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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. I barely noticed the last one I got, but I think this is a pop-up window, not an email. Even if it were, email > Evernote account is an easy copy/ paste for a free acount, or just a matter of forwarding to your Evernote address for subscribers. If it is a pop-up, screenshots are good...
  2. - Just contributing another work-around... If you sort your notebook as required, then create a Table of Contents note, you have an 'index' to your specific sort for that notebook. When you add a new note, just add a new link to the ToC index. Or even... Why not do a ToC on the unsorted notes and then sort the items in the ToC note so you have your index without ever having to sort the notes at all...
  3. Hi. Unless you already have, use the in-app Feedback button folks - we're (mainly) other users here...
  4. ...What @agsteele said. If you want to confirm your renewal status, contact Support. It's my understanding too that unless you choose to move to either Personal or Professional you'll be grandparented in at your current level. Whether or not you paid the full market rate for that level last time around is a whole other question...
  5. Er, no. This is an overview of Tasks with links to more in case that helps. If you're still having issues, try a Support ticket.
  6. I've mentioned before that I have some emails sent direct to Evernote, and I forward some others from Outlook using a built-in feature that allows me to forward the selected email to a specific address (my Evernote account) with one click. I can also (obvs) forward manually if I wish. When these dozens of emails hit the account they're sorted into appropriate notebooks, given standard tags for that set of messages and generally settled down by Filterize which is a freemium app that can edit and move Evernote notes within your account. I use the subscriber service Parameterization which allows me (for example) to set up a table of keywords, tags and notebooks such that emails containing specific email addresses and/ or keywords attract individual tags, and are sorted into appropriate notebooks for whatever action is required. All of this runs in both Legacy and v10. There are several other automation options out there that can probably do something very similar if that's what you need.
  7. Please don't, unless asked - we're mainly other users in the Forums here and the logs don't mean much to us. If you log into your account via Evernote.com in a browser window, what notes can you see there? From your brief description it sounds as tough your notes are dying with each reboot of the device - which should not be possible, because there are two levels of protection: local temporary storage on the laptop, and whatever content can be synced to the server while you remain connected.
  8. Dunno about iPhones but Android gives me a chart showing which apps use most battery life, which - per @PinkElephant above - should be a fairly good indication of which app is causing your phone to run hot. If Evernote is using massively more power than other apps, that clearly is a bug; if it is just power-hungry that might be a feature; remember it's syncing your content to and from the server, whilst also allowing you to alter and move notes, run complicated searches and apply tags. Evernote will never be as economical with your battery as a diary app, but omelettes and eggs, people; omelettes / eggs. Plus... 'hot'; can someone quantify the levels here? Is the phone unusually warm but still fine, too hot to hold for long, a definite fire hazard?? Through our (UK) recent hot weather my devices hit some record heat highs, but after a brisk application of better cooling I got things back to 'normal' - and it turns out none of my stuff ran so hot it would have been compromised anyway. Hot is unusual, but not necessarily a need for alarm.
  9. If Evernote don't know this is happening, you're not going to see any improvement (we're mainly other users here - Evernote staffers do read threads too, but you never know when or if that's going to happen). If you see an issue, it's worth reporting if you can - hopefully the answer might be "we're aware of that and working on it", or just a confirmation it can't be anything the app is doing...
  10. Haven't seen anything in other posts here - have you contacted Support?
  11. My equivalent process in Windows would simply be to have the main PDF open to select and copy a passage, then swop windows to a word processor to paste and comment if necessary, then back to the PDF to rinse and repeat. Same with emails. Seems like you're asking Evernote to help you avoid the heavy lifting of swopping focus from one window to another - which it can't (currently) do.
  12. Well, I'm finding v10.41.5 on Windows 11 is all I need for my activities, plus it and v6.25.1 on Windows 10 cope with my 57,517 notes / 300+ notebooks and 1500 (or so) tags just fine. Invest some time with Support, make sure your main devices are thoroughly housecleaned, and you should be golden...
  13. Hi. What device & OS are you using to read this large PDF file on? I don't follow why the need to send your clipboard to a note prevents you using email - my alternative suggestion was going to be: open a separate local document in a third-party word processor and copy/ paste into that, then attach that document to its own note on completion.
  14. Hi. Can you email your clips? Evernote can append emails to an existing note...
  15. I don't think so - I'm still happily using Legacy on my Windows 10 laptop with no obvious drop in performance - it's no worse than it ever was! If you're having issues I'd recommend a Revo uninstall (provided you don't have any local -unsynced- notebooks) plus a restart / reinstall. Evernote's server will even rebuild your Legacy database for you...
  16. While Evernote staffers do read posts to get a sense of what's going on, there are around 100,000 topics and over 500,000 posts in play - even though the Devs are probably only reading new posts, it may take a while for them to see this. Feedback from the app, or a Support ticket if you are a subscriber, will let them know sooner.
  17. Hi. You're posting in the Evernote Legacy / iOS forum - is that correct for the version of Evernote and device that you're using? If so - there have been no changes to Evernote Legacy - it's no-longer supported I've not heard of the issues you mention, but they will not be investigated by Evernote. Best advice would be to upgrade to Evernote v10 and see whether this issue persists...
  18. Hi. Your access to Tasks varies with your subscription level. See the help pages for more general information - Create a task
  19. Hi. And Hmmn. Not seen this sort of error before... So. Evernote has a 10.41 edition for Windows, so I'd suggest you uninstall your existing one, preferably using Revo Uninstaller Free (it uninstalls the files that other uninstallers do not...) and download the new version from Evernote.com.
  20. Hi. I doubt many of us here have a mega-monitor - you might want to contact Support; sounds like this is something to do with screen resolution so you should probably include details of your device OS and maybe a screenshot?
  21. Sorry for not being clear - there is no separate "word-processor version of note" - I was meaning any third-party word-processor like Microsoft Word or Libre Office, or indeed any software that can take a text document and convert it to a PDF file. Separate word-processors give you far more control over layout than you currently will find in Evernote. This may improve in future, but there are no options yet. For your particular diary use case though - have you thought about a blog? Another third party app https://postach.io/ can turn your Evernote notes directly into an online blog post. It is as simple as adding a new note to an Evernote notebook, tagging it 'published' and syncing the note. Postachio automatically converts and displays the note. Again, there are compromises on layout, but the app does support Markdown formatting.
  22. Hi. No - Evernote is not a document layout substitute... it can help make your notes look professional, but only within some fairly narrow limits. If layout is important to your notes, it is better to create a word-processor version and save that to PDF format where you have the control to add page breaks and change text styles as necessary. The finished PDF can be attached to a note, and the content will be fully visible and (usually) searchable. You'll be able to open that PDF from any device where you access Evernote, and will be able to use the device's inbuilt printing features to print that attachment.
  23. Not looking for anything major - just that the update pop-up which currently says "A new version of Evernote is available" could say: "Version 10.85 is now available: minor bugfixes." as a guide to whether it's worth spending time to do the update now, or whether it should be put off until later...
  24. With your permission I'll move this to a feature request forum so others can vote to show their support. I already gave feedback to Evernote on this point, though I did so from a slightly different direction - I wanted some release notes in the pop-up window so I could tell whether this was a 'minor update', or a 'sync with Google Calendar' version. The current "wanna take pot luck with an update" version tends to annoy me...
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