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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Yep - you are posting in the 'legacy' forum hence my confusion. Try https://evernote.com/download for the latest version. Sign out of your current app and install.
  2. Hmmn. "The latest version" has changed about three times in the past week. So. Exact numbers please?
  3. Hi. Please stop encouraging feedback on third party products. If you wish to receive private messages that's fine. We are not, however, on the same page here, and you are not managing the comments. While the discussion has been (mostly) friendly so far, it's tending towards an unwelcome spamfest.
  4. Not as far as I know - if you have a new card you can take a new picture and maybe merge two notes together? Don't know about deleting the old card though...
  5. Now I know why some users got offended. Please can we stop wittering about subjects some of us clearly do not understand? Since it seems to be important to some, I'm a moderator on this forum having been a user for 15 or so years with 60,000+ notes and 400+ notebooks. You can't have more than 1,000 notebooks, it's a system limit. You should not export more than one notebook at a time because the format does not capture notebook metadata. If you export multiple notebooks, you'll re-import to one notebook only. It tends to lead to tears. If you go to the Notebooks page you have an option to export one notebook at a time. If you wish to do more there are several ways to do it. As to Notejoy this page is rapdily becoming the forum that their site apparently lacks. It seems a tad rude to hijack Evernote's forums in that way. We're here for technical suggestions about Evernote features and a bit of ranting and gossip, with the fundamental rule "please behave like a grown up." As a moderator I do have the power to zap any posts that cross that line. Please consider your next post carefully.... From the Notebooks page:
  6. IMHO AI is well overblown. No matter how you qualify the output its the 'grey goo' of content, and since so many people have leapt to adopt it and posted that content, AI is already suffering from its own confirmation bias - it's going to get greyer and gooier. And AI can still be wrong - I'm still getting confident, well laid out, blatant lies from time to time... I get that everyone wants a robot they can use to do all their work, but I'm with the Hollywood crowd - real people for real work!
  7. I just ran the search again in 10.61.4 and found about 80 old notes with checklists which seem to convert to check boxes if edited, though both can co-exist in a note if I add new entries. I'm glad I tend not to use these things any more anyway....
  8. Hi. On a mobile you can use an Evernote Widget to list important notes, or save shortcuts direct to them. On a desktop, you can use saved searches to jump to important areas.
  9. It's possible to pin notes on the home page, but you'd be better off using a Table of Contents note to list everything for your 'overview', and creating a saved search direct to that note in your sidebar. Create a table of contents
  10. Hi. Go to Evernote.com and download the update again. It's now 10.61.4. Reinstall and retry your access. If that fails try uninstalling the existing app with Appcleaner or something similar, then repeat the install.
  11. You can already do some part of this with Evernote and other AI products. However AI is a language based application - it can't make effective value judgements on whether proposition A is better or worse than proposition B. There are still a few jobs needing actual people to handle...
  12. Hi. If you believe you've been charged incorrectly, please contact Support https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new - we're mainly users here and have nothing to do with subscriptions.
  13. I get the same. Could be a volume thing - the primary connection being overwhelmed with download requests and defaulting to another server. Hopefully @Federico Simionato will be able to advise soon...
  14. If you're posting in the right forum it's a sign that your deprecated and no longer supported app is having an issue.. have you looked at Evernote v10 recently?
  15. Hi. We're mainly other users here - subscribers can raise support queries here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new and all users here - https://twitter.com/evernotehelps - feedback options are available too feedback@evernote.com.
  16. Hi. As a subscriber you're able to contact Support to get issues like this sorted out - or at least get some idea when they might be addressed. We're not Support - just mainly other users here. There have been two recent updates to the apps which might have olved your problems anyway. If you're up to date but still have issues, contact https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new for assistance.
  17. No, they haven't. Go to the notebooks page, click the three dots to the right and you can export THE WHOLE NOTEBOOK. No restriction on numbers.
  18. I sometimes think I'm caught in a time-warp since I re-hash a lot of explanations, but I thought backups were at least fairly easy to accomplish. Use the notebooks tab (on desktop) use the three dots menu to export the notebook to ENEX (no limit on numbers) the Github process https://github.com/vzhd1701/evernote-backup Backupery a Legacy app and the various methods available there If you have any computer experience you will know that backups are essential. I handicapped myself by using a notebook structure - I have something like 420 notebooks, so auto-backups are the only way to go.
  19. At a rough guess 99.9% of people here either haven't made a decision where to go yet, or are already committed to staying. And since your 'ideal app' depends on your personal preferences and needs, it's likely to be unhelpful to listen to anyone who thinks its the best thing since sliced bread because all they do is use it for shared shopping lists. A google search got me a random collection of reviews and comments, which is (I think) a lot more than you're likely to get here. I don't use it, and although it seems pretty and (probably) harmless, I won't be trying it out anytime soon.
  20. Hmmn. A new note is in my default notebook which is effectively my inbox. So no great numbers there, and the note content is all blank until I start working on it. I'm still stuck with the earlier version, but if it doesn't change when I do get the update, I shall be badgering the Support team again!
  21. Hi. Try the latest update - installer here - http://evernote.com/download I'm not sure that you are "in" a folder (notebook) as yu work on a single note, but the name of the notebook containing that note is at the top left of the note itself.
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