There really is no such thing as a free lunch...
  20. Hi. A quick internet search should turn up some links, but here's the Chrome Extension - it's free, and generates an image file from all or part of your page; what you do with the image file is up to you. Attaching it to an Evernote note should be easy (depending on the size of the image!)
  21. If you can work within the restrictions, why not? Although access to Support is useful - they could have easily answered any questions about High Sierra forinstance...
  22. Hi. Although Evernote are working towards a common UI, the limitations of getting an app to work within the tight security and space limitations of a browser mean that the web version doesn't have quite so many bells and whistles as the installed client. If you need the full range of features, then Installed will always be better than Web. That said I'm pretty happy to use either and/ or both depending on what I'm doing - although it's a resource-hungry app, so you're probably better off picking one and running with it. If you really hate the new layout, the (now unsupported) Legacy version is still available... How you use it depends on what device(s) you're using and what processes you're running, but there doesn't seem to be a real alternative yet if all you need is to save snippets from a variety of sources, and find them again easily...
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