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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. My point was that (IMHO) in the last few months we've had more new features and service improvements than the previous few years. And if you actually start using the new app you'll be fully up to speed with its capabilities when Legacy finally closes down forever. As it is, you'll have all the joys of learning new processes thrust upon you at some future time...
  2. It may be more relevant to remember that the new owners are (apparently) very successful software developers but only took over development a few months ago...
  3. Thanks (probably) to Evernote's red flag on all Legacy accounts, we seem to have an influx of new visitors to the Forums, so I thought a brief (ish) comment on how things work around here would be helpful. We're not Evernote - mostly other, more experienced users here. We can tell you what works, and what doesn't; offer work-arounds and how-to's and general sympathy. But none of this is our fault, so please don't yell at us specifically. Give us some facts - if you want help we need to know what device / OS and Evernote version you have, and exactly what you're trying to do. "Why doesn't sync work?" is not enough. There are different forums too, so pick one that applies to you. Search before posting - please check whether we already answered your query before adding another. Use honey, not vinegar - being other users, we're a lot more motivated to be helpful if posts are polite and ask for help, rather than someone crashing in with "this *** app is unusable!" It also saves some embarrassment (yours) if we then point out that feature you're ranting about actually exists if you look for it, or there's an easy work-around. Don't post personal stuff - like email addresses. You'll make unwanted friends - it's a public forum. Some useful resources: Is Evernote down? - http://status.evernote.com/ Support - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new Help - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us Feedback - feedback@evernote.com (you won't -usually- get any reply from here)
  4. Double-clicking a note name will open it in a separate window so you can also see the main app and its list of notes.
  5. Hi. Have you tried installing the latest version from Evernote.com? We're now at 10.62.5...
  6. While I understand that v10 is 'different', it is what it is. It will also be the only choice in an indeterminate number of months. You could certainly feed your feelings back to Evernote via the app (we're mainly other users here) but I wouldn't expect things to change in the short term - they're mainly focussed on making things quicker and more reliable at present. Meantime the military (I believe) have a phrase - "embrace the suck"; welcome to v10.
  7. Hi. The 'could not be rendered' image is 5MB which is a lot to download over a mobile network. Are your issues solely with such large files? Try reducing the size / DPI of the image (in an external editor) to see if that improves the situation...
  8. Legacy will stop working at some stage - better to get a jump on the change rather than be forced to use an unfamiliar app to see your own notes...
  9. There was a warning in April, and you would have been sent an individual notice that your subscription was going up. I'm staying, because Evernote is worth it to me. If that's not you, then there are -apparently- lots of other similar apps around...
  10. It generally does not. Are you a subscriber? What devices / OS's / Evernote versions do you use; and under exactly what circumstances did this data apparently disappear?
  11. You posted this days ago here - Did you follow the advice? Do you have a ticket number from Support?
  12. ...and with Evernote Legacy sporting a brand new red 'outdated software' warning message, now might be the time to start using v10 full-time. If you only start the app occasionally it probably has a lot of admin work to catch up on, hence the extra load.
  13. Hi . You appear to have been running a 10-year-old version of Evernote, which is why it won't sync any more. If you have been synced up to date, theh it might be easier to sign in to your account via Evernote.com in your browser of choice, which will give you access to all your synced notes. If they are up to date it will be easier to download a current version - or as close as you can get with your MacOS version - and allow the app to recreate your account.
  14. Hi. Non subscribers can use Evernote on two devices only. Swops are allowed for replacements, but only two per month. Access to the web counts as one device and is necessary for admin and swops, so realstically you have a choice of web access on a laptop, plus the app tablet or phone. Tracking the number of connected devices is not an exact science - check here for your own situation https://www.evernote.com/Devices.action. Devices can also be checked via the account tab on a mobile device. Choose Devices to see a list of currently authorised devices. Select those to disconnect from here For these purposes it doesn't matter if you 'know' that you're only connecting through 2 devices. What matters is: does Evernote know that? If you're locked out of your account for exceeding a device limit, the choices are limited to: waiting it out until the end of the current month or paying for access (even if only for one month).
  15. 'They' are using third party software for the forum. Did you miss the memo about "Note Taking"? Actually, it was users who backed Evernote into this position. There were many demands that Evernote look the same on all platforms and devices. Android, Apple, Windows and MacOS all use their own proprietary fonts, and cannot show fonts created on other platforms. So Evernote had to create its own font that looks the same everywhere. Which is why the new options are not fancy: they're just intended to work. The old Evernote is clearly going to be unavailable at some stage in the next few months. Better to get a jump on the change-over rather than be forced to use an completely unfamiliar package to see your notes.
  16. What process do you use that requires multiple tags to be sorted? There must surely be a search-based option? It's out of date, unsupported, a security risk and it's preventing Evernote from developing their new product correctly. And their choice whether they continue to provide the service.
  17. I appreciate you're worried about the different behaviours of v10 - I held off downoading the new version for something like a full year when it was first launched, and I still have the Legacy app working on a 6 year-old laptop as a 'backup'; but I genuinely hadn't used that version for ages until yesterday - when I found the big red warning. My day-to-day resource is v10.62.3 It is a bit of a culture shock to change initially, but with that new warning it is clear that Evernote is going to take some action in the next few months that will seriously impact Legacy users. They already have to take some fairly extreme measures to keep the app available - v10 uses a different note structure forinstance - and I guess they're getting frustrated at the cost or the time involved in -effectively- coding changes twice - once for v10 and again for compatibility. Installing v10 should be fairly easy, but may temporarily affect your existing installation, so the safest process would be to find your current Databases folder (Tools > Options > General) and copy that to your desktop. Search your system for your installation files too - 6.25.1.exe maybe saved somewhere. If it is not, then a new copy can be found on the internet. Then just download and install v10. It will take a while to install itself in a new location so give it some time to itself. Try to use that version for your day-to-day operations. When you find something that doesn't work, please post your query here. We can either point you to the new location of some features or suggest work-arounds for anything that is still missing. (Import Folders do still exist - now its under Tools > Settings) There's no side-by-side comparison of features because the details keep changing - we've had three updates in the last month forinstance. But any comparison would be pointless anyway - Legacy is going away completely at some point 'soon' - how many months it has left, we simply don't know. You won't lose any notes whatever happens - your database is saved on the server; but your only access would then be through v10.
  18. ...And just for the record, my venerable Android 'phone that can't get updated past Evernote 8.13 is also wearing that big red 'Update Me' sticker. I think the Forums might get a little busier in the next few days...
  19. Good luck with that... I do have a little evidence from my own Legacy account which may support your theories - this was my screen a few hours ago: Looks like the 'encouragement' to update got a bit more intense - which actually I have no problems with: Supporting Legacy accounts seems now to be holding v10 users back. Evernote could do much more if they had total freedom to innovate. I know this means folks with old operating systems may drop out because they can't update, and others are still complaining about speed or some other aspect of v10. But the world is moving along, and everyone has to move along with it or get left behind. I don't think any of that means the free accounts with free storage will be next. (I have however, been known to be very very wrong). Nobody knows what proportion of free accounts there are, but I'm betting it's millions. If Evernote decided to give less than a year's notice that the non-paying accounts were being wound up and the storage closed, there would be complaints for years from anyone who missed the original memo and lost their precious data. Unless and until the company is the acknowledged Gold Standard of note taking again, and conducts an extensive year-long campaign warning that thigs are about to change, I really don't think they'd survive the backlash. The one anathema to anyone in the IT business is a company responsible for major loss of data. Plus - I'm still that 'cross bridges when you have to' guy. I literally just found out that Nimbus Screenshot have accounts that look amazingly like v10, and offer imports from a number of note-taking apps including the big 'E' which encourages me to believe that there are new players entering the market every day. If folks can't - or don't want to - use Evernote for their storage and note-taking, there are always going to be alternatives out there...
  20. As with many of the threads dealing with price increases, this one got to the insults phase pretty quickly. Difficult to understand how one group who don't see the value of something are massively offended by the mere existence of those that do. Regardless; we do have (some) standards around here, so please keep the discussion polite and based on real facts. If you're leaving - G'bye; no need to announce your departure. If you'd like to stay - try your luck with Support; they may have some sympathy with those who face a massive increase. If you want to complain please do it to support - we don't care: we're mostly other users who have accepted, or are already paying the new higher rate. Our lack of sympathy is what you'd expect. If you want to get abusive - please don't. Posts outside the Forum Code have been known to disappear suddenly. Have a nice day.
  21. Hi again; and again, the Support team might be able to help. There's something in settings about how a new paste should appear - as an name or a window - maybe that got changed somehow; or its a web traffic issue since the image has to go to the server first (I think) and then sync to you... or maybe you just need to trust that the image will show up once dropped in place. You could use a local WP (I use Typora) to assemble the full note, then copy and paste the whole thing into the note plus attaching the file as a backup - but you double the size of the note which may not be good for your local storage...
  22. Hi. I think the red banner is a warning that unless you update soon, the date format may be the least of your worries. On that issue - have you had any contact with Support on it recently? You'll remember that we're now dealing with new people, and a new organisation in a new office. 3-year old tickets may not be a priority unless you made it one. - What exactly is wrong with the dates anyway? Date formats are supposed to follow your system settings. If you want something else, try a text-expander. I need yyymmdd dates plus occasionally hh:mm times. A keypress does either of those for me...
  23. Hi. Inform Support I guess - are you using the three dots menu or the delete key?
  24. Standard mantra - this isn't expected behaviour, so everyone who can - please contact Support with full details and let's help them get to the bottom of this. Workarounds may be (in no particular order): Rename the attachment with a correct extension, which will allow you to open it and check the content to apply a full rename. Add the rename to the note as text. Add file names when you attach them wherever possible Extract and rename files, then save to a cloud drive and attach the link Save files to cloud drives and attach links until this gets sorted... Disclaimer: none of this is a defence or an excuse. It is an acceptance of the fact that if something don't work, it will take time to fix; in the meantime you need a way to keep working... EDIT: Thinking about the issue, if the web version (which is the server) is showing the correct name when the installed app is not, maybe a data rebuild might might put the name back - sign out / remove data / sign back in...
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