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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. We're mainly other users in the forums, and you've provided no detail as to what has happened with your account, but it sounds like you've been using the free app and have exceeded the device limit. This help page may be useful - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/218558068
  2. The internet says the current rate of inflation in Australia is over 7% and there have been no Evernote price increases for several years. The new level is a big jump, but necessary to maintain the company.
  3. Hi. There have been intermittent reports here of something similar. The file name seems to restore itself, but you could try renaming the file to give it a PDF extension so that it will be editable again...
  4. Hi. You should probably remove your email address from this public forum to avoid further security issues. (See the three dots menu at top right to edit the post.) If you require a conversation with Evernote, that would start by you contacting Support - this is a mainly user-supported forum, and Evernote may not see this post for weeks. While Evernote is -AFAIK- completely secure, they do have some online information which might help - What to do if you suspect unauthorized access to your Evernote account
  5. Hi. Have you tried creating a task on another device? What's your current Evernote version?
  6. Hi. How did you query this? Do you have a support ticket number?
  7. Hi. Device? Evernote version? Have you tried signing in via Evernote.com and using the web client?
  8. Hi. You can see the current status of your tickets and add additional comments or reminders if necessary here > https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/. You may have been unlucky - Evernote have been especially busy over the past few months, though I have had a couple of tickets resolved in the same period.
  9. Hi. Have you restarted your computer lately? If that doesn't help (and provided you don't have any offline notebooks) you could sign out of Evernote, find and rename your EXB file to EXB.OLD, and allow Evernote to rebuild it from the server. -That takes a little time depending on the size of your account and speed of your connection,
  10. Hi. I have Win 11 with the same Evernote version, and any deletions I make tend to be pretty quick, though not instantaneous. I use the delete key as well as the drop down - which is not advertised as an option, but seems to work. Not sure what to suggest here - I'd imagine you will have closed the system down or taken some other actions by now. You may find that powering your system off and back on again will speed things up next time. You could also try the delete key. If the situation continues you may need to try a reinstall and/ or contact Support for a more in depth consultation.
  11. Hi. The Forums here are mainly user-supported. The Evernote team still take questions about issues like this, but if you are currently a Basic member and in view of the question, I assume you exceeded the number of allowed devices connected to your account, and probably the number of device revocations. In both cases the maximum is two. It is a free service, after all. If you have gone over the limit you either have a month wait until your access resets, or you will need to subscribe - if only for a month (if that's possible for you) - to lose the restriction. If you want to comment to Evernote about the reasonableness -or otherwise- of all this, you can mail Evernote at feedback@evernote.com
  12. Hmmn. Just tried selecting my tags from the left panel, but out of several tries, whatever number was in brackets by the tag name was how many notes I got. No discrepancies. The fix may be a clean reinstall - Go to sign out and tick "remove my data" Use Revo Uninstaller Free to remove Evernote and any related system files Power your device off and on again to clear any temporary caches Re-download and reinstall the latest Evernote app Depending on the size of your account and your connection speed, this can take a little time - allow an hour or so for everything to catch up.
  13. 10.62.2-win-ddl-public (20230919180646) | Editor: v176.13.0 | Service: v1.74.4 / Win 11 OK - no clue if this is 10.62 related - I'd suspect not; but for want of somewhere better to report it - I randomly found a new cache of files on my hard drive in C:\Users\<user>\Documents\Evernote\120918\external-edits As the name suggests, they seem to be the temporary files created when another app is involved with a note edit. Typical fiename is: 82de2541-696d-4b2d-adf2-30c34b6f93ed Just answered my own question about whether it is version related in that my folder entries go back a full year, but still that's 250MB of random space tied up - presumably regardless of whether I keep my database files locally or not. Obviously the space involved reflects how much editing you do, and the size of files being edited; but even so it would be nice to delete it if that's allowed, or maybe have an optional clean-up period - all working files deleted after a week / month / year / never? I'll raise a ticket anyways. EDIT: Ticket #3755505 raised...
  14. ...What they said... plus - when you updated your account, what happened with the database? Was it still in place when you updated the app to 6.0, then 6.25? As the others mentioned, the parent database lives on the server and -with the 'old' versions- you get a copy on any desktop device where the app is installed. If you want to move your account to a new device you just install the app, and the database is then downloaded as new from the server. Hoever your old database may now not be in the 'right' format to sync with the server. You say it was syncing up to a few days ago, so - apart from any notes you may have added since then- the server copy should be up to date. It would be a useful test to sign out of Evernote, copy your databases folder (you get the location from a general search for *.EXB files)* to a 'safe' location like your desktop, and then rename the original .EXB file to .EXB.OLD. Sign back into your account, and the server should rebuild your database in a format. (If it doesn't work you still have your copy of the original database on your desktop - just sign out of Evernote and replace the newly-downloaded files with the originals - ie just copy the old folder over the more recent one.) When you get to a position where you download and install v10, it will set up its own database in a completely different format - again (presumably) accurate up to your last sync. Support can't help with 'legacy' issues, but they can (or should) assist if you're having trouble connecting to your old database from a new install of v10. If you find you're missing any notes after the last sync, hang on to your old files - you can find and export recently created/ updated files to ENEX format and then import them into the v10 database. I do strongly recommend that you sort this out as soon as possible - it's only going to get more difficult to convert your very old data into something more up to date, and without that conversion I'd doubt you have much chance of a trouble-free migration to another provider if you choose to go that route. *If you don't find a <your account>.exb file in a search Evernote 5 clearly kept its files in an older format!
  15. If you're determined that no other work around will do, and you must have manually sortable notes, I wish you luck with your wait for satisfaction. It may be a long one...
  16. So a Teams user? That would have been useful to know up front. You are aware that there atre TWO accounts with teams? You (and your two seats) have personal accounts plus 'the business' has its own account. Are you sure you're looking at the right account to see your notes?
  17. -Just checked out Evernote Web on my 'backup' laptop that runs Evernote Legacy - the web version has everything up to and including AI search (which may still be on rollout, so YMMV) so I think I'll be deleting the Legacy version here to save some disk space and relying on the web for access anyway...
  18. - He effectively seems to be the CEO - he's "Head of Product". ...and set up years before Bending Spoons became involved. They've taken the decision that while they're developing the 'core' features of Evernote, it's not cost effective to try to mirror the same work on a different platform. When they're done getting the app sorted out, they can look at adding more operating systems. That seems to be a sensible business decision, especially since Linux users will still be able to use the existing app for a period (while missing out on some of the new features) or go over to the browser version which is much more up to date.
  19. Hi. Are you a subscriber? If not, chances are you have exceeded the limit for devices registered to your account which were (presumably) your old tablet and the desktop. If you can sign into Evernote.com via a browser, I'd recommend that you check your devices here https://www.evernote.com/Devices.action and revoke access to everything except the web. You'll be able to add your new tablet when you next log into it - but on the free version your desktop browser access and the tablet will be the only devices allowed.. If you're not allowed to revoke devices, your options are to wait out a month's suspension or to subscribe to get unlimited devices (and access to Support who are not us). If that doesn't help, then please confirm the OS and Evernote version of both devices. If you are a subscriber you can contact Support here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new
  20. If you can log in, you should see your ticket details here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/ - and be able to ask for an update. Alternatively you can remind CS from the last email - but 4 days is not an excessive delay for a big-company support team!
  21. If you're a subscriber you can raise a ticket, but chances are the IP address is just your own, mis-identified as coming from elsewhere. Try going to https://whatismyipaddress.com for a quick check. I think Evernote are just being super-cautious. If you have 2FA and a unique password, your account is safe.
  22. It's not usually - you seem to have found an edge case!
  23. Appcleaner is the suggested Mac equivalent, though I believe there are others...
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