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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. There are a ton of text expander apps - I use Phrase Express to generate my kind of dates - 20230828 - and there are even Chrome extensions so you can do that in a browser where necessary.
  2. Hi. I'm not sure that many users would bother to confirm something that didn't affect them directly, and it seems perfectly feasible for Evernote Support to collect stats on what sorts of issues are being reported so they can assign priorities and maybe make some design changes to reduce common mistakes. Anyway - that's the way we roll around here; any queries, raise 'em in the Forums for us other users to 'help' (for wildly varying values of the word...) or if something is genuinely not working for you, raise a ticket. https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new (for subscribers) https://twitter.com/evernotehelps (anyone) or for general comments mail feedback@evernote.com (but don't expect a response.) Your ticket and the status appear here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/
  3. The biggest thing in AI search seems to be the ability to ask questions in natural and general language - so forinstance "where did we go for a holiday last year?" Don't know if the new Evernote has changed its policy, but the old firm weren't in the habit of giving time-to-release estimates; too much can go wrong and delay things. There seems to be a lot going on though, so I'd suggest "later this year" is a good guess.
  4. Hmmn. Still on 10.53.1 here, and around 50 seconds for a new note. Desktops just got an upgrade (1 second for a new note there...) so hopefully things will get better soon...
  5. Funny - if you do an internet search the first thing that comes up is the Notejoy website plus 80,000+ reviews and comments...
  6. Still confused - the mobile client doesn't have a database a such. What version of Evernote do you have?
  7. Hi. Windows 8.1 is no longer supported by Microsoft. You need Windows 10/11 to run Evernote. The current version of Evernote is 10.61.3
  8. Best way to fix that is to report the issue to Support so they can investigate. However there's a new & improved version now available - 10.61.3 - at http://evernote.com/download - try that first.
  9. Hi. If that's an embedded JPG or PNG file, try downloading it to see what it contains. Also take a look in another client like via Evernote.com.
  10. Best option is probably pen (or pencil) and paper - then take a picture of the page. Otherwise see
  11. Nice. New notes on a new fast desktop appear in less than 2 seconds - vs- 7+ seconds on 10.60.4.
  12. Hi. No clue. I'm not sure when Skitch was last updated - do you have another way to take screenshots?
  13. Hi. I'm not even sure when Skitch was last updated. Do you have another way to take screenshots? Why is Skitch required?
  14. Clearly you are not. If you paid Apple, you get your money back from them. If you paid Evernote directly, you get your money back there. They are two separate companies and two separate accounting centres. This is a mainly user-supported forum and we have no interest or control over anything except needlessly abusive posts which can be deleted. If you have a coherent technical question we can try to help. Otherwise try https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?guest=true
  15. Evernote just shows a copy of the original event which is not editable. Change the original.
  16. Also on Windows 11 here - Shift+Win+S to clip an area / window / fullscreen - paste wherever.
  17. ...And why so nervous? https://evernote.com/blog/future-proofing-evernotes-foundations/
  18. As far as the 1st line team are concerned, the issue is 'closed' when it's passed off to a different team. It keeps their stats clear and helps prioritise open tickets, but I agree a 'pending' status would be better if they're waiting for external feedback from the 2nd string or from the user.
  19. Easy work around for the time being - as has been suggested before, include the parent tag and the child tag(s) in a tag name - as in: Parent1_Childtag1 / Parent1_Childtag2 / Parent1_Childtag3. (No help at all, I appreciate, if you already have a complete tag structure.)
  20. AFAIK so far, Calendar has only been able to show events from your Google Calendar. It hasn't (that I recall) ever been possible to set up an event there. Could you be confusing this with setting up Tasks or reminders? (Which can both have due dates...) I tend to create an event in Evernote and then add the note link to a Google entry so all my details are in Evernote, with just a title and link in Google. Other calendars are following but the timing is unknown.
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