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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. You can suggest this as a feature, but no one else that I recall has missed it in the past 15 or so years, so it hardly seems 'critical'. As a work-around you could create your initial table in a spreadsheet and copy/ paste the format into your note, or attach the spreadsheet file...
  2. Hi. If you don't have access to your account I believe you will have to go through Support - use https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?guest=true and "Account" as the request type.
  3. Hi. We're mostly other users here - no inside information about likely changes. Support will probably say they will work on it / are working on it but are unable to give any timeline either.
  4. If you can set up that style in a template note, you could simply use the template or duplicate the original and create a new entry that way. If you're adding multiple entries to one note, create the individual quote notes and then merge them together?
  5. As others have already pointed out, there is no 'lock in' to Evernote. Exporting is easy - or you could downgrade your account to free and still have access to all your notes. Simply start a new account elsewhere and import history from Evernote only when you need it. Note that ease of export and continued access to large notes in a free account are not necessarily features you'll find elsewhere ...
  6. Check your ticket situation via https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/ and re-open / remind the team on that ticket that you're still waiting a response?
  7. ...and single word searches will get you thousands of hits, including partial words and misspellings. Far better to search for multiple keywords including something unique like a part number, address or date. Image OCR also uses a hierarchy of possible meanings for each imaged word - the actual word "horse" might also be indexed as 'home' or 'house' or all three might be applied to another word entirely - so a 'found' note might appear not to contain a match at all. If you're genuinely having trouble with searches you could try rebuilding your database from the server by signing out and choosing not to keep your locally stored database. When you sign back in your account and search indexes will be rebuillt from the server. (Depending on your account size this can take from minutes to hours.) If that doesn't work, then Support would be the next best option. (Support is not us: mainly other users here...)
  8. Hi. So you're saying that while Search works fine, and Search within Notes works fine. you'd just like to have the system switch netween them to save you the trouble of hitting Ctrl+F from time to time?
  9. ...Or you could actually explain what you're looking for and we might be able to help?
  10. Hi. No, it's not currently possible to edit or delete the AI Cleanup button. That might change if and when more options are added. We're mainly users here - feedback@evernote.com to suggest this to the company.
  11. Wouldn't having a notebook for each client help? Share the notebook to the client (+ leader), then move copies of the appropriate notes into that notebook. All the notes are then shared automatically and the Table of Contents links should (maybe?) work. (Needs a proper test with the current version but I believe this layout has worked for me before...)
  12. Hi. If you have a ticket number, you have heard back from Support, just not (presumably) from a human yet. I'll flag the number to the admins here which may help.
  13. Hi. Check the top left of your Evernote web page. There should be a cogwheel by your account name. Click there.
  14. Hi. There are various current ways to export your notes from a desktop. The web and mobile versions don't allow this feature. It's not a good idea to export all notebooks to one file because an export does not include notebook data. Better to export eaxch notebook to a separate file. Options are: From the Notebooks page (in Desktop) look for the three dots to the right of each notebook name. Click there for export options. "Export" will apply to all notes without any limit on numbers. The process exports notebook content from the server, so takes a little while. Options currently available include output to various files types such as - HTML / PDF / ENEX. To simply backup safely, or to export your files to another service which can import that format, ENEX is best. There are two third-party options to that manual process: https://github.com/vzhd1701/evernote-backup - free, but requires some expertise. https://www.backupery.com/products/backupery-for-evernote/ - paid service, but well worth it if you have several notebooks. It may be possible to set up automation services like AutoHotKey or Zapier if you are able to do so. It's very rare for data to be 'lost' from an Evernote account, but lots of people still like to have a full copy of their notes somewhere safe, just in case. Think of it like wearing a helmet when you ride a bike... no-one wants or expects an accident, but they do happen. See below for some more considerations. If you would like to see an option within Evernote to set up a regular export of all notes, notebook by notebook please tell them - feedback@evernote.com More information If you're staying with Evernote (and you should, if you can - exciting times ahead!) you should be aware that all your notes are saved to Evernote's servers. The current 'parent' copy stays there, while 'child' versions are downoaded in different formats to your various devices. Whether you subscribe or not, a copy of your current notes will be stored on the servers and available for download. If you subscribe, you'll also have access to Note History which is a snapshot (taken several times each day) of the content of the note since its creation. (Non-subscribers also have this protection - it works on all synced notes, not just subscriber accounts - but you need to subscribe for access.) Of course all of that depends on your access to Evernote servers. If you want to be super-careful not to lose any information, or want to use it outside of Evernote. then you need to backup your data. Note History - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313858
  15. Hi. Then you also pay for email Support, which is not us. Mainly other users here. The current desktop version of Evernote is 10.61.5. Update via http://evernote.com/download/ if you don't got it already. If the issue persists, subscribers can raise support queries here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new.
  16. You can also try Markdown and HTML coding in your note if the 'standard' formatting isn't working. Evernote did say they've talked to the other third party services recently, but maybe this is still an issue for Postach.io I was trying to set up a page myself and needed a numbered list with one item having sub-sections which I wanted numbered, lettered or bulleted. I couldn't manage the extra indent no matter how I tried. Markdown and HTML didn't help either. I gave up for now...
  17. Hi. Subscribers can raise support queries here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new and all users here - https://twitter.com/evernotehelps - feedback options are available too feedback@evernote.com. You should be able to change your account email address yourself - Change your account login email address
  18. Hi. Have you tried unintalling the app from iOS, restarting your phone and reinstalling?
  19. Hi. I was actually responding to the post after yours - have you updated to Evernote 10.64.5 on all your devices? This latest release was only today I think... download from http://evernote.com/download/ to update.
  20. Hi. Subscribers can raise support queries here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new and all users here - https://twitter.com/evernotehelps - feedback options are available too feedback@evernote.com.
  21. Hi. Are these images attached to a note? What Evernote version do you have, and can you sign in to the web version to see your notes there?
  22. I agree the new Evernote is different from the old Evernote - but then the "old" Evernote Android was different from the old Evernote Mac, the old Evernote Windows, and the old Evernote iOS so every single version of the app had differences in shortcuts, keystrokes and features. The only thing they had in common was that the logistics of maintaining and updating multiple different apps made the operation unsustainable in the long run. Evernote rewrote the most frequently used features of their apps using the new "Elektron" coding system, which allows the same app to run on various different operating systems. It acts like a translator, making sure that commands like "sync" and "print" are treated in the same way no matter what operating system you are using. Some of those features were not possible to translate - or at least not commercially worth translating - because the software, which was not originally designed with Evernote in mind, had no practical way to allow (forinstance) multiple users to collaborate easily with access the same note at the same time. Other features weren't worth including because they weren't much in use in the original applications. As with all software, Evernote users have the chance to help improve the app by contacting Support or using the feedback channels to report issues, suggest new features, or better ways to access the existing ones. By being an active part of this process users can help improve the app in the future. But any changes aren't going to happen overnight, and sweeping statments like "unusable" and "inefficient" aren't helpful. Many Evernote subscribers using version 10 (including me) say (mostly) that its usable and they can work with it. Sticking with the Legacy apps is simply putting off the day when a decision will have to be made. The old apps and features aren't coming back - by this time there's probably no-one left in the company who understands them anyway. Better to embrace the new Evernote and - if you must - become a regular Support user to point out inefficiences and resolve issues, so you can influence its future development in the directions you need. Or accept Evernote is a lost cause and go find another app that you feel suits you better. I actually hope that Evernote pulls the plug on the Legacy apps soon - they're currently hamstrung by the need that anything they do with v10 has to be backwards-compatible with Legacy. The recent improvements in speed and the introduction of Real Time Editing show that the way forward is with new formats. The continuing need for Legacy users to retain access to their notes must surely be holding the company back...
  23. I'd suggest you downlpoad the latest version 10.61.4 from https://evernote.com/download - the Windows Store version may not yet have been updated, and seems to have some issues of its own.
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