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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. Fix what? I understand that you're losing data, but is it your system, the sync process, network traffic, website delays or something else? And since we don't know what device / OS or Evernote version you have, it's a bit difficult for anyone to suggest fixes. Please report your situation to Support and help them fix things for you. These Forums are mainly user 2 user but subscribers can raise support queries here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new and all users here - https://twitter.com/evernotehelps - feedback options are available too feedback@evernote.com
  2. Had a sync issue for about 10 minutes, then it went away...
  3. Hi. "Unable" exactly how? Have you added a second account by clicking your picture?
  4. I just found my largest note - a 150MB user guide PDF. The whole thing loaded in under a second. Outstanding!
  5. Hi. I believe the Calendar feature will include other options like Outlook at some time, but as you will see from the latest Blog post there's lots of other work going on at the moment to get the basics right. https://evernote.com/blog/future-proofing-evernotes-foundations/
  6. Hi. Existing subscribers don't usually qualify for the discount, but (obvs) you should not have been charged twice. If you did not get a ticket number when you contacted Support, something went wrong - try https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new
  7. Hi. What version of Windows are you using and what exactly is the code? (Screenshots also help). Do you know what version of Evernote was installed when it did work?
  8. Hi. No, it's not - you just have a password problem. We're mainly other users here, so you really need to contact Support to resolve it. There's even a help page about this - I reset my password and don't see any notes in my account
  9. I'm older? Don't see the point in worrying over much about Chat if it's closing in a matter of weeks. Evernote has been working on backend issues of syncing and storage which may have affected it intermittently - if you're having trouble with stuff in Chat that you need to archive, please reach out to Support; otherwise - don't use chat!
  10. No. Anyone that doesn't have an Employee sticker under their picture is just a helpful, long-time, experienced user.
  11. I've been a user for 15 years, have 62,000 notes up to 100MB each and I've only ever used OCR on an image once that I can remember - and that was because I saw it in Google images and thought "cool!" so tried it out. Once. Ad if you're trying to make the argument that you didn't need AI Cleanup because it's already available from ChatGPT, doesn't exactly the same argument apply to image OCR which is available from Google? AFAIC I can file my images and search them for their text content if I need to. I don't need to extract that text for use elsewhere...
  12. I should have said 'alleged to be' or added some qualifier - this was something I read a few years ago when Evernote was at peak popularity. There was an article about the (then) plan to transfer everything from Evernote's own in-house server farm(s?) to Google - which I can't locate easily right now - but as part of the difficulty of the transfer it was stressed that with (allegedly) around 250 million users saving their personal and business data - even allowing for duplicated and unused accounts - they were dealing with a good chunk of Exabytes of data. Bearing in mind that (AFAIK) few people actively delete their accounts, and most seem to leave their content online and those active users like me get up to 30GB of storage after 15+ years... Evernote are unlikely to release enough information for anyone to work out accurate numbers, but it seems pretty clear they have a LOT of data in storage. The 'largest repository' comment (or something very similar) was in that article.
  13. I copy and paste between notes without issues, and from your comments so far It's not clear what caused your problem. As to free - this is a very low use / trial version that is not meant for the type of use it sounds like you're giving it. If you want access to the history feature, you need a subscription.
  14. Hi. If you and your team are all using Evernote for business purposes, it would seem prudent for at least one person to have access to email support and note history. There are many ways for content to disappear when cutting and pasting, but 'undo' should be your first thought if there's any issue. The fact that Evernote keeps a constant history of synced notes would seem to be a useful safeguard to have - if you're not willing to pay, even for a months' upgrade, to get access to it, that's not something I can help with.
  15. Filterize is maintaining ToC notes for me - that's searching (I guess) for notes matching a test, then replacing the existing ToC content with links to the qualifying notes. So I think that qualifies as either creating a new note with content, or editing an existing note content. (I'm not sure how the mechanics are dealt with). Postach.io somehow takes a copy of a note and converts it to an HTML-intensive web format so what's involved there I have no clue. I did check with Filterize when the number of actions they report to me dropped sharply with the introduction of RTE, but I was assured that while they initially had a problem with slower response times, that issue had been resolved...
  16. Hi. Work chat is being retired in October but it should still work - ironically I got an email today that I had a work chat and couldn't work out who it was from. The chat screen was empty when Evernote started. Turns out it was from Evernote telling me that Work Chat was being retired... The actual chat turned up on my 'phone, but not on the web or installed Windows desktop versions. I'd suggest checking your mobile in case you have the same experience. If the chat is not there, contact support! Use Work Chat to send messages
  17. Hi. In 15 years or so I haven't ever wanted to do it at all. Can you explain the need a little more fully? Why would Evernote need to incur the possibly considerable cost of revising their (I assume) highly complex editor / OCR process if a free alternative already exists?
  18. Hmmn. Two posts on the same issue... slightly against Forum rules...
  19. There's a new blog entry which may give you some reassurance - https://evernote.com/blog/future-proofing-evernotes-foundations/ - but there is always one sure-fire method to avoid content loss: make your notes in word, or some other approved word processor, and attach the DOCX file or equivalent to your note. Since edits are being completed before being saved, there should be no chance that any content will be lost along the way. Even with your existing notes, Evernote should have a snapshot of the content each time the note is changed - Note History should allow you to step back if content has been lost. If the notes themselves have been lost, Support is your best bet. This help page has some suggestions too... What to do if content is missing from a note
  20. Brilliant! Thank you for the background. More like this when you can, and more often please; it's vastly reassuring to know that there's a lot of focussed activity aimed at precisely the issues that annoy more advanced users - speed, accuracy and glitches. I'd be very happy if you could manage a monthly bulletin, even if it is very light on detail. As you get into innovation, please don't forget the hundreds of user requests for additional features - but please measure all of them against a need to keep the apps relatively simple and easy to use - and still quick and accurate!
  21. Hi. I don't see why you're having issues contacting support now that you did not before - it's still the same addresses...these Forums are mainly user 2 user but subscribers can raise support queries here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new and all users here - https://twitter.com/evernotehelps - feedback options are available too via feedback@evernote.com
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