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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. I have one laptop with Linux - mainly because it's too old and limited to run anything Windows related. Also felt I should get used to using the OS on general principles. Sad that a native Evernote app is on hold - a lot of Linux users are going to say "I told you so" - but I guess more features in the Web client will somewhat make up for it.. Hope we can revisit when everything else settles down!
  2. This web page is clearly also incorrect then... https://commission.europa.eu/law/law-topic/data-protection/international-dimension-data-protection/eu-us-data-transfers_en Evernote is a company that has been acquired by Bending Spoons. There is no requirement for an 'owning company' to decare itself independently on the web. If you disagree, please contact Evernote direct to get a personal response. This forum is mainly for and supported by other users.
  3. Again, a user that thinks finding and fixing a bug is 'easy' and should be done within days, not weeks. Please be patient - there's a lot to improve and only so many hours in the day to code and test...
  4. When I want to print something that looks "professional" I use a word processor or a page editing tool that has the features I need. Usually Word or LibreOffice these days - but as noted above I tend not to print things.
  5. Hmmn. Come to think of it, a daily search or a re-sort of the notes in updated date order would show you all notes changed today. If some of those notes weren't meant to be changed you might find them there...
  6. Here's a comment about search that I prepared earlier... There are many ways to find your information once you've stored it. Evernote will search Tags, Notebooks, Note Titles, Stacks and even the content of some attachments for your keywords. When searching for something specific you may find that there are some 'false positives' - incorrect search hits - for one reason or another. If it's practical to do so, you should consider maybe adding a tag, or common title keyword, or expanding (or saving) the search - to make finding the correct targets easier next time. To find the exact location of your search terms in a single note, use Ctrl(Cmd)+F to 'find' the keyword(s) in that note. If the note has attachments you may have to open an attachment in its own app window to search using its specific features. If you're not finding notes that you know exist, consider refreshing your database More on searching here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360040282613 https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313828 #ExpertTip - Try using symbols or emjoji to help find things quickly -🔹Bank Account or |Bank Account are valid search terms #ExpertTip - Wherever practical keep attachments in separate notes. If there are 10 attachments to one note, finding the keyword may require opening 9 of them first...
  7. Images are typically large files as compared to plain text - over a mobile link you'll see the text first. then pictures will 'fill in' as they download. You could try setting up such notes for offline access so that the whole note is stored locally...
  8. Hi. We're mostly users here, so your best bet for some technical answers would be to contact Support - though you'll have to get through some 1st line script kiddies first... I don't know how far along the road they'd be prepared to go to make changes which specifically cover an issue related to your process, but I do know they're dealing with some specific issues at present so any changes aren't likely to happen in the near future... AI natural language search is planned soon(ish) so maybe that would have an option to cover this situation.
  9. Hi. No. Have you tried to look at your note in another client? It may be that you need to clear a browser cache or something? More information please about exactly what you were doing here - was this a text note / were you editing a Word document / were you using the installed app or the web version? And, as always, what is your device / OS / Evernote version?
  10. If not, here are the instructions... Permanently close your Evernote account When you decide to permanently close your Evernote account, all of your data will be deleted from Evernote. This includes all notes, notebooks, tags, and other data associated with the account, such as your email address, password, and two-step verification phone number.
  11. Hi. I don't remember Evernote ever having a 'bookmarklet' - what do you remember it doing? And why do you imagine Clipper is 'privacy invading'? It's something that -at your specific request - will copy some details of a web page into your Evernote database. Evernote don't monitor page visits or sell your activity elsewhere...
  12. I forward things from Gmail but they are just 'blind' forwards - no changes to the email title, so they just go into my default notebook. I use Filterize to check incoming new notes for keywoards and move them to appropriate notebooks with any necessary tags.
  13. Hi. What type of file is your note? It does not seem to be PNG or JPG... Are you using Evernote version 10.53.2?
  14. Hi. This is a user forum, not Support. Please contact them on https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new
  15. And does the 'scale' option in the first drop-down have no effect? Printing at 100% usually filles the page for me, but maybe your printer needs a little more?
  16. Have you tried filtering for tags? You should get a subtags option there.
  17. Hi. When you use Evernote's print feature you should get options to change the scale and orientation and there's a 'more settings' option to change margins or use the system dialogue.
  18. You'll need to contact Support. https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new
  19. Hi. I deleted your other post on this subject - please don't post the same query twice. As to 'silence and neglect' a 4 day delay hardly seems like a deliberate policy to offend you. Please be patient for a little while longer - with hundreds of millions of customers around the world, support tends to be a little busy at times.
  20. Hi. No, they haven't. Are you on Windows version 10.61.5? If so please contact support (we're not them) for more help. https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new
  21. Hi. You already have a ticket number and contact with Support. Please reply to any support emails and explain that the instructions did not work - they will be able to help you. (We're mainly other users here, so can't help with account access.)
  22. Hi. If you had no answer from your enquiry, then you have not yet contacted support. You should receive an automatic ticket number for any report. There are some useful steps here that you can follow immediately - unauthorised access - with a link to Support at the bottom.
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